i think its Ellie that diesI think the story might be that Ellie's girlfriend gets killed.....
i think its Ellie that dies
I must apologise for this, but I really hope LoU2 is rubbish. I bought a PS4 just because I enjoyed LoU so much, but only used it for Resogun and half of Uncharted 4. Half because the darned thing stopped handshaking with either of my TVs 20 months ago and has been laughing at me ever since. It just sits there, all blank, but working perfectly in the background and ignoring all my attempts to 'fix' it.
I refuse to buy another one just for one game... even though I have credit on the account to buy it already. So LoU2 *has* to be disappointing. I insist. Please?
You appear to be taking my post totally seriously. This may be a mistake.You appear to be resenting a game simply because your PS4 doesn't display anymore?
You appear to be taking my post totally seriously. This may be a mistake.
it's never been done before in mainstream games plus the fact was obvious in Left Behind.
Lol, at people crying in every thread on Gamefaqs over Ellie being lesbian Homophobes will be homophobes, I guess. I kinda like the idea, it's never been done before in mainstream games plus the fact was obvious in Left Behind.
What has never been done Shep/femshep was a randy little bugger.
it baffles me people care about her sexuality
she was a great character in the first game, well written and voiced
if you weren't caught up with the final scenes in the winter segment theres something wrong with you
I don't get why people pay so much attention to this sort of thing. It shouldn't matter
Anyway so far this looks amazing and cannot wait to get my sweaty warm sticky hands on it!