The last game you completed, and rating.

Get Even. I picked this out of my 'horror' back log but it really is a stretch to call it that - yes there are some creepy parts but it's more of a psychological thriller so it definitely was not what I was expecting. That said, I have tremendous admiration for what the developer has tried to do with this game and they should absolutely be applauded for trying something so ambitious and original. However, whilst the idea and plot is quite clever, the execution of it fell short for me. At times I felt like I was wandering through areas for no real purpose, I wasn't feeling the combat or stealth mechanics and the intrigue I felt in the first half of the game started to give way to frustration of just wanting to know what the hell was going on. In the end I was willing the game to come to it's conclusion which is rare for me to feel in a game. It's still a unique experience though and one I would recommend to everyone to try. 9/10 for the idea, 6/10 for the gameplay and 7/10 overall.
Bioshock Infinite. There is something I loved about it, good story. Good ending. I didnt grock with the art style so much, but I dont dig the disney/american aesthetic, which this one has elements of. Also the sound is brilliant when used, like the piano notes when you melee someone in the head (genius), and the other sounds are just great, but then the combat feels weird because you can never hear the impacts of your shots on people, and I always felt displaced from the combat a bit. If the game were realistic I wouldnt mind but its hardly that so they could have added more impact - it really affects it imho.

But a good ending,
loved walking through it, added to the feels when the time came, compared to other games with a big boss battle and then 'fin'


are the DLC worth it, good stories? (not too into the combat really)
Dark Souls - 9.5/10

Awesome game, found it tough in places, especially the Smaug and Ornstein boss, it probably took me 30 attempts lol. Turned out having lighter armour helps a bunch with that fight, so after i switched armour it wasn't too bad. So rewarding when you finally do it though. After that it was pretty easy.

The art style and level of detail are amazing. It looked a little rough at first, but after adding a high res texture and text mod it looks great. The amount of unique weapons and armour sets is also really impressive and something I enjoyed collecting and trying new combinations of armour and weapons. Each armour set is highly detailed as well, not like the Witcher 3 that has a few sets that are detailed and the rest are low res. Also liked how each weapon or armour piece had a brief description, rather than just generic sword, axe etc.

I'm a bit burned out after clocking up like 80+ hours on my first playthgrough, but i'll definitely go back and do NG+ at some point. If anyone has it lurking in your steam libary then give it a go. I bought it ages ago for like £5 in a sale and only got around to playing it recently and i'm so glad i decided to as its now one of my favourite games. Next up is DS2, which I have already bought.
Bioshock Infinite. There is something I loved about it, good story. Good ending. I didnt grock with the art style so much, but I dont dig the disney/american aesthetic, which this one has elements of. Also the sound is brilliant when used, like the piano notes when you melee someone in the head (genius), and the other sounds are just great, but then the combat feels weird because you can never hear the impacts of your shots on people, and I always felt displaced from the combat a bit. If the game were realistic I wouldnt mind but its hardly that so they could have added more impact - it really affects it imho.

But a good ending,
loved walking through it, added to the feels when the time came, compared to other games with a big boss battle and then 'fin'


are the DLC worth it, good stories? (not too into the combat really)
DLCs are great addition to story, again very very cleverly done. You play Elizabeth for most of them so the combat is quite different - mostly stealth and melee.
Now go and watch some lore videos on YouTube. Vaatividya is the best, and turn that 9.5 in to a 10!
Thanks, will do :). I'm gutted i played it so late as there was no one to discuss it with as everyone else played it years ago and all the DS threads were long dead. It probably is a 10 as i'm struggling to think of anything i didnt like, although I guess the mods helped with the look of the game as it was a bit rough looking when i first fired it up.
Thanks, will do :). I'm gutted i played it so late as there was no one to discuss it with as everyone else played it years ago and all the DS threads were long dead. It probably is a 10 as i'm struggling to think of anything i didnt like, although I guess the mods helped with the look of the game as it was a bit rough looking when i first fired it up.

I just started it so I know what you mean - it must have been amazing when no-one knew what was going on (and frustrating too). Great game so far, I love the level design, and while I first thought I would dislike the set-piece nature, im actually digging it. I really like how serious it is, due to the way the story is told, art style, combat style, overall difficulty etc. It really is cheekily brutal in places
DLCs are great addition to story, again very very cleverly done. You play Elizabeth for most of them so the combat is quite different - mostly stealth and melee.

ah great, i'll grab them - they are like a quid or something. I actually really want to play them now the story is over, knowing they are cleverly done even though I did power through the last of infinite, just wanted to get to the ending.

im really looking forward to Levine & co's next game, whenever it rears its head. And so glad they are developing story-driven games
i'm struggling to think of anything i didnt like.

I know what you mean when you say you wish you played it while everyone else was. I played it I think about 6 months after release on pc and luckily there were still a few playing it on here. One of the best things about the game is that, although fans have a reputation for being a bit elitist, this really isn't the case and usually they just love to talk about the game and are really helpful.

