The last game you completed, and rating.

The TR reviews have persuaded me to buy. But which edition should I buy? The basic or Survival edition? I don't care about extra bundled crap but does the weapon dlc and the larger pouch make any difference to the game? and is it worth the extra £8.
Hitman absolution: 6/10 (huge fan of hitman, played all previous games- could not get in to this one- maybe wrong mood :D ).
Assassin's Creed 3: 7/10 (finished all parts- after playing so many hours with EZIO..could not get in to new game as much as wanted to).

I didn't like the initial look of it so threw SweetFX on it and was impressed by the results. Story wise it was a bit too sickly sweet for me...fight the good cause - rescue the princess - get shafted - payback time.

One aspect of it that I noticed straight away, like many others I'm sure too previously, were the striking similarities between this and Half Life 2's sentry boxes, turret/weapons towers and street barricades. Very perturbing!

The controls worked well I thought and the architecture and art was very impressive, as was the lighting and atmosphere for the most part and it ran as smooth as silk.

Overall an 8/10 from me, only let down by the clichéd story.
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tomb raider


Good game, best I have played in a while. Tombs are way to easy, game is quite linear and predictable but fun nonetheless.
Far Cry 3, very enjoyable, last part got a bit boring, but at least you can continue after the main story and do more. And for you younger ones yes it does include naughty bits :)

End game choice was interesting.

Far Cry 3 8/10 the story was decent and game play good but a little too much sneaking about.

Too much sneaking about? I played half the game with RPGs, Grenade launchers, flamethrowers and a shotgun...

Yeah Far Cry 3 was the last game I finished completely, I'm split on what I'd give it. 9/10 if it's the allegory for video gaming in general that I and a few others think it is, but 7/10 if it's not and the characters just genuinely are that irritating.

The multiplayer was a joke, they left the aim assist on the Xbox controller in for multiplayer which meant that since I was using my desktop basically as a beefed up console, multiplayer became stupidly easy. I think my KD stands at somewhere around 3.5, whereas on most other games it's around 1.4-1.5 which is ridiculous given I was using a controller.

I'm also halfway through my second season on F1 2012 and it's increasingly irritating me, primarily because there seem to be a lot of unnecessary steps back from F1 2011. I'll go with 7/10. The Fanatec drivers don't like it so half the time the pedals need re callibration, the wheel needs to be remapped because there's a really awkward default setting and the game doesn't remember the wheel each time I start it. The loss of FP1 and FP2 are really irritating for dialing in a setup as I always played F1 2011 as full length weekend when I had the time and racing on legend requires setting up properly; to the point that to set up properly I've had to be sitting in FP3 and repeatedly restarting the session until I'm at a point I'm happy with. Physics are just fine for me, the CPU are still way too timid on default compared to their pace (I've modded them to be more aggressive now and it's much better), penalty system is intensely frustrating.

There are primarily a couple of things that I wanted to see them build on from F1 2011. I wanted to be able to drive in the pits and have that be a part of the racing, I wanted to drive the formation lap, and I wanted to have winter testing and some sort of progression. Winter testing could just be at Catalunya and I'd still be reasonably happen. The progression I'm referring to is changing cars and team lineups from season to season; I'd love to see F1 2013 be a "Career Challenge" type game with all the cars from 2009-2013 rather than having to mod the game and re-corrupt everything over and over again.

Also I'd like them to stop releasing games in September as it's a really rubbish time to release an F1 game. They should have a team committed to keeping the cars' pace realistic and release the game some time over the first few races of the real season so that you can actually follow the real life season.

Nicer damage would be cool but we know that licensing means that will never happen.
walking dead survival instinct - 6.5/10

Im a big fan of the series (zombies) so this helped the score - but IMO they just needed to do a few more things to the game and it would have been much better (even with the subpar graphics and controls - honestly I didnt mind either).

