The Last of Us (HBO, from Creator of Chernobyl) - No game spoilers please

Enjoying this series for the most part.

Episode 7 was absolute garbage. I can't believe they dedicated an entire episode to two annoying teenage girls acting amazed at things in the mall. Ive got no problem with the flashback stories - episode 3 was brilliant. Episode 7 was just her friend going "close your eyes, look what i have for you next!" for nearly an hour. Yuck. Honestly they could have achieved what they set out to do story wise with a 10-15 minute scene of that stuff.

Episode 8 got it back on course again, but it felt like episode 7 was written and directed by entirely different people.

My only other criticism is the character of Ellie. They just went too far on the annoying sarcastic know it all teenager thing to the point where she borders on being a caricature rather than a believable character. Its a good job she might be the saviour of humanity or something, otherwise Joel likely would have left her for the clickers at the first opportunity.
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The leader of the group says it's a 4 mile trip earlier in the episode when first encountering Ellie :)

Yes, thanks, it was clear that the camp was some distance away from the initial encounter - I was more speaking in relation to some of the ‘walking around’ and where Joel was in relation to that (obviously, ‘nearby’-ish).

There was just something about the unremarkable settings of abandoned houses that my brain took issue with - I was bemused at the time. “Why is this bugging me? :p:o
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Anyone notice the size of the group leaders food portion versus everyone else, nice little touch and in my head canon, deliberately keeping them weak/servile.
Yep. Everybody else looked really weak and ill too - which as I mentioned is probably relevant to the fights against Joel.
I've really enjoyed this series, I'm excited for the last episode. What's detracted from the show is reading this thread. But, like those who nitpick about the show every week I keep coming back for more :D

A game adaptation was always going to be a hard sell so a limited series it was always going to be. They clearly wanted to focus on the human side and didn't want it to be an all-out action show and make it a little more grounded in reality which is great in my opinion. I would have liked more threat between scenes, maybe have made some episodes a little longer to accommodate that but as it is I can't really complain. When you tally up the money involved and the audiences they need to please there will always be and there always has been compromise. I imagine there's a lot on the cutting room floor (especially around Joels traversal from the house to the resort and building his strength) that would have helped a little with continuity however there was a bigger story to tell and they told it well.
Elle needs to get a clue. Zero vigilance, but still arrogant af. It's trying to watch this late in the series.

As for Joel's miraculous recovery, I think the real issue that they searched for this 'dangerous guy' individually. Perhaps just go in a group? There was like 10 houses and he's already killed one of them. Better yet, just look for footprints in the snow? I'm sure Elle left plenty aimlessly plodding about. Can't do that though because of crappy plot.

Rapey preacher getting it on in a burning building took the cake. It's just lame TV and the only thing I can give a thumbs up to is the cinematography, which is incredible. From Ep3, this has gone downhill rapidly.
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Enjoying this series for the most part.

Episode 7 was absolute garbage.

Episode 8 got it back on course again, but it felt like episode 7 was written and directed by entirely different people.

It actually was written and directed by different people. The good news is ep9 is writen by the same person that wrote 8 so it should be good and violent but have no sense of frailty after sickness. :p

Most were written by different writers.

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Indeed but we have no idea how far Ellie traveled in the woods before coming across them
Also another thought, the preacher/leader tells 2 of his party to take the Horse to the village. Are we to beleive that 2 guys dragged a full grown horse 4 miles ?
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Also another thought, the preacher/leader tells 2 of his party to take the Horse to the village. Are we to beleive that 2 guys dragged a full grown horse 4 miles ?
Yeah when I watched it I wondered about that too.

Two men couldn't drag a horse that far, even on slippery ice/snow.
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I'm very much enjoying it overall. The pacing is a little off, last one needed longer imo but it's not too far off.

I never loved the DLC so episode 7 felt unnecessary to me overall but I get why they included it.

To the guys discussing how they dragged the horse/deer around, imagine how Ellie somehow dragged Joel from the horse fall to that house:D

Interested to see how they land the ending
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Back on form after a terrible EP7. It's been up and down and you can tell there's been too many hands and voices involved in this. Looking foreward to the final episode, they're going to have to blow the doors off for me to go above a 7/10. 7's above average for me by the way.
I'm very much enjoying it overall. The pacing is a little off, last one needed longer imo but it's not too far off.

I never loved the DLC so episode 7 felt unnecessary to me overall but I get why they included it.

To the guys discussing how they dragged the horse/deer around, imagine how Ellie somehow dragged Joel from the horse fall to that house:D

Interested to see how they land the ending

And down the stairs to the basement.
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