You did miss out on having lots of summons and invasions though.... Get on and play 3 while there ate still plenty playing it... And if you do need help with a boss or something you can always ask and I'm sure someone will help you out by letting you summon them... I remember I has great trouble with Manus from DS1, I just couldn't get past him, so someone on here stuck their summon sign down and helped me get past!
:D, yeah, i got quite a shock when i first visited that place.

Also I just googled Manus as I couldn't remember that boss and it seems i am not finished yet as I have totally missed the extra content, doh! Luckily I made a backup save just before the end boss.

I actually didnt like the online element at first as I kept getting killed while going human to fight the first boss. But after a while it really grew on me. Seeing the ghosts of others while you're sat at a fire or whatever and the messages left on the ground makes the world feel more alive somehow. It was also great later on when I had fully upgraded black iron armour and a fully upgraded Black Knight sword and shield and could actually defend myself well against invaders :cool:.
The DLC is very tricky to find(ridiculously so tbh!), and it features what many consider the best boss in the entire series. It is top quality, and one of the best parts of the game.
Dark Souls - 9.5/10

Awesome game, found it tough in places, especially the Smaug and Ornstein boss, it probably took me 30 attempts lol. Turned out having lighter armour helps a bunch with that fight, so after i switched armour it wasn't too bad. So rewarding when you finally do it though. After that it was pretty easy.

The art style and level of detail are amazing. It looked a little rough at first, but after adding a high res texture and text mod it looks great. The amount of unique weapons and armour sets is also really impressive and something I enjoyed collecting and trying new combinations of armour and weapons. Each armour set is highly detailed as well, not like the Witcher 3 that has a few sets that are detailed and the rest are low res. Also liked how each weapon or armour piece had a brief description, rather than just generic sword, axe etc.

I'm a bit burned out after clocking up like 80+ hours on my first playthgrough, but i'll definitely go back and do NG+ at some point. If anyone has it lurking in your steam libary then give it a go. I bought it ages ago for like £5 in a sale and only got around to playing it recently and i'm so glad i decided to as its now one of my favourite games. Next up is DS2, which I have already bought.

What I would give to experiance that world for the first time again, jelly!!

Glad you enjoyed it today as much as I did back then! I guess it's aged fairly well!
ah great, i'll grab them - they are like a quid or something. I actually really want to play them now the story is over, knowing they are cleverly done even though I did power through the last of infinite, just wanted to get to the ending.

im really looking forward to Levine & co's next game, whenever it rears its head. And so glad they are developing story-driven games
The story being as complex as it is I definitely benefited hugely from watching some plot analysis / theory videos after completing the main game. The DLC too can be hard to grasp exactly what is going because it's almost too clever (for me anyway). For the DLCs, if there was a part I didn't fully grasp, I'd pause the game and refer to any explanation video to get their take on what just happened and then resumed the game - that way I fully appreciated what was going on and enjoyed it all the more.
The story being as complex as it is I definitely benefited hugely from watching some plot analysis / theory videos after completing the main game. The DLC too can be hard to grasp exactly what is going because it's almost too clever (for me anyway). For the DLCs, if there was a part I didn't fully grasp, I'd pause the game and refer to any explanation video to get their take on what just happened and then resumed the game - that way I fully appreciated what was going on and enjoyed it all the more.

I just watched one, good idea, it foes round off the experience. I did miss some of the pointers during the game, but thats to be expected as
being a late reveal it all floods in after the the fact to make sense, and time travel as well is a harder one to grasp without it being obvious

10/10 story, one of the most satisfying i have remembered recently
Also I just googled Manus as I couldn't remember that boss and it seems i am not finished yet as I have totally missed the extra content, doh! Luckily I made a backup save just before the end boss.

Oh Manus. Manus Manus Manus... One tip that will probably save you about 9 hours of play, whatever you do, if you think you can get a sneaky second hit in...DON'T!
I still can't work out why people like this game! I really really hated it.... when you compare it to the witcher 3 its just a really bad pc ported game.

Maybe it was a bad port at first, but I played the prepare to die edition with the dsfix mod and a high res texture pack from the start and didn't have a single bug or anything. It looked great and ran perfectly, if at 30fps, but for a game like this that doesn't matter.

The Witcher 3 was great as well (I have 300 hours in it), great story, gfx and dialog, but there were lots of things about the W3's gameplay that could have been improved. The combat was weak and pretty boring, by about 3 hours in it was already too easy and by the end I was one shotting everything almost. The leveling system was very lackluster with very little in the way of interesting builds you could do. I just stuck my points into combat and after that i just put them where ever as it really didn't mater as I was already op by that point. In Dark Souls every single point counts and is very hard to earn the further you get, so you want to make sure its put into something that will help you.
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