The last game you completed, and rating.

I agree with the above, I'd personally rate both of the witcher games equally. The Witcher 2's interface is a bit friendlier however.

Borderlands 2 - 7/10

Got lots of wacky guns, lots of shooting. Although that is about all there was to it, fun none the less, started the second playthrough but kind of got distracted by Divinity Original Sin.
Alien Isolation

Started off really well! Up until half way it was one of the best games I've played in a while, and then it sort of just hit a point and began to drag and become really repetitive. It needed to be shorter as it felt like the 2nd half was a massive chore/drag

But it may just be me. Positives would be great use of the source material, not that im a fan of the films/lore but it seems authentic to me. Really nice visuals and nice touches like depth of field when using the tracker etc.

Sound design is great

Story was a bit so so but the atmosphere was spot on

Overall it should have been 8 hours long imo, after that just felt like deliberate padding in areas, i hate that

If i had to score i would say 7/10 or almost an 8

If i was a series fan i may have made more of it
Hotline Miami

For what it is, as damn near a perfect game as I can remember playing. Soundtrack of total awesomeness; fast, brutally difficult but fair and rewarding gameplay. Superb atmosphere and visuals within the bounds of the retro 8-bit style it had set up.

Picked this up for a song in a Humble Bundle sale and it quite possibly represents the best entertainment to cost ration of any game I've ever bought.

Utterly superb. 10/10
Wolfenstein NO: 6/10

Very generic, short, linear and not much of a looker either in my opinion. Big disappointment.

RE 4 HD edition: 9/10

The HD updates were a letdown but the village section looks great with a proper HD texture mod. A long and at times challenging game, they dont make em like this anymore. Maybe a little too much set piece action but still retains some good old survival horror elements. A classic!

Tomb Raider: 9/10

Amazing visuals, great ott action but a little heavy on combat and light on puzzles, more of the optional tomb raiding integrated into the main game would be nice.

Alan Wake: 8/10

Fantastic visuals and atmosphere, driven by a wierd but engaging story. Fairly short but I didn't mind because it felt a little repetative and frustrating at times.

Mafia II: 8/10

Shooting and especially the cover mechanic was very well done. The driving was ok but a little floaty even in simulation mode. The GTA sandox element was very thin to be honest, best just stick to the main story objectives. What a story though, brought to life by the best voice acting I've heard in a game. Decent graphics for an older title too, lots of attention to detail. very enjoyable game!
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Divinity: Original Sin - 8/10

Solid RPG with a very detailed world. Good combat with nice interaction with the environment to aid or hinder you.
Dragged on a bit at the end but that was mainly due to face-rolling the last quarter of the game as the party I had seemed to just be able to win any battle regardless of how dumb I played it.
Wolfenstein New Order: 8/10
Finished 4 months ago so memories aren't fresh. But loved pretty much everything about this game: storyline, graphics, atmosphere...

Aliens Isolation: 10/10
Just finished.
Played on 40" TV + 5.1 + joystick during nigh time ...
Perfect atmosphere, great recreation of original "alien" space ship design, details, equipment... Music, sound, voice's and noise.

Thought it is going to be shorter than it is, however did not bore me at all like someone above.
Alien was fist horror movie I have watched when I was kid, so that impact probably left as It was pretty scary...
Bioshock Infinite & Burial At Sea DLC 8/10

I first started the main game over a year ago but due to "too many games" syndrome and getting peed off with turrets if I recall correctly it's taken me till now to play through this. Well, I'm glad I have!

I don't think it's the best FPS mechanically, I'm not sure what it is exactly but it's not the best. Plasmids bring a welcome element to it though.

Story and art wise though I've been blown away. I thought it was incredible. Looks great and keeps you plowing through to find out what the reveals are going to be.

I had some stuttering issues despite 290X Crossfire and despite trying a supposed fix off the Steam forum this persisted. A shame but did not detract from the voyage.

Alien Isolation

Brilliant in parts, infuriating in others. Still a solid 8.5.

After playing Alien Isolation I can't find a single game I can get into.

Bought couple of old games like Dead Island and Far Cry 3 but quickly got bored.

Considering getting Stranded Deep but like so many games it is unfinished.
Thief (2014) 6/10

Pffft... I don't really know what to say. You sneak about and nick stuff, meet whatever objectives... an uninspired review for an uninspiring game.

Of course, it wasn't so bad I didn't play through it. Might not have helped that I played through it 'non-lethal' as I felt that style matched the character as he was introduced. Headshotting guards with a bow and arrow might have been more fun. No achievement for it either, I was a bit miffed about that but should have checked eh?!

I don't feel that I can avoid comparison with Dishonored, which I'd give at least another 1.5/2 points.

Mafia II: 8/10

Shooting and especially the cover mechanic was very well done. The driving was ok but a little floaty even in simulation mode. The GTA sandox element was very thin to be honest, best just stick to the main story objectives. What a story though, brought to life by the best voice acting I've heard in a game. Decent graphics for an older title too, lots of attention to detail. very enjoyable game!

Such a pleasure this game, oh that snow looks pretty amazing imo. BTW Godfather 1+2 work on win 8.1 and so does scarface which are the same type games.
Farcry 4


Found it to be pretty much a re-skinned Farcry 3 with a more interesting setting and a couple of new features. Couldn't stand the main two NPCs you get missions off, and that radio guy annoyed the hell out of me - but the gyrocopter and Pagan Min were awesome!

If I hadn't already played Farcry 3 then it would probably be a 7.5/8
Mass Effect 1 7/10
Mass Effect 2 8.5/10
Mass Effect 3 9/10

Every time I play these 3 brilliant games I view them differently. However on this run, the original does show its age in terms of area/level design and how the levels are populated, hence marking it down. It's ageing.

I know Mass Effect 3 shares its love and hate opinions from fans, but for me I really noticed how much better the combat is over 2 on this play through. There's also the added bonus for me on this run of playing some of the dlc for the first time. And I thought Leviathan was good, but Omega superb. I know the ending is controversial, but I always didn't mind it.

Anyway great series and has taken me a month to complete. Classic stuff all in all.

I am playing through these again at the moment and I am about halfway through No.2.

They are just so good and this is the first time I have been able to use my save game for the playthrough. When ME3 originally came out, I was a console player and because I had a new 360 I was never able to use my previous saves, so this is a nice experience for me.

I always found ME1 to be my favourite as I loved the atmosphere on the Citadel, but now all these years later it is showing it's age. It's a little buggy and the combat is very clunky, but as with all Bioware games it's about the atmosphere and characters.

Cannot wait for ME4. Really interested to see what they do. Mass Effect in a new engine is something to be really excited for. Especially as the Frostbite engine is definitely more suited to a ME game, than it was for Dragon Age.
Um...the last games I have completed fully are probably the following:

Deus Ex: Human Revolution 9/10 (Possibly even 10/10)

Just such an amazing game. I've replayed it so many times! Only perfect game on Steam for me (all achievements). Currently working my way through the Director's Cut (reworked bosses, includes Missing Link DLC). Completed at release, so it's been a while since I completed it!

Bioshock: Infinite 8/10

I probably rate it 8, because I played it, then left it for a few months, and then came back to it. It probably deserves a proper play through!

GTA V (PS3) 9/10 (Possibly 10/10)

Completed this when it came out on PS3. Definitely buying a copy when it comes out on PC! So much fun. I'm looking forward to completing it in 1st person mode (although I do enjoy 3rd person for GTA, especially as it allows you to see what the crazy character you are playing is doing)
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