The last game you completed, and rating.

Last one i finished is still just cause 2. (Ive moved and my gaming rig has been in a box away from me) .. I loved the game even though the missions weren't too good. It was just like a different take on GTA in a way
Mark Of The Ninja.

Great platform/stealth game, easliy one of the best games I've played in the last year. A good 10-15 hour single player campaign with the option to play through again with all your unlocks on a harder difficulty. Well worth the £12 I paid, one to watch out for in any upcoming Steam sales.

Dark Souls - 9.5/10

Just completed the first play through with all bosses down. What an amazing game.
Been on bit of a single player rampage at the minute.

Max Payne 3 (For the second time) 9.5/10

Absolutely love everything about this game, enjoyed it a lot more since I upgraded my PC since the last time I played it. Great graphics, gruesome as anything and action all the way. My personal GOTY (so far.)

Rockstar certainly know how to add polish to games.

Dishonored (9/10) Loved the art style for this one, again game looked epic and ran really smoothly. Loved the mixture of elements as to how you could go ahead and complete missions and the chaos system. Thought the ending of the game was a bit meh and felt tacked on. Game was quite short though, hopefully the DLC that is planned will add a bit more to the game and not be too expensive, however the skeptic in me says that it should have been in the game in the first place.
Warhammer 40k - Space Marine 6/10:

+ Combat was fun against Orks.
+ Warhammer universe makes anything awesome and was well realised.
+ Amazing use of completely real Latin. 'Imperium Adeptus Mechanicus'.
+ Melee jetpack section.

- Boss fights poor and dull, especially the last one which threw all the game mechanics out of the windows and resorted entirely to good old QTE's.
- Combat became dull towards the end as for some reason the developer saw fit to replace the Orks with Chaos Space Marines which is entirely absurd as the only thing that made the game fun was carving your way through Orks with a chainsword.

Loved it.


Removing 2 points.

1. Aweful voice acting.

2. Not long enough :)

It's not a classic. Not in the same league as some of the console classics, more in the Amiga genre.

Good but not great.


Absolutley :)
Stalker: call of pripyat, with the misery mod. I've not finished it yet but I'm currently running around pripyat.

Absolutely fantastic, so much better than the vanilla game. It's quite tough at times but I'd definitely recommend trying this mod out sometime.

Had one of those amazing stalker moments earlier, got into a fire fight with some really teched up monolith troops, I took a direct hit to the head which cracked the visor on my helmet. I had to take it off and lose night vision in order to get a good view. Every time I popped my head out and took a few shots they had moved about, just as it seemed they had pinned me down with no hope of escape an emission started and lit up the sky.

I peeked around the corner and saw them falling back into a building and decided to make a run for it, just as I got to the doorway of a nearby building I took a very heavy shot. It put me down to a slither of HP, gave me serious bleeding and ruined my stamina regeneration. I've run out of bandages and only have a few med kits left, I'm going to have to wait until the emission is over and try to hobble back to a safe zone, but its not looking good for me!
Warhammer 40k Dawn of war 2, 8/10

Keeped me hooked from start to finish about 20 hours or so playing time,

Warhammer 40k Dawn of war 2 Chaos Rising 7/10

Carried on with the story quite well, could have been a bit better, added an extra 7-10 hours on game.

Warhammer 40k Dawn of war 2 Retribution 5/10

Started off really well story was good some new ideas in the game compared to (Chaos Rising) would have even giving it a 8/10 untill I finished it and went to start a new campaign with Chaos only to find out all the maps and story is 99% the same as what I just done with Space Marines a let down indeed.

I agree, I've put a lot of hours into dow 2 never managed to complete the SP though just seemed to drag
Hard Reset overall 7/10 for me I do agree with IGN review basics posted below this was completed in 7 hours.

Presentation 6/10

Comic book-style cut-scenes drive the story, through the story is the weakest part of the game. Cool mouse-driven in-game upgrade station interfaces.

Graphics 8/10

With all the settings cranked Hard Reset is extremely pretty. The stages rarely change in style, but the explosions and effects impress and make fighting more exciting.

Sound 6/10

Only a few funny lines of dialogue, the rest are forgettable. Decent weapon and combat effects.

Gameplay 7/10

Fun weapon upgrade system and enemy encounters. Could have used more enemy variety.

Lasting Appeal 4/10

A short game with an EX mode if you want to start over with all your upgrades.
Last edited:
Deadlight, 5/10

The graphics are very good for a 2D game, the prospect of playing a game similar to Another World in a zombie apocalypse setting is appealing.

But the game is let down some what by too many instant deaths, or the game killing you because you didn't have a crystal ball to know exactly what route or action you had to take to avoid dieing in the first place. Checkpoints were also sometimes poorly spaced and in particular the game would not restart from the last save after quiting, it would restart at the begining of the last completed chapter.

I played with an Xbox 360 contoller and found the game controls a bit unresponsive at times, making some sections very, very frustrating.

The story and voice acting are very poor and the game's length is far too short at less than five hours, even for a game that costs less than a tenner.

