The last game you completed, and rating.

Some good reviews in here. It would be nice if everyone posted at least one positive/negative for each though, rather than just giving a score with no context as to why it was rated high/low.
Mafia II

+The voice acting is really good at some points, more than I expected coming into it.
+Heard complaints about the game being too short, but really but for me it was about right.
+Story was well written, you'd have to be pretty cold not to have some level of emotional investment in the characters by the end.

-Spent a bit too long driving around imo. Game world looks really quite nice but I wouldn't have minded skipping some of the driving parts, gets a bit tiresome toward the end.
-I would have liked to have more choice in the game... There was definitely some missed opportunity for expansion to the story that would've added some value. Although the story was good, it was very linear.

Assassin's Creed 3

+ Huge open world
+ Preferred the combat to the first few games. It was trickier to not get hurt.
+ Naval battles were fun (the first few times at least)

- Nowhere near as epic as AC1 or AC2
- The soundtrack wasn't as inspiring as previous versions
- Suffers from not being a fresh idea anymore
- Connor is a really boring character who I didn't care about. Compare this with Ezio
who had me shedding man tears when he died in embers
- Boring towns
- I've been playing AC for years, please try and speed up the tutorial (1/3 of the game isn't acceptable).

Mafia II

+The voice acting is really good at some points, more than I expected coming into it.
+Heard complaints about the game being too short, but really but for me it was about right.
+Story was well written, you'd have to be pretty cold not to have some level of emotional investment in the characters by the end.

-Spent a bit too long driving around imo. Game world looks really quite nice but I wouldn't have minded skipping some of the driving parts, gets a bit tiresome toward the end.
-I would have liked to have more choice in the game... There was definitely some missed opportunity for expansion to the story that would've added some value. Although the story was good, it was very linear.


I've also just finished Mafia II, and agree with all of those points -- especially the last one.
Dishonored DLC- Knife of Dunwall


  • More of the same Dishonored gameplay, which is excellent. The movement really is the most fluid I think I have ever experienced.
  • two of the best levels in all of Dishonored, the slaughterhouse in particular is epic!
  • Daud is an intriguing character, and his story seem like it is worth telling.
  • From my perspective, playing as Daud had me playing the game differently to how I played the original...In Dishonored, I was always low chaos, sneaking and hardly killing anyone as at the end of the day it just fit the character more. In this, you play as someone completely different, a legendary assassin, and it had me playing the game completely differently, which was a nice change.
  • Length and Value. Took me 9 hours, which is not bad for £7 imo, and it was very high quality content, so great value!
  • As well as the areas being big, there are tons of secrets, hidden areas, collectibles, places to explore etc.
  • The new weapons and gadgets were great, though tbh I didn't really use them...just not the way I played the game.

  • No new powers or anything like that, just a small change to the summon rat swarm power, which is now summon assassin.
  • The main antagonists are not fleshed out at all....they missed a trick with Billy Lurk, as they could have had a decent character on their hands there.
  • Plot isn't exactly made crystal clear tbh, I imagine all will become clear when part 2 is released, but when playing, I was not entirely sure why I was doing some of the things I was doing.
  • It was Steams fault, but installing the dlc made the game crash on start-up at first(i actually bought it on release, but only just got it working) Turns out it was a cloud sync problem.
Very high quality DLC- 8/10
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Max Payne 3 - 9/10

Awesome game. Every bit as good as the originals. Action packed movie feel to the game. The slow motion bullet kills never get old and those kill shots are stunning with rag doll physics. I was worried he'd not suit the Brazilian setting, but it suits the game really well.

The story is okay. Satisfying, but nothing special.

Oddly when I started the game I was annoyed by the constant cut scenes, but by the end of the game I was begging for more.

Second best game I've played in 2013. The best being Bioshock Infinite with Sleeping Dogs running hard on their trails.
Darksiders 2


I am so sad that THQ has gone, this was my personal game of the year (it came out in 2012). I tried playing it a couple of times and didnt get into it then randomly fired it up and completed it twice (once on new game plus). The game is epic, I really like the world (it feels a bit warhammery in places).

For those that are interested, you play as one of the horsemen of the apolcalpyse - death. You are a total bad ass!

Check out some of the screenshots on my steam profile,

the artwork is the best that I have ever seen. Its expensive on steam but im sure i picked it up for £10 or something like that (steam code from GMG I think).

