The last game you completed, and rating.

FEAR: Extraction Point

Not as interesting as the first game, with no real plot, and not as creepy due to what we learn of Alma in the first. A few more cheap scares cropping up, though. Still good, but not as good.

Although I enjoyed the expansions quite a lot, it did seem to me that extraction point came across a little sparse and empty in places.

I may have preferred Perseus Mandate a little more to that, though it's been so long now, I can't really remember. :)
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Wolfenstein: The New Order - 8/10

Played it on the 2nd hardest difficulty which was challenging enough for me. Generally thought it was very good but I preferred Metro: Last Light which was the game I completed before this one. I found the final boss a bit tedious (just hard and not much fun)

loved wolfenstein thought it was a great game the gameplay reminded me of the old medal of honor games.

didnt like metro last night at all played half of it and just give up on it
Completed in terms of achievements; CS:GO.

An easy 9.9/10 in terms of quality etc. Only thing I can say about multiplayer servers for Match-Making is that they're 64tick which makes gameplay more 'BS' than anything, especially when you see blood on the wall yet no damage was given to the player.
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Wolfenstein the new order. 8/10. Shooting nazis with dual wield shotguns, so satisfying :)

I played Fergus timeline, didn't expect the ending
Fez 9/10

Fun, clever little platformer. Pretty easy to complete on the first play through, however that's really only half the game. To really complete it you need to go through again on 'New Game +'.
I've 'golded' all the levels now with quite a bit of help from google. I honestly don't think anyone could 'gold' the entire thing without help.

Enjoyed it a lot though :)

Also recently completed......

Guacamelee 8/10

Another 'indie' platformer. Fun, very taxing in places, clever and very polished.
Both picked up guilt inducingly cheap in sales and both great.
Finally started Tomb Raider, rather exciting stuff and while some may complain this isn't 'real' Tomb Raider game in terms of gameplay this is rather fantastic stuff!
Fnished Assassin's Creed 4 this week

+ Graphics were good
+ Large world to explore
+ Pirate ship battles
+ Lots to do

- The main story was really poor
- Pirate ship battles good but not quite perfect yet
- I had a save bug. It said it had saved, I quit to main menu and it also said I had saved, but if I quit the game at all then it had not saved. I had to re-do 1 hour of story 3 times. Very annoying.

Assassin's Creed 3

Got into the series late with Black Flag and had so much fun I got III and played it all the way thru. Not as good as BF but very fun none the less.

Batman:Arkham City.

Awesome game. Can't believe I left it so long to give this a whirl. Gorgeous looking visuals, great music, very atmospheric. Plot was predictable but only in a Batman/Superhero plot way, nothing less than I'd expect.

It's been one of the few games recently that has grabbed my attention tenfold and fully immersed me in the game.

Therefore I give it 10/10. :cool:
Just completed the 2013 Tomb Raider, brilliant game, thoroughly enjoyed it.

First long single player game i've played through and actually got hooked on in a very long time. Decent length, nice graphics, gets a bit repetitive towards the end going "oh look a steep thing im going to slide down" but still fun :)

8/10 - Some areas for improvement, but good fun.
Metro Last Light 9/10.

I felt this was superior to 2033, though 2033 was a great game as well, and has been the most enjoyable game I've played in ages.
Tomb Raider 8/10

Looks great
Sounds great
Plays well

My oh my did I find many brutal ways to kill Lara (sorry Lara.)

Very linier, very little actual exploring, dont think I ever actually raided a tomb
Lasted a bit too long imo
Cliche story
Lara went from innocent to rambo very quickly
Sniper elite 3 8+/10
loved it, had to do a lil youtube cheating to get to 100% though
im probably gonna hit the buy button for a season pass of the bay (£11.99) this gives all the DLC and any future DLC
Broken Sword 5 - 5/10

It was ok, story was a little boring and some of the puzzles were really tedious. The first and second games of the series were much better than this. Unless It is just down to the fact I played them back when i was at school I'm not sure. They were games I could play for hours at a time and couldn't wait to see the next location. It also seemed a lot shorter than the first 2 with easier puzzles.
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