The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

They should have lots of time to finish the story with 2 episodes left, even an hour each there is 2hrs of onscreen time and that is a feature length film. That‘s a lot of time to wrap things up in that sense.
Under normal circumstances I would agree, but given the final quarter of the game - the remaining story left to cover in the last 2 episodes - is both action packed and very story driven, I just don't believe the show is going to mix up how they've told their version so far. I would hope I'm wrong and it isnt rushed, but I haven't been so far.
well that was boring. what annoys me a tad though is:

the whole epsiode is Ellie's backstory, but why leave it on a cliffhanger after they've both been bitten? at least follow that bit through and show us how she gets away or has to fight off her bestie

On a separate note, I don't have any clue about how the show was shot, i.e. whether it was chronological or whether episodes were shot out of order, but Ellie's acting in episdoe 5 alongside henry and sam was really good. It seemed awkward in this episode. Maybe that was just me.
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Back story or no back story, I have to rate that as probably the worst episode yet. I feel like they overdone really. Listening to endless drivel between the two that didn't really have that much context.

What the majority of watchers probably came away from that episode with was discovering who bit her on her arm, they will forget the rest because they either flicked through and skipped it or fell asleep.

How can you really know something was boring if you "massively skipped through it"

Or "fast forwarded the entire episode"
Indeed. Some of those comments are laughable.
but Ellie's acting in episdoe 5 alongside henry and sam was really good. It seemed awkward in this episode. Maybe that was just
I guess it was supposed to be kinda awkward given the relationship. Best friends, one with a crush, one a lot cooler than the other, one abandoning the other. I dunno, I didn’t notice it anyway.
Dialogue happening the whole episode which isn't progressing the episode.
How do you know, if you skipped through said dialogue? Lol..
If I ever found myself skipping through an episode of anything I would just....stop watching that show. Why the hell are you watching something you aren't interested in? There are so many show out there go watch something else :confused:
If I ever found myself skipping through an episode of anything I would just....stop watching that show. Why the hell are you watching something you aren't interested in? There are so many show out there go watch something else :confused:

Because on the whole the show has been great. As others said this episode was just dull and a lot of filler.
I just find it hilarious how much this forum rages about adaptations not being accurate to source material then one comes out that is incredibly faithful to the source material and....they rage about that too :D I just don't get the desire from some people just to be angry, it feels like they just watch things to be angry about them. It's such a weird modern attitude. If I don't like something...I go find something I do like? Not sure why some don't do that.
If you don't want to read people being critical of a show then don't read the thread :confused:

Being critical of something is absolutely fine.

But if Mark Kermode was on his show and said "It was SO boring, I just fast forwarded it" then I wouldn't take his review seriously.

If he said "It was SO boring, here's why..." then that's fine, whether I agree with his opinion or not.
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My least favorite episode which I suppose is understandable as it's my least favorite part of the game.

Even if you hadn't played the game there's zero suspense because you know Riley isn't going to make it and Ellie is immune. I agree that it gives body and context to Ellie as a character, but it absolutely didn't deserve a full episode so late in the season. I was really hoping they'd flash back to it in snippets throughout the season with it culminating in deciding to stay with Joel, but hey ho.

Has me a little worried for the last two episodes if I'm honest. Even assuming the finale will be 1h+, there's still a lot to cram in if they're sticking with all the major story beats.
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incredibly faithful to the source material
Disagree - small example, how the dlc handled the flashback was infinitely better than the tv show.
I just don't get the desire from some people just to be angry, it feels like they just watch things to be angry about them.
Where has anyone been angry?
Being critical of something is absolutely fine.

But if Mark Kermode was on his show and said "It was SO boring, I just fast forwarded it" then I wouldn't take his review seriously.

If he said "It was SO boring, here's why..." then that's fine, whether I agree with his opinion or not.
Folks have already explained why, trite dialogue, bad acting, went on for far too long.

I swear some folks dont read.
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Let me preface this by saying I have never written a thing, but surely there is a more terse way of portraying the relationship in Ep7 and how it impacts Ellie without it taking over an hr. I'm thinking of regular movies that are maybe 2-2/12 hrs long, and providing they are well written, you can really get a 1-1 relationship and how it dials into a characters's background without taking half the movie to do so. Especially when it's a one-off appearance by 1/2 the relationship (I'm assuming that's the case).

So although I've been enjoying this series so far, I think this was definitely filler, it took an hr to do something that shouldn't have taken an hr. It was simply marked as "Ellie's backstory episode" on the storyboard, and nothing else formative was to happen for 95% of the episode. Watching it, it felt to me at times like the director was making that "stretch it out" sign that they do in live programs when the next thing isn't ready yet.
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Being critical of something is absolutely fine.

But if Mark Kermode was on his show and said "It was SO boring, I just fast forwarded it" then I wouldn't take his review seriously.

If he said "It was SO boring, here's why..." then that's fine, whether I agree with his opinion or not.

One of my absolute pet peeves is when people here "review" a movie and said "it was crap, I turned it off after 20mins, 0/10".

You cannot review a movie after 20mins (okay, you can, you can also drink a bowl of vinegar if you want, can't stop you doing either), as no one will take your review seriously. If someone watches 20mins of Alien and found it boring, they would miss everything after the hatching. If someone turns off Die Hard after 20mins, they would essentially miss the point of Die Hard.
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I just find it hilarious how much this forum rages about adaptations not being accurate to source material then one comes out that is incredibly faithful to the source material and....they rage about that too :D I just don't get the desire from some people just to be angry, it feels like they just watch things to be angry about them. It's such a weird modern attitude. If I don't like something...I go find something I do like? Not sure why some don't do that.

To be fair it's your posts that come across as rants?

People airing their opinion on a thread designed for discussion is not folks being 'angry'. Not everyone has to follow your stance of giving up on a series just cause they find one episode boring. Hate to think how many series you've abandoned during your time?
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