The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

Not what I said in my post - I lead into that with "and dragged out the love story elements far too much" - same criticism of why I started to find later parts of TWD boring when they dragged out that kind of setup/story far too much regardless of sexual orientations involved. You get like 3-4 repetitions of Bill's reaction to the strawberries for instance when one would have been enough.

That scene was barely even a minute long, you have weird definition of dragging things out. There was so little luvvy duvvy stuff in that episode.
That scene was barely even a minute long, you have weird definition of dragging things out. There was so little luvvy duvvy stuff in that episode.

The whole scene from end to end is about 2 minutes and 15 seconds - if it was that instance alone it would be fine but there are multiple times where they do that in the episode which all adds up. There was nothing in the scene which actually needed more than about a minute to convey sufficiently.
The wife and I both thought episode 3 was the best so far. Not played the game, been largely unimpressed with the show. Thought episode 3 was some of the best TV I’ve seen in a while.
Plant pots? Already seen the fungus come up and tingle the zombies to get them to chase Joel/Crew, sod eating food right out of the ground 20 years after its spread everywhere.

Earlier in the show it seemed to suggest the tendrils, etc. spread around where the infected were, though it could spread miles - they were so remote it is possible there was little risk from it compared to the cities - the show made a bit of a point of showing everyone for miles around had either been evacuated or killed.
When Joel was looking for his stash he was trying to open random things, made me smile.

Thought it was a a really good episode.
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When Joel was looking for his stash he was trying to open random things, made me smile.

Thought it was a a really good episode.

Something I find hard to relate to - if I'd stashed something, even with a lot of years and a lot of places after, I'd quickly remember where the stash was once revisiting the place.
I quite enjoyed the episode but am a bit gutted that Joel didn't get scooped upside down by one leg and forced to shoot infected while Ellie tries to cut him down.
Can see what they were going for but just didn’t work for me, episode 3.

Skipped the gross bits, was not invested at all in their relationship so the impact of the events had no real effect / weight.

I could see it being a great episode if I was invested at all in the relationship of the couple, their journey, love and ending but just wasn’t for me. But appreciate not everything is made for me so great if you enjoyed it.
I think there's one important point we've missed from the episode. Regardless of sexuality, a prepper who was probably previously dismissed as a total nutjob is the one who not-only survived the apocalypse until his (almost) natural end, but lived a good life too. Something to take note of, no? :p *starts digging out basement*
I think there's one important point we've missed from the episode. Regardless of sexuality, a prepper who was probably previously dismissed as a total nutjob is the one who not-only survived the apocalypse until his (almost) natural end, but lived a good life too. Something to take note of, no? :p *starts digging out basement*

Colin Furze's clearly has the right idea, even if a leading fungi expert has expressed there's no danger to humans as depicted in the show... yet
Are we really being asked to spoiler tag game content that the show is urinating all over which is a decade old?

Regardless of how you feel about the TV series , are you really pretending posting game spoilers isn't going to ruin the TV series ( and the upcoming PC version ) for anyone thats not played it ?

Or because youre butt hurt about some of the Tv series choices, you want to spoil it out of spite ?

Theres a number of discussions in the console section , including a spoiler thread. Why not go there and discuss it?

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