The last game you completed, and rating.

Farcry 3

Visually pretty nice really but I found the story line rather lacking and all the hippy trippy stuff was just outright weird and just didn't fit for me. It tries to be a semi action RPG and falls short by a long way, if you do all the side stuff you can easily earn enough XP to unlock all the skills (more or less).


Tomb Raider 9/10 Best Raider to date :p

+Superb graphics
+Great story and a fresh start
+nice gun play
+nice hidden locations
+Loads things in each area to find
+Good length to the campaign tuck me 13 hours

-Puzzles abit to easy, didn't put me off though
-To easy even on the hardest setting
-Online is completely dead, if they make a new Tomb raider just leave out the Online part

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Dirt Showdown 4/10

+Good performance
+Demolition Derby type events are fun on occasion for a change
+A few of the Legend tier events are kinda OK

-Feels a bit lacking graphically, some nice background effects like fireworks etc but the core track/vehicle visuals don’t feel up to the standard of previous games in the series
-Viewpoints are a bit lacking, the HUD also leaves a lot to be desired (no speedo, map etc)
-Dull events i.e. no rally, trailblazer etc.
-Quite a short game only lasted me 4.5hrs behind the wheel
-Cars feel slow even when they have a high power rating – you seem to hit the redline very quickly
-No tuning options
-Short races, only one lasted over 6mins. Don’t get me wrong I start getting bored after about 15mins / 4 laps of a race in most driving games but a bit of variety would have been nice
-Feels like a Wii game? Kinda all dumbed down as though it has been designed for pre-teens
-Handling is a bit off, the cars don't feel like they are properly connected with the track, as though you are permanently driving on ice or something

Overall I’d say this is probably the worst Codemasters racing game I’ve played on PC (comparing to CMR, Dirt, Grid, TOCA series etc)
Metro 2033 7/10
Great atmosphere, and ran surprisingly well on my old rig.
Some of the parts where scripted too much for me ( preferred the open areas in Stalker etc ). Ohh... and the weapons were meh.
Might get Last Light only when it drops in price.
Batman Arkham Asylum 8/10. Dropped a point because GFWL had to be re-installed more than once to precent a recurring BSOD:mad:

Made me want a Physx enabled setup too :)

Next up: Batman Arkham City...
The Walking Dead - episodes 1 and 2.

Honestly, I'd give it a solid 9.5/10. Quite probably one of the most engaging games I've played in a LONG while! It would get a 10 but the plot is a little predictable at times, though they put a nice twist in to make you sit there like :O 'wuuuut?' Epic. Really looking forward to the last 3 episodes.
Alpha Prime 4/10

+Surprisingly good graphics in places for a pre-Crysis game, with some nice flare effects etc
+Great performance 100fps+ maxed out
+Flamethrowers are never not fun
+Physics engine is generally pretty good with you being able to move some objects around, responding to shots etc
+Hacking skill was a nice idea but seemed a bit underutilised

-Voice acting is below par even by eastern european standards, not helped by a stutter everytime a piece of spoken dialog is split over 2 subtitles
-Characterisation never really builtd up, one of your 'friends' (I think) dies with the sound of violins in the background but I really couldn't give a ****, I just wanted to press on and get the game finished
-Not much variety of enemies
-Very unforgiving combat, in most FPS games if you walk into a new room with 70h you're feeling pretty confident, in AP you can get cut down in a second if you get caught by surprise (enemies at an unexpected angle, or shielded by lens flare etc). Bullet time is something you need regularly rather than just for facing particular enemies.
-Very few autosave points, the levels typically last about 30mins with only a couple of autosaves so regular quicksaving is essential in light of the above
-So often you find yourself replaying the same mini-sections several times over until you get through relatively unscathed, using trial and error to lean the enemy positions and best weapon selections
-Environments can look poor in places, especially the floors for some reason!
-Buggy is ridiculously hard to control due to oversensitive steering, even driving in a straight line often ends up being a jigzag due to over-compensation
-Storyline is a load of crap
-Fairly short game, only took me about 5hrs

Overall I'd say this game feels a bit like Chaser, with fewer, less varied levels and worse weaponry.
^^ Did you find that it seemed as if your character was skating on the floor (I find that with a number of older titles)? Very sensitive movement iirc. I quite enjoyed it, though I agree that it has plenty of flaws.
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Tomb raider


Really fun game, especially once you get passed all those QTE's. The ending was fun, and a real set up for the next in the series.
^^ Did you find that it seemed as if your character was skating on the floor (I find that with a number of older titles)? Very sensitive movement iirc. I quite enjoyed it, though I agree that it has plenty of flaws.

Yeah the movement physics are a little off in places, for example I once managed to kill myself getting out of the buggy because I pressed the key to exit when it was on it's side - so because I was in the air for ages slowly sliding off, I think the game assumed I had fallen a long way when I finally got my feet on the ground.

The 'skating feeling' in older games could be down to framerate, i.e. in older games typically you have a very high framerate and that alters the movement physics in some game engines (e.g. in Area51 sometimes you can't even jump when you have over 100fps).

Also I forgot to mention an annoying bug whereby bodies can jam lifts, forcing reload of an earlier save. There's one bit towards the end where a lift descends holding like 3-4 bad guys, and rather than stand around waiting for them to get off the lift and come over to shake my hand, I started hosing them down resulting in a body lying partially across the lift = instant game-breaker :(
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