The last game you completed, and rating.

Thanks for the heads-up on this one. I have played Cat Lady and enjoyed the dark tone of it, I didn't know that they had made another game similarly dark.

Currently £9.99 so on the wishlist rather than purchased.

You really tear through a game or two don't you? :)
My pleasure. They made Downfall before The Cat Lady although the events in The Cat Lady are set before Downfall, if that make sense!

Regarding my game completion rate. I'm fortunate to have an understanding Mrs and a job where I work from home a lot so I manage about 5 hours gaming each day. That said I usually take longer than the average joe to complete a game so I'm no speed runner, it's just that I play 4-5 game simultaneously so there usually aren't too many large gaps between finishing games. I also find that by only playing each game for about an hour each night it keeps me interested and helps me ensure I actually stick with them and get them completed. I need something to help me get through them as I developed a terrible addiction to buying games this year - I started the year 90 something games in my Steam library, now I've got 414 and that's not including GOG, Origin and Uplay... help!
Transformers Fall of Cybertron. Picked this up in a sale a while back more out of curiosity than anything else. I of course was a fan as a kid but haven't even seen all the new movies. Still it was a really fun game to play through with some pretty cool cinematics. Surprisingly difficult in places on normal difficulty too, I died quite a lot. 7/10
Fahrenheit - Indigo Prophecy. Got into it quite late but one of the best games I have ever played, it was truly a memorable experience. Would rate it 10/10.
Samorost 2. 8/10.
Would've been 7/10 as one part is really fiddly to get past, but it's also much longer than Samrost, so it gained a point for that.
Still as good gfx/audio, although it's tiny on screen with no proper way to make it full screen.
Fahrenheit - Indigo Prophecy. Got into it quite late but one of the best games I have ever played, it was truly a memorable experience. Would rate it 10/10.
Never heard of this before but it looks like my kind of thing. Wishlisted for now, thanks for posting and bringing to my attention. When was the original game released?
Never heard of this before but it looks like my kind of thing. Wishlisted for now, thanks for posting and bringing to my attention. When was the original game released?
2005, I remember seeing a trailer for the game when I was 11 and stumbled upon it. Really is such a great game, it just feels really immersive, you really feel like you understand the main character, and the atmosphere in the game is really amazing.
Sleeping Dogs - 8/10

Very solid game. A little slow for the first few hours but it makes sense why it's slow and goes with the story. Once it got going I had a blast. Voice acting was some of the best I've heard outside of a Rockstar/NaughtyDog game. Story went the way I thought but for £2.99 this was a great purchase.
Samorost 3.

?/10, because apparently there's no ending to the game? :confused:

Killed the three headed dragon boss thing with Bender the robot, returned the hot coal thing to the dude that sits on metal thing & returned to pet the mutt.
It looks like there's actually no ending to the game from what I've seen on steam forums, unless you're supposed to get all achievements, but screw that lol!

Aside from that, gfx are extremely well made. The level of detail is insane! Audio is good. Length of the game is massive (4-6 hours) compared to the previous two.

A definite 9/10 I think. Would've perhaps been 10/10 but some of the puzzles were pure guess work & lots of banging the head against table trying to figure them out.
May run through this again some time soon(ish), now that I know wth I'm meant to do ;)

Think I'm done with point & click for a while, although that Rabbit game is calling out to me...
The Invisible Hours.
Just tied up the final chapter, and felt extremely satisfied with everything id gone through. Everything to see through the chapters relates to the payoffs, the main plot and the way it twists come the finale.

Despite the price, the whole production is extremely high bar, you get that through watching the credits movie in the theatres auditorium. There's a full cast, and theatrical production crew, as well as the design and programmers. It must have cost an absolute fortune to produce, and in a market where the returns are limited, I think anyone walking away from the game feeling satisfied, should be singing praises in the hope that they recoup more.

The UI and movement mechanics work extremely well, only technical limitations of the engine they used let it down a little. Even so it's a 9/10 score for the whole package as described above.
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Just finished Titanfall 2 campaign. Pretty good fun, maybe a little short, but not terrible. Over all I'd say its about an 8 out of 10, but with a 10/10 level in the middle. Worth a go if you want a fun FPS with some different level design.
Life is Strange. Felt it had abit of an agenda to push at times which annoyed me but overall an absolutely stunning immersive game, great music and wow what an ending!

The evil within 6/10 annoying bosses and dull ass main villian and how it ends basically its just a dream.

However the game play it self was fun and had some decent ideas in there. I'll get 2 when it becomes under 10 quid
The evil within 6/10 annoying bosses and dull ass main villian and how it ends basically its just a dream.

However the game play it self was fun and had some decent ideas in there. I'll get 2 when it becomes under 10 quid

cheers. just playing through this now. on chapter 9.
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