THE LAST OF US *Spoiler Thread* (Story only discussion)

Giraffe scene > *.

I loved that! One of the best scenes for me.

I was almost sick of the fighting by that point, and wish everything would calm down for good :p But I thought, this is nice... some serious **** must be going down soon :p
Yeah that was a great scene, the ending was a bit meh but as said it does leave the door open for a follow up game.
Would have prefered multiple endings, like giving the player to choose whether or not to hand ellie over ect.


When covering that dude and his brother (I've forgotten their names) are the consequences the same regardless of which one you protect first when they get rushed? I tried to protect the eldest chap first but missed (Usually a mouse and keyboard man) and the little lad got bit.
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Would have prefered multiple endings, like giving the player to choose whether or not to hand ellie over ect.


When covering that dude and his brother (I've forgotten their names) are the consequences the same regardless of which one you protect first when they get rushed? I tried to protect the eldest chap first but missed (Usually a mouse and keyboard man) and the little lad got bit.

I think that is one downside to the game - It would have been even better if your actions altered the story slightly - But instead it's like you're on a rollercoaster ride to one ending only.

And for me:

The little dude died and then the older dude shot himself - I don't think there is any alternative scene...
Just finished it, amazing game, such emotion. I shot the hero surgeon in the face lol. Going to play again on survivor diff I think.
Finished it.

Just over 27 hours in total and I loved every second of it. I'd hyped this game up in my head over the past few months especially to such an extent that when it finally arrived, I did worry a little that maybe it wouldn't quite be what I wanted it to be. Maybe I wouldn't connect with the characters in the way I quite wanted to, maybe I wouldn't care about Ellie, maybe the storyline or the dialogue would have some sort of weakness that spoiled it.

Nope. I'm sat here having just turned the PS3 off and I'm still stunned. The way the game takes the time to gradually build-up Joel and Ellie's relationship is superb, to the point that I really did care about these two people and act accordingly, even just little things like turning to face Ellie when she spoke. The last game to invoke anything like that was Bioshock Infinite, but I think TLoU takes the crown when it comes to getting the player emotionally invested in the story and the characters.

I'm glad it ended the way it did, that whole final level I was running from room to room expecting to find the operation was done and over. In fact, I think the supposed spoiler leaks from a month or so ago actually helped that, because I'd seen suggestions that Ellie dies so I had that fear of dread for the last part of the game (from when she gets captured) that perhaps something would actually happen to her. As Joel was driving, I really didn't know what to think and my heart almost sank until I heard Ellie coughing in the back seat.

Utterly beautiful game too, some of the best use of sound I've ever experienced in a game, playing it with a good 5.1 system really makes it come alive. Loved the soundtrack, and pretty much every frame would make an awesome screenshot. Truly impressive what they've managed to achieve with the PS3 hardware, I can't wait to see what they come up with on the PS4.

Think I'll leave it at least a year or two before I do another playthrough of it, don't want it fresh in my mind so it'll have at least some impact again. Single-player DLC will be interesting though, looking forward to seeing that.

27 hrs lol, You must have been in every corner and just took in the views.

Tbh I think it could be my game of this gen, Funnily the other is a naughty dog game also.. :)
I liked the ending. Rather than being melodramatic like games tend to be it was more realistic. Ellie knew Joel just lied to her and he knew she knew. I loved the subtlety in the game.
As for the doctors, I shot all three. Part of me wishes I never but I also regret not using the flame thrower ~_~
One of the best games I've played and I'm desperate for sequels.
Naughty Dog have The last of us 2 and 3 domains registered. So fingers crossed they come.
Stunning game, loved every minute including the ending. It's one of the few games where I found myself contemplating how Joel/Ellie would develop afterwards almost as if they were real people.

The actual gameplay was pretty much just Uncharted with some solid tweaks but the story, atmosphere and characters were top class.

It really stretched my PS3, it was running like a fan heater! Makes me wonder just what the next generation will bring :)
27 hrs lol, You must have been in every corner and just took in the views.

Ha yeah pretty much, I took my time and was just walking around most of the time rather than running, although there are a few areas that I'll explore a little better next time. Flicking through the official guide just now (didn't use it while playing) it seems I did still manage to miss a few conversations somehow, as well as some artifacts, firefly tags and at least one comic book (at the very end). Also completely missed the fact that when you play as Ellie, you can view all the stuff she's picked up along the way.

That's fine though, means I have some extra stuff to look out for and see when I play it next time. Always fun coming across stuff in games that you missed the first time.

Still, quite sad that it's all done and over. It's definitely left a mark.
Can anyone tell me how much longer I have left?

I've got to the university, just past the bloater in the hallway bit where you open the gate
Finished here too. Around about 16 hours in total.

Absolutely stunning graphics, story and atmosphere and for the most part the gameplay held up.

It did suffer from what I'm going to call 'Naughty Dog'isms though. Enemies were at times meat shields; especially at the end.

Some of the situations, again near the end were a bit combat/heavy and brutal, and I was starting to not enjoy the 'get caught, get swarmed, get killed again while reloading etc' again and again.

Definitely one of the games of the generation though and TLOU2 will probably be the game I buy a PS4 for.
I've never been so completely engrossed in a game after it's done and dusted.

I finished it on Saturday, but even now I'm completely happy to listen to those three guys shoot the breeze about it. I really think it will be a game that's talked about for a long time to come.

I wonder if it's the first game that will be widely recommended to media students or the like to study.
Still can't get over this game, it has stayed with me since the game ended. Crazy, I don't think I have ever had a game effect me this much ever.

Same, I'm still thinking about it even now, amazing story and the way the narrative plays out is just incredible for a game. It's one of only a handful of games where I actually feel attached to the characters so much that I care what happens to them.

For what it's worth I don't think Joel's actions at the end of the game were totally selfish. I think he rescued Ellie as much for her own sake as for his. All throughout the game there are so many things she has never seen or done, learn to swim, play guitar, the comics, she's only 14 and has so much life ahead of her that Joel wants to see her enjoy. Obviously there's the need for Joel to replace the child he lost but I think he wants Ellie to live a full life just as much as he wants a daughter.

But then I'm biased having played the last 20 odd hours with her by my side, with her bad language, crazy observations, cheeky mannerisms, random whistling... :D
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