The last game you completed, and rating.

I started the DLC of The Following a few days ago (before man flu struck me down).

There's one part where it states "Drive to water pump area" but I decided to run there because...well, new scenery to explore. I started some quest, killed load of bandits & some boss of sorts, only for a quest to start where I now need a vehicle to get to the next part during a countdown timer.

I killed myself in game so I could reset, but nope! It auto-saved just as that quest started. FML!

Good job saved my save files before started, just in case. Will try again in a few days.
It's weird seeing so much open space though, compared to previous maps.
I started the DLC of The Following a few days ago (before man flu struck me down).

There's one part where it states "Drive to water pump area" but I decided to run there because...well, new scenery to explore. I started some quest, killed load of bandits & some boss of sorts, only for a quest to start where I now need a vehicle to get to the next part during a countdown timer.

I killed myself in game so I could reset, but nope! It auto-saved just as that quest started. FML!

Good job saved my save files before started, just in case. Will try again in a few days.
It's weird seeing so much open space though, compared to previous maps.

I love that about it, so much more diverse than the original and it's great adding driving to it as well.
Middle Earth :: Shadow of War - 5/10

The story was interesting whilst it lasted but the gameplay is so, so, repetitive, especially during Act IV. Final ending has a good tie in with the LoTR trilogy though.
Middle Earth :: Shadow of War - 5/10

The story was interesting whilst it lasted but the gameplay is so, so, repetitive, especially during Act IV. Final ending has a good tie in with the LoTR trilogy though.

Does it suffer from consolitis like first one? Multiple actions to one key/button?
I rage quit first because of that.
Hit space to dodge or something whilst fighting a load, when my char decided to grab a rope above me I'd not even seen, sending me flying to other side of stupid map :/
Finally finished RoboCop Versus The Terminator on Megadrive! For its time, 6 /10
I'd maybe give it a 6/10 now but in its' time it was brilliant and looked amazing - surely an 8 out of 10? Anyway, congrats on completing it - I remember it getting really hard towards the end of it and I never quite managed to finish it myself.
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