Sunk a few hours into this, then forgot about it. Was unique, but needs dedicated time. I tend to have short gaming sessions these days.
Never really got into it, I don't think narrative based games are for me.
I just restarted Cyberpunk. I previously had parked it a couple of hours into act 2 and got side tracked with other games. With patch 2.1 out, the game had changed enough for a restart. Enjoying it so far and just got back into act 2 yesterday.
The graphic enhancements, in particular the RTX ray tracing reflections introduced make the game look amazing.
I'm still a bit divided on the combat, it's fun but it can feel a bit inconsequential and repetitive. There is no variation in the approach required to win (in all of the encounters so far anyway).
I think Witcher 3 suffered the same, the storyline and quests are great, but the combat is just a matter of killing a few things off in order to progress to the next thing.
The story is engaging, I like the revamp in skills, cyberware, inventory, crafting, all that stuff is great. 3 years after release, this really feels like the triple A game they aimed to have at release.