Splinter Cell: Double Agent 7/20
+I like the optional objectives etc
+General premise of working undercover is pretty good and adds a bit of variety compared to working for Lambert
+Excellent performance, runs at a steady 100fps
+Underwater sections are quite well done in terms of animation and giving a bit of variety
+Possible to Rambo a few sections
+Feels nice when you finally get to be able to attack in JBA HQ!
-Really buggy game, from crashing after alt-tab, to errors when browsing computer menus too quickly, to broken missions (Shanghai is appalling, opening sequence had no sound and got stuck when you get off the helicopter the first time I played it… then later on when trying to record a meeting it kept bugging out and terminating the meeting early despite 5 attempts – after restarting the game it worked first time)
-Sorry did I mention this game is REALLY BUGGY!

No excuse for these not being fixed within 5 years of release, seems like fairly typical ubisoft shenanigans. I mean even the ENDING CUTSCENE is broken, I defuse the bomb and the camera angle changes and it just freezes up, I literally don't think I've ever played a 'big name' title as buggy as this. After some googling it seems the solution is to reset the config back to default, as I committed the heinous crime of changing my screen resolution and FOV.
-Oh yes, that reminds me, pretty shoddy that the game doesn't support 1080p out of the box considering Chaos Theory does.
-Safe cracking is stupid, the dials don’t turn at all if you have decelerated (which in a level where you need to sneak up to the safe without being spotted, is extremely likely!) and also spin round too quickly using keyboard control
-No way to disable controller vibration in the menu, you have to edit the config file. I’m playing with mouse+kb, why the hell would I want a controller vibrating on my desk making a huge racket?
-The lighting seems wrong, many of the levels don’t seem to have much in the way of shadow. Even the thermal imaging view isn’t very good.
-Context menus are worse than Chaos Theory, massive boxes that come up with awkward selection methods – basically a blatant console port
-Load times are pretty bad considering how average the game looks
-Unskippable cutscenes
-Repetitive levels i.e. JBA HQ several times over
-Lacklustre minigames
-Save games seemingly get listed in a random order on the load menu
-Really dodgy AI, at one stage on the JBA HQ level I had a guy shouting at me that I shouldn't be here, that I'm going the wrong way etc even there it was impossible for him to see or hear me - he's behind the locked door to Emile's office, I'm hiding under a truck OUTSIDE THE WHOLE BUILDING ACROSS THE YARD, heck even if the guy opened the door I'd still be out of sight due to the lip of the building and truck.