The last game you completed, and rating.

Finished Wolfenstein: The New Order last night.

Fun from start to finish, barring some slightly dull interludes in the hub/safe house area. A slightly odd juxtaposition of extremely silly overblown action shooting hordes of Nazis in a camp-but-still-disturbing vision of an alternative postwar timeline, and some half-baked "serious" story elements. But somehow it worked. I managed to segue from feeling quite moved/disturbed to rampaging around a stupendously over-the-top retro-futuristic set for dual-wielding mayhem.

Some of the best fun I've had a in a game for some time.

Worth a good 8/10
Dragon Age: Inquisition

It would take a long time to go over everything I thought about this game, and I'm bored of discussing tbh. I'll just say that it is pretty good, but no more. Very tedious in places, but can also be quite fun. The characters are very good and the writing not bad. There are a lot of bugs as well.

After seeing so many people saying that the second season of The Walking Dead not being a patch on the first, I skipped it and got The Wolf Among Us instead in the recent sale.

Just finished the first episode, and loving it! :D

Metro last light redux


Good, but not as good as 2033. I thought the voice actor used for the dark one was a bit of an odd choice. Took away some of the mystery surrounding them and made it almost cartoony.

The extra content missions were quite poor, finding it a chore to play through them if i'm honest.
Splinter Cell Blacklist

Enjoyed it more than I thought I would, looked incredible in parts although it has its issues, it got a bit samey toward the end but I kept at it so it must have been decent as otherwise I just uninstall if I'm not particularly impressed or get bored

6.5/10 would have been a 7 if it wasn't for the annoying issues
The Wolf Among Us - Episode 2

Noticeably weaker than the first episode, but still loving the art direction and universe it is set in. The twist twist at the beginning was kinda cool though.


The Wolf Among Us - Episode 3

Better, more of this please, better pacing and plot development. Loved that they even take the **** out of their own game-style by saying "Gren won't remember this." when he passes out :D

Dragon Age: Inquisition

It would take a long time to go over everything I thought about this game, and I'm bored of discussing tbh. I'll just say that it is pretty good, but no more. Very tedious in places, but can also be quite fun. The characters are very good and the writing not bad. There are a lot of bugs as well.


Sounds like that's a pretty common opinion from players despite the raving reviews from journalists. I'm about the start playing it myself - hopefully most of the bugs have now been patched!
The Wolf Among Us - Episode 4

Good stuff again, loving the pacing and characterisation.


The Wolf Among Us - Episode 5

SWEET! Great ending the overall story imo, especially seeing that they did a better job of tying in your previous choices to the big finale.


All in all, I actually preferred to the first season of The Walking Dead, but that might be because I loved all the tying in to the world of fairytales and whatnot.

Will deffo be picking up Tales from the Borderlands and the GoT stuff when they have entire seasons finished.
I'm one of the tiny minority who just doesn't get the Telltale popularity. Tried my best to get into The Walking Dead a few times and was just stunned at how poor the gameplay was. The majority of the few hours of gameplay I experienced seemed like psuedo quick-time events and mousing over area's until an option was highlighted. The story might have been OK, but gameplay wise I seriously thought it stank. Then there was the poor porting issue of no keybinding and came to the conclusion that it was probably one of the most overrated games I've ever played of the past few years.

Of the few hours I played I'd have given it a 4/10.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.
I don't look at them as games in the traditional sense, more like an interactive film/tv show, like how those Choose Your Own Adventure books weren't normal books.

It's certainly refreshing from all the COD-alikes and Assassins Clones :p
Funny thing is I loved Broken Sword back in the day, not quite sure why I don't get the Telltale stuff. Maybe I've just come to expect more. Don't know. Mind you I also tried Monkey Island remake not so long ago and thought that sucked too.

Probably just me. Each to there own :)
No you're not the only one. I played the first chapter of walking dead and found it fairly dull. I get that its not meant to be an action game, it's an intetactive story, but I can't really see the attraction still.

Edit - I also enjoyed monkey island and similar games back in the day.
^^ Similar experience here. I was looking forward to it, but I soon thought that maybe it wasn't for me. Perhaps I need to give it another chance.

Rating: 5/10
Hours Played: 15 Hours
Playability: Once... Maybe twice.
Online: N/A for me.
DLC: N/A for me.


  • Enjoyed the story, was something different to the usual plots.
  • AI was done fairly well, good challenge when being sneaky.
  • Controlling the city with hacks was great fun.
  • Lots of mini-games & side missions to do, albeit haven't done many.
  • Thought the combat was OK for a third-person game, wasn't too shabby.
  • Enjoyed the online hackers/fixers entering your game, gave the game play something more interactive and random.


  • Ending wasn't great, but a good twist and tied everything together I guess.
  • Performance was horrendous even still, regardless of the settings + fixes which I why I scored this very low.
  • Driving was shocking, could only drive properly using a controller.
  • Police/Enemies were very easy to avoid, alleyway + bridge and you'll be gone.
  • Character didn't feel at all 'badass' just a guy with a couple hacks and gun compared to other characters.

Full Review

I enjoyed the game, however did have to come back to it after dropping it a few months ago as I didn't grab me the first time around which was a shame. This was mainly due to how poor the game performs especially when driving your car 'fast' or they make you think it's going fast with engine sounds, but you can see it really isn't, driving in this game is horrific and would rather walk everywhere if I could.

The overall aspect of the game play and storyline was good, different and something I would like to see a second of, probably outside of Chicago like a European city as america is the same old same old now and I feel they could do more with it, especially on a larger scale than just one city. Aiden Pearce a man on revenge after his daughter was killed after having a hit placed on him, he is interesting and you feel some passion for his end goal of revenge, however he just feels like another bloke in the city with a few guns and access to a couple hacks. He doesn't feel like he is a major role player in the cycle of the story, as this touches deeply on technology & the world today, it would have been nice to see him progress a little with his skills of hacking, as you start of being able to hack everything as if it's normal & away you go. Think it loses the aspect of how powerful of a weapon it really is, but I think this is just personal opinion & a strange one at that.

The game follows the traditional Ubisoft style with CToS towers to show areas of interest on the map which aren't really interesting & CToS command centres to connect Aiden into the areas subnetwork for missions. These are quite easy and repetitive, a guard will have server access, so you need to hack him & then hack the terminal point and complete the combination security and you're in the server room, but at least the hacking aspect is different.

Would I play this game again... maybe, but not from the start, probably to complete the achievements or do some more online stuff but I think that's about it, but is worth playing once for sure.
I would like to see a sequel as it's got a good base to work upon, but this is Ubisoft we're talking about.
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