Hehe! When that light strip fell I did jump.
Curse Naughty Dog and bloody generators. Uncharted 1 all over again.
Oh sweet Jesus that generator room/area nearly sent me into a fit. I almost ran out of ammo before figuring out what I had to do.
Back to TLOU, I'm not a fan of scary games, either. In all honesty if a game is getting too intense I'll tend to put it down and leave it seeing as I get enough stress from other sources, thanks.
I almost quit at the university but managed to get through the dark part on the lower level first attempt. Might have given up if I'd failed that several times but had a flamethrower I think and went all rambo after I'd thinned the crowd.
Totally agree that PS4 and PC is a great gaming combination now. I'm enjoying online play much more than on PC because all my local mates have PS4s. Finding people to play online with PC has always been tricky for me as most of my friends refuse to stump up the cash for a gaming rig. I can't be bothered with randoms anymore although I've played with some good OCuK chaps in the past.
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