Friend lent me his copy to play so does that mean my comments on the game are now valid............
As expected, the game world design is absolutely stunning and game play is much improved over the first.
Story and writing as expected too, lol worthy........ it's so bad.
30 fps is absolute gash, granted you do adapt to it but it's so hard on the eyes I find, these next gen consoles better target at least 60 fps in everything
As expected, the game world design is absolutely stunning and game play is much improved over the first.
Story and writing as expected too, lol worthy........ it's so bad.
People are still thinking this is what people are getting annoyed at..... Oh lordyNothing its ridiculous the backlash ohhh a muscular woman how dare they what an hairy armpit and homosexuality i want page 3 models in my video games.
30 fps is absolute gash, granted you do adapt to it but it's so hard on the eyes I find, these next gen consoles better target at least 60 fps in everything