The last game you completed, and rating.

Haven't played any action games for ages but Mark of the Ninja was recommended to me.
I think I'm nearing the end. It's an excellent game! 8.5/10
Lost Alpha v.1.0003.

Well, I'm pleased to have finally completed this much awaited release, though my appreciation of it was subdued for quite a while. That is until the last week or so, when I really started to enjoy it like I hoped I would. From my side, I think what hindered my enjoyment for a vast majority of the time playing it, was that I didn't have as much time to put into it like I would have normally; an hour or two here and there doesn't usually help 'slow burners' like myself to settle into a game properly. Then, strangely enough, a period of sickness enabled me to do it justice, and this is when I really found myself 'getting into it', and very enjoyable it was too.

+ larger maps / wide and expansive areas
+ physics of models during and after combat (the way enemies die really made it for me)
+ the visuals were pretty decent, though during the bright, sunny weather moments, I thought it tended to look a bit too 'clean' and washed out
+ pretty good ending
+ the 'Bar', Yantar and most areas in fact were well constructed imo (though I thought that the Garbage wasn't so good)
+ the swaying trees added very nicely to the weather effects

- most of the voice acting was quite poor (and I'm usually fairly forgiving in this area)
- in most cases, if not all, the vehicle handling was appalling
- although the maps were much bigger, they did seem quite barren and empty (too much so) - though I have to say that this bothered me less as time went on
- too much back and forth trekking, though I didn't mind this that much
- A.I. still isn't quite 100% right, but it is much, much better than it was on release
- the upgrade paths for weapons / suits is restrictive and repetitive
- although there was greater flexibility to be able to explore further (e.g. doors), I still found it lacking a bit
- flashlight runs down too fast

I look forward to any modded versions of this in the coming months / years. Like the zone, this work will likely expand and continue to grow.

8 - maybe 8.5 / 10.
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Castlevania Lords of Shadows 2

I am a huge fan of the series and the LOS games.
Good: Graphics gorgeous
Epic music
Options to power up abilities
The Castle part of the story is nice
Quicktime events can be switched off in options
For the first time you are playing the main big baddy vampire!!!

Bad: scenario was mediocre and a huge step backwards compared to the other 2 los games
Stealth mode boring and shouldnt be there once you get your powers back

Its an ok game grab cheap nice to get to take a break after all the fps games that are out
Walking Dead S1 - S2.

Both excellent (9/10), though i thought the first season was slightly better than the second.

Looking forward to starting Wolf Among Us.
Dragon Age Awakening 7/10

Finally stuck with a play through and completed it with my favourite Dalish Warrior/Archer I created back in 2011! According to my 'achievement' list I started trying to complete Awakening back in 2010... 'twas not a perfect 'all perfect' run, but apart from Sigrun, I didn't care enough about the NPC's to try give it my all. That's the Expansions biggest failing in my opinion. I still find the slower paced combat more satisfying that DA2's "press button, Awesome happens" style though.

Whatever the consequences in the later games, I don't wanna go through all that again. ;)

Now to bludgeon my way through Witch Hunt and then take a deep breath before going through DA2 again.
Assassins Creed: Black Flag

Great visuals
great characters
voice acting
lots to do and explore

Ending seemed rushed.
lack of variety in enemies
everything outside the animus.

Overall: 85/100

Very good game, well worth getting but at the same time shallower than previous creed games. AC2 is still their best imo.
Far Cry 3 - 7/10

+ Graphics & environment
+ Voice acting was really quite good
+ The guns feel good
+ Story was ok for a computer game
+ A nice mix of stealth and action choices
+ Bargain for £4 (Steam sale)

- Quite repetitive at times
- Once you get an upgraded sniper rifle, it's quite easy
- Dull cut-scenes that can't be skipped
- Unsatisfying boss fights - click LMB, click RMB, press Space etc...
- AI is pretty poor most of the time

May play it again with a good mod.
Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep

Excellent DLC, fun, good humour, even some feels at the end.

Deadfall Adventures:


  • Decent story
  • Weapons that actually feel dangerous
  • Graphics


  • Length of game = 6 hours!
  • Flashlight being a pre-requisite for killing nearly everything after half way through
  • Characters felt a little hollow
  • Way too many daft parts to the game, where a guy gets away but leaves the rope out of the pit still on the wall, yet the characters just walk away from it?!

