The last game you completed, and rating.

SC2 Hots campaign. 9/10.

Really epic, a big improvement on WoL storyline. Needed to be a bit longer and have a harder difficulty setting for zerg players.
Might as well go through a few games:

Tomb Raider

+ Excellent visuals
+ Good story
- Very linear - there's no real run off and explore (you can go to some of the optional caves but they're all really similar)
- It's not Tomb Raider as veterans will know it
- No real puzzling moments - it's more about where to jump - there's no pulling and shifting blocks or pulling ropes, etc.
- QTE - commonly known as 'we've run out of ideas'
- End boss may as well have just been a generic mob

Sleeping Dogs
+ Very fun game
+ Combat was superb - some excellent combos
+ Driving was also fun and a nice variety of vehicles
+ Good story line
+ Lots of side lines to go off and do
- Could have been a little longer - it was very quick to complete

Back to the Future - Part 1
+ Really different game - nice to go back to the 'Monkey Island' type games
+ Voice acting was actually pretty good
+ Hint system works really well
+ Great storyline
+ Epic music (snipets from the film)
- Really short (but there are 5 of them to complete in this series!)

I'm sure there's more that I've completed but I'll have to have a think.

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Torchlight 2. 8.5/10

Never played the first game but this has been great.

Decent amount of mods on steam to add more replay value and a ton load of loot.

Story is pretty crap but well worth the price.
Thomas Was Alone - 7/10

This one was surprising for me as I can take or leave Mario-type jump puzzle games. I was shocked to find it actually has great pull through the levels as I felt emotionally invested in these inanimate tetris blocks. On my personal scale I would give it 10/10 for a well-timed Nathan Fillion reference.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R : Shadow of Chernobyl + Priboi Story mod.

8.5 - 9 / 10.

After People Soup, this must be my favourite mod for SHOC.
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Walking Dead 9/10 - Really empathised with the characters and found myself being pulled from pillar to post with some of them. Excellent writing.

Thing is, I've completed ME3 and now Walking Dead in the past few weeks... It's a massive double-downer thanks to the endings. Jesus... I thought gaming was supposed to perk you up not depress you!
The Walking Dead

I finally got round to playing all the way through after losing my saves twice after the first two chapters. I enjoyed it.


  • Good story, well presented.
  • Some great characters, but a few duffers.
  • Good implementation of choices and consequences in places, though there are a few events that I feel you should be able to influence a bit more.
  • Episodic structure works well.
  • Everything feels like it develops pretty naturally.
  • Some really great moments in the game, very emotional and the suspense will kill you!


  • It is just a long QTE-fest....there is no excuse for unfailable QTEs! The very worst in game design, and this game is built around them.
  • Very heavy-handed in places, especially when you are presented with choices that don't really make much sense(two people about to die, which one will you can't even attempt to save them both when it doesn't look that difficult).
  • Some dialogue not matching with the situation(for example, quite a few times I did something and then had to explain why afterwards, but the reason I did it wasn't an option).
  • It is just too bleak.
  • Too many characters come and go, hard to care about new ones introduced, as you know they will be dead or gone pretty soon.

Overall, I will give the game 7/10. I enjoyed it, and am looking forward to the next season(and the dlc coming out next month). It is nothing groundbreaking though.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

Just competed it, Thought it was actually pretty good! I'd give it a solid 7.5-8/10. Very linear, but it was good if you don't mind that sorta game.

Strangest thing though, to which i am a little worried about...

...I used an xbox controller. When i did actually click i was using it, which was about half way through the game, i tried to use a KB/M and i just couldn't play as well haha. I've been playing FPS with KB/M since about 1997, so i wouldn't say i'm too bad at it. I don't even know why i started using it. I didn't even complete the game in one long stretch, it was just an hour or so some nights.
Sleeping dogs

Everything gta should have been.
Good story and good missions.
Great graphics and runs very on pc.
Can be bought now for next to nothing.


Bioshock Infinite


This game really had me puzzled as I hadnt played the first 2. The game seemed to be a lot of running around killing things for reasons I couldnt understand. There was a girl who could open dimensions, big birds trying to attack us, evangelical religious orders, etc, etc

The final battle in the game was a bit underwhelming. The patriots had been in the game for a while and it would have been nice to fight a couple of handymen instead of waves of patriots.

Additionally, I dont think they developed the vigors enough. I went through the whole game only using Possession coupled with a Sniper Rifle and an RPG for backup.

When I finished the final battle I was glad to have finished the game, but I would have only given it a 6 or 7 out of 10 at that point.

