The last game you completed, and rating.

Crash Time III – 11/20. Rating would have been higher after the first couple of hours, but it fades rather. This franchise seems pretty much unknown outside of Germany, I never see it talked about.

+Graphics, while inconsistent, are good in places. Not up to GTA4 standards but better than the majority of open world city racers, with some good lighting. Probably better than Wheelman.
+Acceptable performance 75fps+ although it appears to be CPU limited for the most part.
+Driving physics feel pretty good for this sort of game.
+Cityscape is quite varied, will all the different areas you’d expect (CBD, industrial zone, suburbs, autobahn, rural outskirts, airport etc)
+I like the scoring system whereby you can miss targets (up to a point) such as time limit, damage caused etc and just get a lower rating rather than instant failure, it makes it a bit more forgiving
+Nice to see some proper racetrack sections mixed in (like NFS Carbon), I didn’t notice any of these in Crash Time II (which I haven’t completed to be fair).

-Terrible voice acting in places, perhaps not helped by translation from German
-Humour is far too hit and miss (again perhaps not helped by the German influence)
-Has the cheek to state on the rolling loading screen messages “There are no pedestrians in this game, because they wouldn’t be safe from you!”. This is one let down, the game tries to build a story but you never see anyone, even the cutscenes are just voiceovers while looking at a car.
-Annoying that you can only shoot in predefined chases rather than at any point.
-Missions get repetitive after a while, there are several variations of driving between checkpoints with a narrative over the top about “locating left-wing extremists” or “diffusing bombs” but they are essentially the same thing.
-Speaking of ‘left-wing extremists’, they are referred to throughout the game as though they are the lovechild of Adolf Hitler and Idi Amin.
-Some chase missions seem overly harsh in terms of 250m limit but they are driving at 150mph so a single crash or missed exit can see you fail without chance to catchup using nitro
-Navigation system just seems slightly ‘off’, difficult to put my finger on but it feels like you don’t get quite enough warning for a turn, you are on it quicker than you expect based on the minimap.
-Ending is a bit of a let down, somewhat out of context with the rest of the game (you are driving in a straight line and just have to lineup 8 shots properly.... kinda like a really bad Virtual Cop section)
-Fairly short game, only took me 6hrs.

Realistically, this is a pretty mediocre game that is beefed up a bit by having a fairly well designed city, good driving physics and acceptable visuals – in other words, while the storyline and gameplay doesn’t drive you on per se, the simple art of driving around is good enough to make you keep going.
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Sleeping Dogs: 8/10

-Gfx are great, perfomance is very good was usually around 90-100fps often.
-Soundtrack was very nice and suited the game a lot.
-Story was good but the voice acting was spot on.
-Didn't like the way some side quests were repetitive.
Condemned : Criminal Origins.

I've already played this ages ago on the 360, but for £2 I thought it was worth a go on the pc.


lip syncing was one of the best efforts I've ever seen
melee combat


weapons get taken away / new level, doors suddenly won't open - very contrived.
no aiming possible with firearms
sprint system
general movement feels too slow and sluggish
collection of evidence can be a bit drawn out at times

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Black Mesa (pre-Xen).

They've really done Valve proud with this effort.

I'll reserve my comments for when Xen arrives.

So far, I'd give it at least an 8/10.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 7/10


Quite fun once you get further into the game with the augmentations.


Average graphics. Everything's orange.
AI is not that great.
Story is dumb and the usual one man against the world nonsense.
Cut scenes look bad.
World lacks detail and is very sparse.
One button melee animations.
Not enough ammo in the game to have fun.
Tries to be Half-Life and Splinter Cell at the same time but does not achieve the same level of quality.
Supposed to be stealthy, but you start the game without silencers!
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Mass Effect 3. The ending is controversial but final and clearly not everyone dies as your team are seen climbing out of the SR-2. 9/10 please make ME4!
Sleeping Dogs 7.5/10 (PC)

*Possible spoilers*
-Great looks on a rainy night in neon land
-Good story mostly
-Good voice acting
-Good combat, if a little limited

- Story could have been developed more (You become a triad boss yet you're still a one man army... Where's your crew?)
-Relationships are badly dealt with
-No 'go on a rampage' ability ala GTA
-Hardly anything to do after you've completed the main story and most of the samey side missions.

Sounds more negative than I intended. I still really enjoyed playing through it.

Mass Effect 3 9/10 (X360)

Having done multiple playthroughs of ME2 and having got my import character exactly where I wanted her (yes, femshep ftw ;)), I was hyped for this!

I went on full geek mode and did a 12hr stint on my first run, and finished it off with a 13hr marathon the next day lol. Hey, I had the time at the time. Don't judge me :p

Freekin EPIC was my verdict at the time.
Going on a second runthrough was very rewarding to begin with as your power and weapon upgrades carry over, but I started to find it less enjoyable and lacking the replayability of ME2 despite the noticeably improved combat, AI and graphics.
Maybe it's just me...

I found the ending was disappointing. Why? Because it felt like all the choices you made in this and previous games were pretty much rendered irrelevant. I haven't seen the revised version yet though. Still, the journey there was awesome :)

Oh, and I found the whole having to play multiplayer (and/or some ipad app) to increase your readiness rating was a typically sly move from EA to ensure that the 2nd hand market wouldn't be able to get the most out of the game without buying the right to play online from them.

Still debating whether to get ME2/3 for the PC.
Sleeping Dogs 8/10

Loved the story, kept entertained and loved it. Graphics where great also. and i did enjoy the hand to hand combat :)

Sadly side quests got boring very quickly so i ended up skipping them due to make me bored of the game, but once i got on the story again i loved it.
Sleeping Dogs 7.5/10 (PC)

*Possible spoilers*
-Great looks on a rainy night in neon land
-Good story mostly
-Good voice acting
-Good combat, if a little limited

- Story could have been developed more (You become a triad boss yet you're still a one man army... Where's your crew?)
-Relationships are badly dealt with
-No 'go on a rampage' ability ala GTA
-Hardly anything to do after you've completed the main story and most of the samey side missions.

Sounds more negative than I intended. I still really enjoyed playing through it.

Mass Effect 3 9/10 (X360)

Having done multiple playthroughs of ME2 and having got my import character exactly where I wanted her (yes, femshep ftw ;)), I was hyped for this!

I went on full geek mode and did a 12hr stint on my first run, and finished it off with a 13hr marathon the next day lol. Hey, I had the time at the time. Don't judge me :p

Freekin EPIC was my verdict at the time.
Going on a second runthrough was very rewarding to begin with as your power and weapon upgrades carry over, but I started to find it less enjoyable and lacking the replayability of ME2 despite the noticeably improved combat, AI and graphics.
Maybe it's just me...

I found the ending was disappointing. Why? Because it felt like all the choices you made in this and previous games were pretty much rendered irrelevant. I haven't seen the revised version yet though. Still, the journey there was awesome :)

Oh, and I found the whole having to play multiplayer (and/or some ipad app) to increase your readiness rating was a typically sly move from EA to ensure that the 2nd hand market wouldn't be able to get the most out of the game without buying the right to play online from them.

Still debating whether to get ME2/3 for the PC.

I have to play MP to get some readiness rating lol? Urgh and the ipad game.........what do I get out of this extra readiness?
Mass Effect 3. 8/10. Loses 2 points for the ending, even after installing the extended DLC and filling the readiness bar, I was still left thinking "is that it?"
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