GO play it now :)

  • More of the same Dishonored gameplay, which is excellent. The movement really is the most fluid I think I have ever experienced.
  • two of the best levels in all of Dishonored, the slaughterhouse in particular is epic!
  • Daud is an intriguing character, and his story seem like it is worth telling.
  • From my perspective, playing as Daud had me playing the game differently to how I played the original...In Dishonored, I was always low chaos, sneaking and hardly killing anyone as at the end of the day it just fit the character more. In this, you play as someone completely different, a legendary assassin, and it had me playing the game completely differently, which was a nice change.
  • Length and Value. Took me 9 hours, which is not bad for £7 imo, and it was very high quality content, so great value!
  • As well as the areas being big, there are tons of secrets, hidden areas, collectibles, places to explore etc.
  • The new weapons and gadgets were great, though tbh I didn't really use them...just not the way I played the game.

  • No new powers or anything like that, just a small change to the summon rat swarm power, which is now summon assassin.
  • The main antagonists are not fleshed out at all....they missed a trick with Billy Lurk, as they could have had a decent character on their hands there.
  • Plot isn't exactly made crystal clear tbh, I imagine all will become clear when part 2 is released, but when playing, I was not entirely sure why I was doing some of the things I was doing.
  • It was Steams fault, but installing the dlc made the game crash on start-up at first(i actually bought it on release, but only just got it working) Turns out it was a cloud sync problem.
Very high quality DLC- 8/10

yea definitely, in fact, Daud is a better character to play than the guy in the main game !!!

the DLC is way too short to add flesh and substance to the characters, it's just 3 tiny levels.
Mafia II

+The voice acting is really good at some points, more than I expected coming into it.
+Heard complaints about the game being too short, but really but for me it was about right.
+Story was well written, you'd have to be pretty cold not to have some level of emotional investment in the characters by the end.

-Spent a bit too long driving around imo. Game world looks really quite nice but I wouldn't have minded skipping some of the driving parts, gets a bit tiresome toward the end.
-I would have liked to have more choice in the game... There was definitely some missed opportunity for expansion to the story that would've added some value. Although the story was good, it was very linear.


Sums it up well. I picked it up/put it down and got 16 enjoyable hours out of it.

One minor niggle for me, is that the world isn't truly open to you.
Not being able to drive through certain crash barriers/fences? So frustrating at times.
Crysis 3



  • Presentation, presentation, presentation. I've never seen a game as beautiful as this one :eek:. I started off playing on Ultra with my signature rig and I honestly thought the intro was an FMV until the game dumps you right into the action. From the word go the spectacle here is immense. After an hour or so I dropped down to all high settings with very high textures and was getting 45-60 fps Vsync'd and it still looked absolutely gorgeous.
  • Fun weapons and nicely designed environments to toy with enemies in. I read one review that complained about the lack of scope in the game for free roaming tactical combat. I think that’s bunk. Yes there are linear levels but the areas within leave more than enough room and have been designed with many options for how to deal with most situations.
  • Sound design is very good.


  • For some reason the game does opt to use FMV sequences, particularly when Prophet, the main character, is shown. In comparison to the rest of the in game presentation these look really jarring and just of a much lower quality overall. The final sequence in particular is pretty ropey, why they didn’t just opt for the in game engine I do not know.
  • Characters, with the possible exception of ‘Psycho’, are poorly written and not fleshed out except through text notes you find as ‘data’ scattered around. This is also how most of the (not particularly great) main story gets fed to the player. Also, there are many audio logs to find which almost entirely consist of 20 seconds of a Cell (re: bad guy) trooper or squad thinking they’ve somehow escaped death and then getting mown down by Ceph aliens. This gets very repetitive after a while.
  • Speaking of repetitive – the hacking mini game. Yeah, that old chestnut.
  • The Nanosuit upgrade options were confusing and largely ignored as a result.


A beautiful and often highly enjoyable combat game that at its best does make you feel like a real badass. It's just a bit of a shame the story is lacking.
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I completed Alan Wake last night, I think it's definitely worth a play.

The gameplay is very shallow but the atmosphere created by dense storytelling and dark environments lit only by your torch is top notch. I liked reading through the manuscript and watching the tvs dotted about.

I would have enjoyed a bit more variety in enemies where some different tactic is needed other than shine light and shoot. Also a difficulty curve that wasn't just more enemies.