I would have preferred some replayability in some way.
Far Cry 3 is perfect, you can kill in any way you want, but the SP game is ruined by the KEY MASHING/ TIMED EVENTS, a game should never have this.

try mashing keys when you get over 50....bloody hell :mad:

game is great once you reactivate the outposts, but could do with variation in enemy camps and more places of interest to visit, even so it still gets a 9 from is awesome

finally and not quite so important, Jason is too young, too wet behind the ears, he's totally the wrong type to become a cold hearted killer, because he would be like this already !!!!

Jason would be about 33 ex-navy Seal, ex SAS/ Marine or similar, not a college kid !!!!
Final Doom with the Brutal Doom mod and High Res Textures Pack. Some of the level design is really quite good.

I didn't aim to comb each level for all secrets, and neither did I consciously try to find any secret levels. I'll leave all that for another time, and perhaps a different mod.

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finally and not quite so important, Jason is too young, too wet behind the ears, he's totally the wrong type to become a cold hearted killer, because he would be like this already !!!!

Jason would be about 33 ex-navy Seal, ex SAS/ Marine or similar, not a college kid !!!!

The whole point of the story is that it's an allegory for gaming - the island representing the video game and as he gets into the "game" of fighting the pirates and mercenaries and levels up etc. he starts to get more and more involved in the game and pushes away real life (his friends) in favour of the game in which he finds power (the rakyat/citra). And ultimately you have to decide between that real life and your "real" friends. Too much of the game makes sense with this analysis for it to be coincidence and the story is too bad without it by ubisofts general standards for that to not be true. Were Jason 33 ex-navy then he wouldn't be transformed by the game of the Rook Islands, the whole point is that an otherwise pretty much powerless white guy turns into a fearless and adept warrior when he's playing the game.

I didn't like the initial look of it so threw SweetFX on it and was impressed by the results. Story wise it was a bit too sickly sweet for me...fight the good cause - rescue the princess - get shafted - payback time.

One aspect of it that I noticed straight away, like many others I'm sure too previously, were the striking similarities between this and Half Life 2's sentry boxes, turret/weapons towers and street barricades. Very perturbing!

The controls worked well I thought and the architecture and art was very impressive, as was the lighting and atmosphere for the most part and it ran as smooth as silk.

Overall an 8/10 from me, only let down by the clichéd story.

The person who worked on those designs also worked on Half Life 2.
farcry 3. I was pleasantly surprised by this game.


+Fun gameplay and combat mechanics
+Good gun/vehicle physics (even if unrealistic), everything feels quite 'tangible'
+A wide variety of detailed animations keeps things fresh and immersive
+Constant first person, even in cut-scenes helps to keep immersion
+Story isn't bad

-Incredibly unnecessary QETs. Some QETs were acceptable, such as in hand-to-hand combat cut-scenes, but some were so terrible it boggled my mind e.g. using using left and right mouse buttons move your arms to crawl down a tunnel, instead of just pressing W:confused::mad:.
-Extreme hand holding. You can turn off much of the hand holding but there's still too much.
-Repetitive side missions/environment.

There are loads of things wrong with this game but the pros definitely make up for it IMO.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution


Generally good game, but some bugs made me have to backtrack several hours when my game got broken :(

Playing on the hardest difficulty, it's generally a very easy game if you don't mind killing people and setting off alarms.

If you're trying to play it properly, stealthy-pacifist style, it's frustratingly hard, bordering on impossible in places. There's no requirement to do that, however, so it's entirely by choice.

Ending boss was super lame. Why do they keep doing this :p

Overall, it's not as good as Deus Ex, but I'm glad they had a go. Doubt I'll ever replay it, took 50 hours to get through, and that's more than enough!!
The DLC 'Missing Link' is quite good as well if you have that. Features some of the best areas in the game imo, and mixes up the boss fight at the end.

I completed Bioshock Infinite a few days ago....but have to give it another day or two to digest before I review it. Needless to say, it will be positive;)
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