The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

Page 20, post 393
cheers for that. take it i'm not allowed to post a reply or further thoughts on it now seeing as i missed the original discussion?
In your shoes, i'd find out what date episode 4 was shown, then drop back to page 1, get a cuppa and have a leisurely read through ensuring I don't go past that date - i've done it before when getting into a show late that had an active thread, not sure if I had the cuppa though :D
to be fair, i wasn't even really looking to discuss the episode as i know i'm late to the party. figured by posting my 'the **** was that all about' thoughts someone might have given me a quick 'because...reasons' reply........ instead i got vincenthanna's 'sod off and read the thread' post.

i actually had started to read the earlier pages of the thread to try and get to ep3 but stopped as there seemed to be a lot of spoiler tags starting to appear and i was concerned about fans of the game inadvertently giving summat away (i've not played the game so am a TLOU virgin)
My point was you complained about Joel being a whiny **** in the show then in the most recent ep;
he rather graphically tortured a guy, killed him, then killed another guy in cold blood
That's it. End of point.
Yes and your point is utter nonsense. Glad we could have this talk.
i actually had started to read the earlier pages of the thread to try and get to ep3 but stopped as there seemed to be a lot of spoiler tags starting to appear and i was concerned about fans of the game inadvertently giving summat away (i've not played the game so am a TLOU virgin)
Same here, game virgin - there were some careless posts but think they got tidied up, nothing major was given away and i've been reading week by week.
Page 20, post 393
got to post 419 - now i get your pithy reply to my post. my apologies if you think my 'wtf was that episode' was in any way related to the homosexual side of things. i'd have been 'wtfing' had it be a heterosexual couple. my wtf comes from the fact it was more or less a full episode about 2 side characters who up till that point have only had a brief mention or 2 a best and then they killed them off at the end. i was expecting more from Bill, Frank, Joel and Ellie.....not a pointless love story. why give a full episode to 2 characters that are immediately being killed off. seemed strange to me. but anyways - i'll back out of the thread now till i've caught up so there's no more confusion.

my bad if anyone else also thought i was limping in late to try and start some sort of 'eww gays' argument. i really wasn't!
got to post 419 - now i get your pithy reply to my post. my apologies if you think my 'wtf was that episode' was in any way related to the homosexual side of things. i'd have been 'wtfing' had it be a heterosexual couple. my wtf comes from the fact it was more or less a full episode about 2 side characters who up till that point have only had a brief mention or 2 a best and then they killed them off at the end. i was expecting more from Bill, Frank, Joel and Ellie.....not a pointless love story. why give a full episode to 2 characters that are immediately being killed off. seemed strange to me. but anyways - i'll back out of the thread now till i've caught up so there's no more confusion.

my bad if anyone else also thought i was limping in late to try and start some sort of 'eww gays' argument. i really wasn't!
I don't believe any reasonable person thought your initial episode response was due to the gay relationship, having filler pop up in ep 3 and wondering why it's there is a perfectly valid opinion :)
having filler pop up in ep 3 and wondering why it's there is a perfectly valid opinion :)
that's why i was wtf?! episode 3 and we're getting a back story on 2 characters we've only heard mention once, and now that's the end of them. seems an odd decision. i'd get that sort of episode if Bill and Frank had been major characters. i'd have been very interested in their back story etc. but ultimately they were (or appear to be) 2 throwaway characters. you don't make filler or back story episodes on throwaway characters imo. as the missus said to me after watching it, that was an ok episode and quite sad but what was the point of Bill and Frank?
that's why i was wtf?! episode 3 and we're getting a back story on 2 characters we've only heard mention once, and now that's the end of them. seems an odd decision. i'd get that sort of episode if Bill and Frank had been major characters. i'd have been very interested in their back story etc. but ultimately they were (or appear to be) 2 throwaway characters. you don't make filler or back story episodes on throwaway characters imo. as the missus said to me after watching it, that was an ok episode and quite sad but what was the point of Bill and Frank?
If you want it in a nutshell, it was to remind Joel that he too is a protector and needs to look after Tess

But Tess was already dead by the time he read the letter, so it was re-enforcing his promise to Tess to protect Ellie.
If you want it in a nutshell, it was to remind Joel that he too is a protector and needs to look after Tess

But Tess was already dead by the time he read the letter, so it was re-enforcing his promise to Tess to protect Ellie.
long winded way to go about it if you ask me. and also an insane waste of what appeared to be 2 very good characters. i'd liked to have known a lot more about their survival history, interactions with raiders/traders/infected etc. instead, as soon as i got invested in their story the writers take the easy way out and kill them off :(
Tbf he...

Surprised the first guy with a knife straight to the neck, we don't see how he overpowered the 2nd but can only assume got the drop on him also - 3rd was due to a distraction from the 2nd

Your 2nd point however, was wondering where they all were too - can only assume they'd been told to go elsewhere while he dealt with Ellie - can't have your easily led religious freaks seeing you doing anything too nasty.
Also, the cult nutjobs are half dead from starvation. Still, even my other half who isn't one to nitpick remarked 'he got better quick didn't he?'.

At least he looked like crap and wasn't walking great. It would have been a bit lame just straight copying what the game did though.....they had to fit the segment in an hour too.

Pretty good episode, well executed, though I've found the others like ep3 that aren't just live versions of the game far more interesting....but overall, really good....and my other half who wouldn't normally watch a gory zombie show is absolutely hooked.

Meanwhile I triple-dipped on the game and been playing through Part 1 again on the good!
It’s funny how everyone gets so distracted my nitpicking :D

My personal nitpick with the most recent episode was having no sense of where anyone was supposed to be in relation to each other. Is everything being shot on one street near some woods? Are these towns apart? I guess so from the map scene but I just couldn’t gauge how far away people were - so I ended up smashing my TV with a hammer in frustration. The game didn’t break my TV, just wtf is this BS!!

Silliness aside, it was OK. Looking forward to seeing more of the Joel and Ellie chats/development which is where the show shines - that’s been missing from the last 2 eps.
My personal nitpick with the most recent episode was having no sense of where anyone was supposed to be in relation to each other. Is everything being shot on one street near some woods? Are these towns apart? I guess so from the map scene but I just couldn’t gauge how far away people were - so I ended up smashing my TV with a hammer in frustration. The game didn’t break my TV, just wtf is this BS!!
The leader of the group says it's a 4 mile trip earlier in the episode when first encountering Ellie :)
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