Overall a decent purchase if you can pick it up in the Steam sale for less than a fiver.

A much better alternative would be Limbo, it's around the same length in play time, but a much better game overall.

Better still get Mark Of The Ninja.


Actually enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than i thought i would,
- Amusing storyline and characters
- Some really good moments of shooting battles
-the giant monster controlling part was epic
-Was fairly short too so didn't outstay its welcome imo

i'd recommend it if your looking for a fun quick blast to take your mind off any longer game i.e Skyrim, Mass Effect

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 7/10

Was the last game i finished.

-Hack 'N' Slash at its very best
-Some favourites from the series, weapons etc
-Decent storyline with some good twists albeit foreseeable ones
-Fun and again quite short imo

-Got a bit repetitive towards the end, and constant deaths just made me want to get it over with!
-Assault jump pack levels didn't last nearly as long as i wanted them too, :(
The Book of Unwritten Tales

I saw this game on sale on Steam, so I thought I'd give it a go -- I figured I couldn't really go wrong considering the price. Playing through the interactive "introduction scene" (it's a small area before "Chapter 1) I thought I'd bought a lemon. I was wrong. So wrong.

This somewhat obscure game was probably the best point-and-click adventure I'd played in ages. I found the humour hilarious; I literally laughed out loud at quite a few points throughout the game. The game pokes fun not only at itself but parodies many, many contemporary and nostalgic literature and culture; and they got the balance perfect -- not corny, just funny.
I won't list all the themes, but here are a few: Lord of the Rings, C.S.Lewis, KISS, Terry Pratchet, Star Wars, WoW, Technology, quite possibly Dr Who, and many more subtle, and not so subtle, references)

The characters in the game somehow have... character, as well. It's easy to forget their cartoonish appearance as you develop a rapport with them.

Onto the puzzles. Overall I'd say the difficulty level was "about right". The best thing is that all the solutions were logical. Some of the puzzles, however, I found too easy. These easy puzzles wouldn't have stood out as much if they weren't towards the end of the game. It's a small issue but worth mentioning. Overall, though, I stick with "about right" for the level of difficulty vs. challenge.

Bad things: not a lot! There is a really stupid mini-game about 3/4 of the way through the game; the result of achieving the mini-game was funny but the game itself seemed very out of place and... stupid. Since finishing the game I've read some reviews where the reviewer(s) didn't like the ending (but still rated the game high). I didn't mind the ending at all. Each to their own, I guess.

Graphics: Excellent. They're not cutting-edge photo-realistic, nor are they meant to be. For the game I rate them 10/10.

Music: I normally don't notice music a lot. But the music in this game really suited the scenes and added atmosphere. 10/10

Voice Acting: Perfect. There is nothing more I can say. 10/10

Fun Factor: 10/10

If not for the silly mini-game I'd have given this game a 10/10 overall (very rare for me to want to give a game a perfect score). But that combined with the one or two "much too simple" puzzles 75% through the game has brought my overall score down (if they were earlier in the game they would not have affected my score).

Overall: 9.5/10
Halo 4 (console i know)

It was ok im not a uber halo fan but ive enjoyed a few of the last ones, i just felt the new developers olayed this very safe so as not to upset the hardcore fans, if i had to rate it id say 7-8/10

The campaign was really aimed at those who have read the books and know the story out side the gameswhich i found disappointing but obviously others would have loved this, i just felt lost and didnt understand what was happening but a friend whos really into the books felt it was the best halo campaign yet

The objectives were very dull too and master chief seems to love holding x to press buttons every 10 minutes which was annoying lol

Online is cool, i like the new additions although its taken influences from another franchise rather than do anything new of its own but thats most fps games these days for you

Graphics were nice for the xbox, on the better end of the machines titles but after a while you can see its just reach with better lighting

Fun gameplay as always so thats great

Other than that just started okami hd which is like zelda so think i will enjoy it, holds up well for an old game! First time playing it too
Mass Effect 2

Absolutely loved it. There was a point mid way where I found it a little boring and was not committed to completing it, but once I had only a few crew members to recruit I started enjoying their personal stories a lot more and completed all I could before setting off for the final missions.

Because of the time required for these type of games I'm going to play part 3 during the Christmas holidays and pick up something like Max Payne 3 or Sleeping Dogs in the mean time.
Deus Ex - Human Revolution.


Would have been 10 if it was n't for the ridiculous boss fights and the fact I had absolutely no idea what was going on with the final fight / event apart from it was n't actually much of a fight. Won't elaborate further as spoilers.

I believe the game lives up to the reputation of the first classic and does it justice. A worthy successor.
I believe the game lives up to the reputation of the first classic and does it justice. A worthy successor.

I agree. There were a few issues which somewhat let it down(no lean and no proper mele is almost unforgivable) but overall it was excellent.

Have you played The Missing Link? ....check out the sales, as it usually comes up cheap and is a good dlc which imo features one of the best environments in the game. Just a pity it wasn't incorporated properly in to the main game.
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