The last game you completed, and rating.

Amid Evil.

+ use of colour
+ level design
+ sound design
+ quick saves included (not a game breaker, but nice to have)
+ interesting enemy design, and although not quite my cup of tea in some ways, I think they've still managed to pull it off well and do something a bit different
+ skyboxes (I find that these can often appear overlooked even in games with bigger budgets, but not here. They've done a great job with the attention to detail)
+ atmosphere

Can't really think of any negatives right now, but I may update later.
The Fall Part 2: Unbound 8.5/10

Great story, great visuals, interesting characters. It retained some of the clunky mechanics from the first game but overall a great experience for me given that I'm in a bit of a gaming rut right now and struggling to stick with anything. Did the whole game in 2 sittings.
Amid Evil.

+ use of colour
+ level design
+ sound design
+ quick saves included (not a game breaker, but nice to have)
+ interesting enemy design, and although not quite my cup of tea in some ways, I think they've still managed to pull it off well and do something a bit different
+ skyboxes (I find that these can often appear overlooked even in games with bigger budgets, but not here. They've done a great job with the attention to detail)
+ atmosphere

Can't really think of any negatives right now, but I may update later.

On the strength of this, I went on a little discovery tour on youtube etc about this game (which I have never heard of until you mentioned it). Decided to purchase it.

I loved Heretic back in the day.
On the strength of this, I went on a little discovery tour on youtube etc about this game (which I have never heard of until you mentioned it). Decided to purchase it.

I loved Heretic back in the day.

I hope you enjoy it. :)

I didn't play much Hexen or Heretic in the old days, but I really enjoyed this (and Dusk, too).
Skyrim SE. 9/10

One single point dropped due to having to install mods to get the proper experience. I've completed the main quest line, and will now spend some time modding and trying to find an ENB to suit my taste; then it'll be more endless hours playing through all the side quests.

An absolute classic. :)
Nier Automata. Thought it was fantastic. It's true it isn't a great port but it's playable and worth looking past. Loved the variety in gameplay, the concept, story and execution there of. Funny, charming and full of emotion. The musical score too was awesome. The game takes 3 playthroughs to fully complete and get the true ending but each time with different characters, from a different perspective and with different gameplay. Don't think I'll ever play anything quite like it again. 9/10
Fallout 4. Just completed the main story line after spending 176 hours with game. I think the biggest compliment I can pay this game is that it is the first game in a few years that I actually never wanted to stop playing each day - I usually play a few games simultaneously but only for hour or chapter/level each day and don't usually have the desire to play any longer. The exploration coupled with the 50s soundtrack of Diamond City radio was just epic for me and the one thing I'll miss the most. Going to have a little break that look at the DLCs. 9/10
Witcher 3+heart of stone.
Had game since release but lost interest when I lost my 70 hour save. Played again starting this year and finished the main game and heart of stone. Very enjoyable great story in parts and really got swept up in the world. Read the books which helped. Look forward to blood and wine. Combat wasn't anything special but still enjoyed it. great game but not the masterpiece I expected, story peaked at the barons story arc which was 20 hours into the game. Heart of stone was very good though. 8.5
How long did it take to get past the initial difficulty spike? I tried it recently and got annihilated at the gates.


That took me days, if not the first week! Yes it was tough at the start alright, I lost a lot of good men. And women! But I play games very slowly and methodically usually, so I did stay in the game and gear up eventually. I was very close to that Red Bar filling up and the game ending a few times but I always managed to pull it back by doing a one of the Blacksite missions that reduces the bar by 3. It was nervy though, nail biting at times! I haven't been that tense in a game in a good while.

It was tough, but it was also very exciting. Most single player games are too easy now and are dumbed down for the widest possible audience. This is not! It was brutal in parts, but I remember staying up very late many nights on it, it was pretty epic once I got the hang of it. Probably worth doing it on Rookie first time as there is so much stuff in this game that you would not know at the start. Defo doing a full replay at some stage.

I did read a fair few guides online about certain parts of the game that I didn't fully understand e.g. the mess I made of building my base first time, what to build first, what to research first etc. Getting those things right is a big help but there was a lot of trial and error, experimenting was fun. In the end though it was the most rewarding game I've played this year. Other games seem a bit shallow by comparison.
Titanfall 2 (SP)

Wow, 9.5/10. Great story, incredibly creative in places and I will play again just to experience some of the unique sections it has. Shame it has been so overlooked in the mainstream, but hope they come with a third instalment one day, with a single player campaign of course. MP not bad too but hard to git gud.
Titanfall 2 (SP)

Wow, 9.5/10. Great story, incredibly creative in places and I will play again just to experience some of the unique sections it has. Shame it has been so overlooked in the mainstream, but hope they come with a third instalment one day, with a single player campaign of course. MP not bad too but hard to git gud.
Yup the game is amazing, one of the best so fps we had in a long long time!
Just finished Far Cry 5 too. I'll give it 7.5/10 I think. I really like open world games. I remember Far Cry 4 and Primal being great but I found I didn't enjoy FC5 quite so much. I need to go back and have a go on 4 and Primal again to see how the compare.
I did take a long time to complete FC5 due to being busy so maybe struggled a bit getting into it for that reason. I'm sure I missed so much. I don't remember crafting anything either, just buying stuff.
The spin off games are not really interesting to me either so not bought those. I remember buying the FC4 bigfoot chasing game and enjoyed that. But ATM I'm sure not sure I fancy the Hours of Darkness or Mars games.
I might try the zombie one actually, probably when Xmas deals are done. For now I have some others to play (Mafia 3, Tomb Raider, Wolfenstein 2.
farcry 5 'again' on this list.

def not as good as 4 or 3, about on par with Primal, I think i'm getting burnt out on the Farcry formula, if they leave it a good 3/4 years then bring it back, same formula it wont feel so stale for me.

Same thing happened with AC then Origin felt good to play after it's 2 year sleep. Bring back Prince Of Persia, Leave Farcry alone for a bit.
FarCry 5

6/10 - Didn't like the forced nature of the progress. Felt like the so called "open" world was forced. Story line OK. Endings poor.
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