The reason the game suddenly shot upward in my regard was the ending. All the weird things that had been happening were explained (mostly). The ending almost reminded me of Inception, a sort of physics conundrum based on time travel. If, however, I hadnt read the online explanation about the ending - I would have been even more confused.

Someone once told me that they liked the Bioshock games because they were "weird and twisted" - and that certainly is true. There was a terrifying man with a coffin on his back who disappears and attacks you from behind. There was dead men with glowing eyes and porcelain faces. The ghost of your mother who raises the dead to kill you (?!). There were museum figurine giants, big cyborg handymen who could kill you with one blow and a massive metal bird that tried to kill you at every turn!

Overall, it was my first time playing a Bioshock game and I cant wait for the next one - but in the time being Im going to play something a little more civilised :p :p :p
Bioshock Infinite


This game really had me puzzled as I hadnt played the first 2. The game seemed to be a lot of running around killing things for reasons I couldnt understand. There was a girl who could open dimensions, big birds trying to attack us, evangelical religious orders, etc, etc

The final battle in the game was a bit underwhelming. The patriots had been in the game for a while and it would have been nice to fight a couple of handymen instead of waves of patriots.

Additionally, I dont think they developed the vigors enough. I went through the whole game only using Possession coupled with a Sniper Rifle and an RPG for backup.

When I finished the final battle I was glad to have finished the game, but I would have only given it a 6 or 7 out of 10 at that point.

The reason the game suddenly shot upward in my regard was the ending. All the weird things that had been happening were explained (mostly). The ending almost reminded me of Inception, a sort of physics conundrum based on time travel. If, however, I hadnt read the online explanation about the ending - I would have been even more confused.

Someone once told me that they liked the Bioshock games because they were "weird and twisted" - and that certainly is true. There was a terrifying man with a coffin on his back who disappears and attacks you from behind. There was dead men with glowing eyes and porcelain faces. The ghost of your mother who raises the dead to kill you (?!). There were museum figurine giants, big cyborg handymen who could kill you with one blow and a massive metal bird that tried to kill you at every turn!

Overall, it was my first time playing a Bioshock game and I cant wait for the next one - but in the time being Im going to play something a little more civilised :p :p :p

Definitely play the first two, great games.
Tomb Raider

Just finished this. I kind of enjoyed it in parts, but was glad it was over tbh.


  • Looks great and performance is good. I managed to get an average of 40fps with Tressfx on, but didn't bother in the end, I left it off, with a constant 55-60.
  • Some interesting set-pieces if you like that sort of thing. The game is very cinematic, in a good way most of the time.
  • Some good exploring to do, and plenty to find.
  • The bow is cool.
  • Some decent characters, and dialogue(also some bad!)
  • Some good customization of weapons and gear.
  • Climbing mechanics were good, as was the general gameplay outside of combat. Exploring was fun because of this.


  • Unfailable QTEs and button mashing. Absolutely unforgivable...remember when you had to press E to open a door, well now you have to press E 20 times to open a door....Progression!
  • Whilst the story wasn't awful, it was badly told. I really, and I mean really hate it when story is told through people talking to themselves!..and this happened a lot in Tomb Raider. Alos related, I hated the way Lara kept asking questions when picking up object and stuff "did this belong to the sun queen" for example...WHY DON'T YOU TELL US?!
  • Combat was poor, and the game was focused far too much on it. Just boring COD style areas where you kill everyone then move on, got tedious after a while
  • Like a lot of games recently, a noticeable, and lazy disconnect between narrative and gameplay. For example, Lara feeling bad about killing someone, struggling to do things, then getting up and headshotting 50 armed bandits in a row. Also, Lara should have by rights died about 50 times!
  • Imo, there were too many weapons, as well as an over reliance on combat. I think the game would have been improved greatly if they had taken out the shotgun, machine gun, and most of the armed enemies and focused a bit more on the mele/dodge mechanic(similar to Alan Wake). Basically, the bow, handgun with limited ammo and a mele weapon would have been enough.
  • Some niggles such as control being taken away from you at the wrong time. For example, I find it insulting that Lara automatically lights a torch when entering a the devs think we are retards?...also there were too many times(it really became obvious) where Lara would fall over/through a floor or something.
I enjoyed it in small bursts, which is why it took me so long to finish- 6/10
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Metro last light.


Mind blowing visuals and effects.
Gun customoizing
Great story and a story you don't exepct.

Can drag a little bit in places
Enemy A.I. is stupid
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