Overall, fairly enjoyable = 5/10
The Walking Dead: Season 2

Waited until they all got released before playing it, and played them one episode per week after replaying Season 1 again just before it. I really like that they smoothed out the aiming and controls from Season 1. As for the story... loved every minute of it. 10/10.

After playing TWD: Season 1 & 2 and The Wolf Among Us and loving them all, any future Telltale games are pretty much a no-questions-asked pre-order at this point.
Max Payne 3 - 8.5/10. Great action game, if only tainted by far too many cut scenes and a short life. Still, paid £3 for it or something, so good value none the less :)
Borderlands 2 8/10
A bit slow at the start but
enjoyed it so much I'm playing through again on a harder mode.
Divinity Original Sin: loved it from start to finish - the turn based combat was lots of fun and the powers/weapons allow a whole range of interesting strategies. It's a bloody long game too - put in 80 odd hours on my first play through.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

I got quite sucked in to this, but that's not really saying much for me with RPGs...

Reflecting back on it, I can't really say I thought it was much cop as a game in many ways.

It has a big open world, sure, and a stupendous amount of quests, but the storyline is utterly generic, only a tiny handful of the side quests are actually interesting, few of characters stand out as in any way memorable, the game is a bit on the easy side, and it all gets rather repetitive long before the end.

Unusually for me with this type of game, I was actually looking on it as a bit of a chore towards the final third - just clicking through dialogue and rushing to get it finished. I'd long developed quest fatigue and was past caring what the next uninspiring and bland character had to say. The final battle was awful as well.

On the positive side, I quite liked the crafting and leveling for a while, though these also were played out before the end, with precious little value for my final 30 or so skill points (mage build). The magic system was quite fun for a bit whilst I was leveling up, but it all became very repetitive there too (click, mark of flame, click, monsters die, click, mark of flame, click, monsters die... big monster... meteor, click, mark of flame, click, monster dies... )

I guess it had something to suck me in for 50 hours or so, but it won't be making any of my best of lists.

Doom 3: 3/5
Couldn't get mods to work but at 1200p it still looked fairly decent. A bit long and became boring after a while (repetitive environments and lack of enemy variety) but a good blast and genuinely nerve wrecking in parts. Less run and gun than I expected from a Doom game.

Brothers A Tale of Two Sons: 5/5
Short at about 3 hours long and not very challenging but a really enjoyable experience. Gorgeous visual style and a neat concept of controlling two characters simultaneously to negotiate obstacles, works great with the 360 pad.

Resident Evil Revelations: 4/5
Not as polished as RE5/6 but looks nice for a 3DS port, environments suffer a little but characters and enemies look great. Slower paced and more survival horror, like older RE games though lacking the critical inventory management of old which was a shame. I enjoyed the campaign (despite nonsensical story and jarring flashback chapters) but wouldn't replay it in a hurry. The Raid mode offers decent replayability though for a good short blast through sections of the main game.

Broforce: 4/5
A little rough round the edges being an early access game but this game is a blast, the most fun pick up and play game I have played in a while. Great 8-bit visual style and controls superbly with the 360 pad, this will be a 5/5 when they iron out all the kinks and add more content.
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Mass Effect 3:

Having waited a very long time to even start this, I thought I'd revisit it whilst I had the spare time to invest in it before moving to a different city and start a new job.

The pacing of the game is far better than the first 2 games and the general experience is far more refined. They definitely took onboard the feedback given on the previous titles and applied it to this one. The storyline took its natural direction towards the conclusion and although the ending gets slated, I thought it was alright considering the circumstances.

I didn't really understand the point of getting a truly massive fleet though to combat the reapers at the end as they didn't seem to effect the outcome at all. I didn't get a choice at the end either, with only destroying them being my option, which goes against what I've read on line previously. Some of the weapons are insanely powerful, whilst most others are utter turd and not worth the time. The heavy pistols that can charge shot are easily the best weapons in the game for normal use, regardless of the enemy type. Could 1 shot a marauder with the one I was using on normal difficulty, regardless of their shield level lol. As with the previous games, I seemed to miss out quite a few of the side quests (but no where near the amount I missed on ME2 though) which I might play through just to fully complete it.

Its going to be hard to find a title worth playing after that though! Like playing through a hollywood movie, especially in the later half of the game.

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