The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

It isn't about being sexy (interesting that your brains went there!)
I mean you're a grown man posting on a forum about how hideous you think this young girl is to look at. I think you need to question why you're doing that. Why do characters/actors have to be good looking to perform a role? Wouldn't you prefer for them to be an amazing actor or actress. For me, great actresses who aren't your typical hollywood starlet such as Kathy Burke and Kathy Bates spring to mind?
There's all sorts of rabbit warrens we could go down with this if we take actor/actress choices in tv, films, theatre productions. Hardly any these days are chosen based on looks or how close they look to the original characters unless they can make changes themselves in terms of clothing and hair etc.
And I certainly, personally, never implied anything about 'sexiness'.
It isn't about being sexy (interesting that your brains went there!)

Wow, you're right, I must be the creepy one that focused on the looks of a young woman being the sole reason she should be cast. How could I have misunderstood?

Ellie is objectively 'cute'

Yeah, totally my bad :rolleyes:

If you think Ellie's looks are the sole thing to focus on in the Last of Us, you either haven't played the game, or really REALLY missed the point

I'm currently watching The Unicorn about a father raising two daughters after the mother dies. And I was thinking the older daughter, Ruby Jay, looks a heck of lot more like Ellie then Bella, even though she's already 16 she looks younger and would have been a better cast if this show goes into multiple seasons and needs to show an older Ellie like in TLOU2

I've never seen The Unicorn, but I've seen the trailers - tonally, it's clearly about as far away from the Last of Us as it is possible to get. I have seen Bella Ramsey on Game of Thrones (which I think we can all agree is significantly closer tone wise) and she smashes it - she will be a great Ellie. Unless you're too bothered about her not looking "cute" enough, in which case you should probably just pass on it - you wouldn't want all that frustrating story to get in the way of your eye candy ;)
Never played the game but didn't part two of this cause a right stink because it character assassinated one the first games protagonists? Only ever heard good things about the first game though. I wonder how the adaption will go? It might be nice to see something where I'm unfamiliar with the source material for once.
Never played the game but didn't part two of this cause a right stink because it character assassinated one the first games protagonists? Only ever heard good things about the first game though.

Yeah, the first game was universally loved whilst the 2nd game made some very "strong" story decisions which almost seemed to be designed to split the original fanbase. I didn't play the 2nd one as I didn't like the story choice that NaughtyDog made but, as always, fans on both sides took things way too far plus the studio were quite vocal on Social Media which inflamed the situation more than calming it. I'm a huge fan of the voice actors involved and it was a shame to see all their hard work trashed by so many because of the story, rather than because people thought they did a bad job.

I believe this TV show is based solely around the 1st game.
Official HBO Teaser Trailer just hit -

Damn, is that Cain from supernatural at 21 seconds?
Trailer doesnt really do anything for me, cant tell if they've captured the feel of the 1st game at all. Probably end up being a generic zombie style series :(
Never played the game but didn't part two of this cause a right stink because it character assassinated one the first games protagonists? Only ever heard good things about the first game though. I wonder how the adaption will go? It might be nice to see something where I'm unfamiliar with the source material for once.
Play the games! Now! First one coming to pc soon.
Only with man-babies.

It didn't character assassinate anyone IMO
It's complicated really, I think the issue is Last of Us 2 forced you to play a character making bad choices and doing bad things which is not generally something that is done in gaming (outside of something like GTA). People took exception to the way a character's development went differently to the way they wanted it to go.
Never played the games, watched other people play them a bit, but the casting choice seems well wide of the mark and while Pedro Pascal probably will be able to pull off Joel, didn't not feel like the right actor for Ellie at all and hence the relationship between them from that short bit seemed to miss what made the game work.
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