The last game you completed, and rating.

Batman Arkham Origins - Honestly was not as bad as I was expecting reading all the negative comments. Definitely the weakest of the series that I have played. Not done 100% but made it through the story to completion and that will do as I have a disgusting back log of games :D 5/10
Beyond Good & Evil - free from Uplay and released around 2003 - 2005. Awesome little game. Obviously the graphics are very outdated and a little cartoony but I enjoyed every minute of it. Some of the chases on foot and in the hovercraft/space ship were really good fun 8/10 for present day - would have been a 9 or 10 in it's day.
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood.

8/10 (once the
appear anyway!

I don't think I've ever played a better single player fps than this and The New Order, they're like watching a film.

Infact, can anyone recommend a good FPS to go after this?
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood.

8/10 (once the
appear anyway!

I don't think I've ever played a better single player fps than this and The New Order, they're like watching a film.

Infact, can anyone recommend a good FPS to go after this?

The new Wolfenstein games are hard to top. Check out Spec Ops: The Line which has a really cool story. RAGE is also worth checking out - I really enjoyed it - not as cinematic as Wolfenstein and it does end a bit suddenly but I was gutted when it was over which is always a sign of good game for me.
Deus Ex : Mankind Divided

Graphics: I didnt hate the Gold Filter from Deus ex:Human Revolution but it is thankfully gone now, it wouldnt have worked for this game. It's quite pretty, decently populated environments with a good ammount of assets there just to flesh the world out.

Interface: The UI is nicely improved over DX:HR though classic inventory Tetris is still present.

Gameplay: Lots of different ways to approach each challenge, and i dont just mean that you can talk/stealth or shoot (though both do work) i mean there are completely different routes through the levels. i.e you can lie to that guard on the elevator, steal a pass card, rob a cop, bribe a drug dealer, sneak through a police station or just climb up some modern art to get to the next stage of the level.

Sound: Music is in no way as notable as DX:HR rest of the sound design was fine

Narrative: The game has a reasonably compelling story but i have to say it's weaker than DX:HR with motivation being a big issue, one of the major characters just didn't feel properly introduced or explained, meaning i could never really understand why we would be working with them. This being said some of the side quests are brilliant with my favourite being when you get to go full Collumbo.

Breach Mode: I didn't ask for this.

Conclusion: It's a solid game though nothing revolutionary, if you fancy a deus ex fix then go for it but be warned that it felt like the last 1/5 of the game was lopped off. I wouldnt be too supprised to see some story DLC in the near future and then a goty/directors cut later down the road.
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Thanks for the ideas guys. :)

Bought Call of Juarez Gunslinger before checking back here but those games are now in my wishlist and will be played as I go along.

Enjoying Gunslinger, just a bit different to Wolfenstein!
Dying Light - 9/10

The story was a little boring and predictable, but the gameplay more than made up for it. I'd say the Following DLC is even better than the main game with the introduction of a vehicle. So much fun driving through fields mowing zombies down.
Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes

I would have been seething if I'd paid any more than the fiver I got this for. Ridiculously short. The gameplay also seemed a bit clunky and awkward if using mouse/keyboard.
Ryse: Son of Rome - Cool wee game, only wish it was a bit longer. Really enjoyed the story. I've been really interested in the Romans after watching the Spartacus TV series, are there any other games with a good gritty Roman era storyline I could try? 8/10

Alien Isolation - Wow what a game! A truly terrifying experience and I've never felt so proud of myself for completing a game. A masterpiece - 10/10.
Legend of Grimrock 2 9/10.

+ much greater variety of places to explore than in the first game
+ very nice visuals all round, though I was especially impressed with the water & skyboxes
+ amazing value for money; my playthrough took me around 80 hours, though I am one for exploring & taking my time, so YMMV
+ pretty good variety of loot to be found, though most will always want more, myself included
+ very good ambient music
+ excellent performance, though I guess unsurprisingly given the 'weight' of the game
+ additional background information well presented

- a fair number of the puzzles were very hard, and in some cases I don't see how you would solve them without randomly hitting upon the solution,.....but it could well be me...
- if I'm being really picky, then I think they could have injected a wee bit more creativity with regard to the variety of monsters / a little too often where the odd instance of reused designs from the first game let it down a touch

I very much enjoyed the first game but this was even better! It's not that often people tend to say that about the follow up.

I really hope they make a third.
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Went back and replayed Half Life 2..

12 years on... its still as engrossing as ever and I was surprised at how much I got into it.

Not quite as special as the first time I played it on an Athlon 64 3200+ and Radeon 9800 Pro 128Mb on a 1280 x 1024 CRT hovering around a majestic figure of 50 or so fps - but still so enjoyable.
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