I was also not a fan of the way that the game constantly kept taking my inventory away from me, games usually only do that once or twice but Alan Wake did it constantly... It meant I kept saving ammo and weapons for what might have been some difficult encounter, but all it meant I was doing was saving up all the good stuff only to have it taken off me. This also felt like the normal progression of a game was broken.

Finally a minor niggle but as the flashlight is used as an aiming device the rest of the HUD should have been completely hidden unless used. It would have made the game more immersive.
I absolutely loved Alan Wake. I agree that the gameplay is repetitive, but I think it works definitely needed a bit more variety though(which was planned, but the game had a troubled development).

Also, you can completely turn the HUD is much better!
I was also not a fan of the way that the game constantly kept taking my inventory away from me, games usually only do that once or twice but Alan Wake did it constantly... It meant I kept saving ammo and weapons for what might have been some difficult encounter, but all it meant I was doing was saving up all the good stuff only to have it taken off me

Glad you posted this, I own AW and American Nightmare and might have started it soon, but BS like that drives me crazy in games (I am a serial hoarder especially of ammo for the best weapons like rocket launchers, BFG etc... I love it when games have a proper boss fight that can then be taken down by these conventional weapons I've stockpiled, not some stupid gimmick)
trying to remember the last game I completed... probably Diablo 3 (even then not on all difficulties).

I'd give it a 6/10.

At first I was blown away and super excited about it and would have given it a 8, but the story is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too short :( the difference in difficulty between some quests/areas/acts is just retarded!

Graphically it's pleasing and if there's a lot of magic and killing going on it's a wondrous screen of colour and light.

Re-playability is a bit lacking for myself, was great going back with uber (or better than normal) gear and rinsing through things and the extra challenge of harder and harder difficulties but ended up having to farm/grind areas trying to get better gear to sell to get money to buy better gear on the auction house... or just get lucky with drops and personally.... MEH didn't like that bit at all.... granted if I had lots of drops and was making cash from the AH then my opinion would be different but I didn't... so it sucks xD

FarCry3 - 9/10 AWESOME! loved the whole game, pretty decent story which was rather interesting and kept me curious, graphics were stunning! gameplay was really fun as you can play how you like... fancy going in guns blazing... sure! light that **** up!!! want to be sneaky sneak and take everyone out with out anyone knowing.... OFCOURSE YOU CAN!!!! Want to unleash/anger a wild animal so that it attacks outposts and does almost all the work for you.... DO IT, SHOOT THAT TIGERS BUM!!! hehehe can;t praise this game enough really, was quite excited for it and wasn;t disappointed. Completed pretty much everything in the game, did most of the side quests in an area before moving on with main mission (hunting/bounty) but there were a few left when the game ended and I couldn't be bothered then xD but yea... truly enjoyable, take about a week when doing a few hours each night :)

EDIT: why didn't they just do a Diablo II HD like they've done with AoEII xD
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Just finished Remember Me last night. 8/10

Has a fairly decent story and very nice graphics. Although I did struggle a bit with the combat combos, just kept forgetting the sequences on the third and fourth combo.
The only really disappointing part of the game, was the final boss fight, it was just to easy.
Call of Juarez Gunslinger


Great fun and very well made if a little short. Always loved wild west stuff since I was a kid so really enjoyed this, the graphics are a well done mix of cell shading and realistic with comic book style character intros.

The narrative running throughout the game tying everything together is very well done, the only annoyance is the QTE however failing these doesn't always insta-kill you provided you are quick enough.

Saw the ending a mile off and the games length/QTE are the only things that bothered me. Well worth picking up cheap.
The Last of Us - 9.5/10

Probably would have giving this a 10/10, but some minor bugs broke my immersion once or twice. Game of the generation for me though (Unless GTA5 smashes that :D)

Red Dead Redemption 7.5/10

A good game, but some of the missions just irked me, and the last hour IMHO, was a bit unnessasary.

Heavy Rain - 9/10

I really , REALLY enjoyed this game! Fantastic story, and got me super hyped for Beyond:Two Souls.
Sniper 2: Ghost Warrior.

Graphics 8/10

Optimization/performance: 10/10

Gameplay 8/10

Story 4/10

Overall 7/10

Sublime game leading up to the ending, didn't even realise it was the ending it felt that bad I was expecting to progress to another mission, but the ballistics are fantastic and the online is decent. Got it for £3.75 so cannot at all complain either way, but had I put full retail of £25 into it I'd of felt disappointed.
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