The last game you completed, and rating.

Far Cry 4 - 8/10.

I hope 5 is just more of the same. Great looking, good patter and certainly value for money as even though I've completed it after endless hours, there's still plenty left to do. One of those games that will continue to have an allocation of precious SSD space.

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - 8 /10

This is a surprisingly good game from 2010 or so. It is full of colour (being released when brown and grey was still the go to colour palette for AAA games) with greens, blues and oranges everywhere in its depiction of post-apocalyptic USA. The character development and story kept me hooked, and the gameplay was good enough to not get in the way. Great characters and story! Screenshots here.
Half-Life 2 - 7/10

I thought I would finally get stuck into this after trying to complete it for a number of years (I've spent about 50 hours on it but most of the time get bored by the airboat section, or perhaps the coastal road car section). Considering that many people consider this to be the "best gam evarr" I personally am not sure what the fuss is all about (even when taking into account the game is 13 years old!). The gameplay / gunplay is great fun, particularly the fast movement speed and lack of auto-cover mechanic which makes for a nice change, although I would have thought it wouldn't have been as refreshing at the time. The animations, graphics, sound must have been mindblowing at the time and are still good today.

However, I did not connect with any of the characters because of how little screen time and dialogue they have. Near the end Alyx says "thanks for saving me" in a typical gaming romance way, and I was thinking "I didn't know you were even here! In fact I don't even know why I am here at all!" as I spent so little time with her, and any time I did spend with her was shooting dudes without dialogue.

I didn't really notice the story, the ending is very inconsequential. The uprising just sort of happens, we go to the big bad tower because that is what you do, we kill the evil villain because that is what you do. What changes? What are the consequences of our actions? I feel like after I played Assassins Creed 1 - we're aware something bigger is going on but don't really understand it. At least it was a bit explained by the end of AC2, but HL2 didn't bother!

Having said all that I am still going to play through the episodes (and the Lost Coast) to see if I can find out more about these questions.
Sleeping Dogs 7/10

Can't believe I hadn't got to it sooner as it was awesome. Not too long and drawn out either as open world games can be. I managed to complete the game and do all the races, favours etc in around 30 hours of play time.

Have no idea what I'm going to play next. Hopefully I have another hidden gem hiding in my ever increasing library.
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - 8 /10

This is a surprisingly good game from 2010 or so. It is full of colour (being released when brown and grey was still the go to colour palette for AAA games) with greens, blues and oranges everywhere in its depiction of post-apocalyptic USA. The character development and story kept me hooked, and the gameplay was good enough to not get in the way. Great characters and story! Screenshots here.
Yeah I though it was a great game too. Loved the story and how hot was Chip!? My favourite female character in a game ever!
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - 8 /10

This is a surprisingly good game from 2010 or so. It is full of colour (being released when brown and grey was still the go to colour palette for AAA games) with greens, blues and oranges everywhere in its depiction of post-apocalyptic USA. The character development and story kept me hooked, and the gameplay was good enough to not get in the way. Great characters and story! Screenshots here.

Yeah, this is a good game. One of the few I've bothered replaying on the PC after completing years back on the Xbox 360.
Most recent game for me is Dying Light:

I really liked the idea of this game, parkour, zombies, chopping heads off - all in all I ejoyed the hell out of it, I did end up finding myself just running from each objective and slashing aimlessly, only to rinse and repeat at one point, however after a few weeks off I got back into it again.

The final build up to the boss fight is awesome, the sheer number of z's at one point was hilarious I only wish there was more of that.

The actual Boss fight though, seriously, wtf was that?

8/10 for me.

The Evil Within, picked it up on the cheap with all the DLC and have to say it was very good.


Strange, I liked the game, however....Most moments are covered in the damn trailer which annoyed me, I found the story got a bit boring towards the end also. Still, worth a punt on the cheap.
Sleeping Dogs 7/10

Can't believe I hadn't got to it sooner as it was awesome. Not too long and drawn out either as open world games can be. I managed to complete the game and do all the races, favours etc in around 30 hours of play time.

Have no idea what I'm going to play next. Hopefully I have another hidden gem hiding in my ever increasing library.

Finished it yesterday (main story at least,25 hours), brilliant game and the fighting is ace. 7/10 from me also, 10/10 based on the fact it only cost me 2.99!
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood.

+ solid combat as before in the previous game
+ some instances where the visuals look pretty good
+ for a boss fight, I thought it wasn't bad; it certainly wasn't as predictable as most end sequences
+ as the game progressed, the more I began to enjoy it (I thought the second half was about where it picked up)
+ background information that could be found was quite interesting and extensive, especially the audio recordings

- some instances where the visuals look quite different from 'pretty good'
- not sure if the problem was my side but during cut-scenes, there was quite a lot of tearing (& judder going from 60fps to 30fps)
- I don't recall noticing it anywhere near as much with RAGE or The New Order, but the texture pop-in was extremely evident in this

Overall, as before with 'The New Order', I found this to be a good game but not a great one (7/10). Well worth it for £4, though. :)
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Half-Life 2 - 7/10

I played through this recently for the first time too (the tail end of last year) and felt relatively unimpressed given all the hype. I know the story is told indirectly but essentially it's just a big journey from point A to point B with very little "event" happening on the way. It was addressed a little better in the episodes which I enjoyed a lot more but unlike you I felt the gunplay was quite basic (and I very rarely play FPS' so I'm far from critical). I'm glad I played it (even 100%'d the achievements!!!) but It's not something I see myself ever going back to or having very positive memories of (I'd even rather replay Dead Space 3). 6/10 would where I'd place it but in real 6/10 scoring rather than today's anything below 8 is rubbish.
I loved hl1. I played hl2 when it was first released and then I felt it was a massive disappointment and to this day its referred to as one of all time best games and I don't get why, hl1 expansions were a more enjoyable experience for me. I had lot of fun from blue shift
Dishonoured 2. Really, really good game with the strongest part from me being the exploration and looting. On a par with Prey for exploration too for which was also developed by the same studio - Arkane. I didn't have the patience to play stealthy very much but really enjoyed slaughtering all the bad guys. Ending was a bit underwhelming but takes nothing away from the game overall. 9/10
Half-Life 2: Episode 1 - 7/10

This expansion, or whatever it is, is a nice addition to the game and I liked the "creepy" element they added to it with the very dark underground car parks. The character development still falls a bit flat, with Alyx trying to flirt and joke around with a mute character not really working out for me. The core gameplay and scripting is generally fun as before, and I am quite glad it is short as I was beginning to tire of the same old formula. Ah well, Episode 2 next!
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - 8.5/10

Gets a bit of (justified) stick for not being Borderlands 2 but playing through it again with the community patch was a lot of fun. Some things could still be improved but I still had a lot of fun playing through.
Prey. 9/10

Loved it from start to finish, just had some minor glitches hence a 9. The largest one was I didn't get a marker for that Lockwood guy, even if I had him checked through a security terminal. It was pointing towards the airlock, but once I got out the marker vanished. Had to use a YouTube video to locate him that way. :( And the ending sort of hinting on the possibilities of a second one maybe ? :p
Minerva's Den (Bioshock 2 DLC). And so, with great sadness, I have now completed the last Bioshock material I had yet to experience. Classic Bioshock gameplay with some cool extra weapons and plasmid powers. Interesting story with the classic Bioshock twist at the end. Great stuff. 9/10
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