The Last Of Us

Might aswell ask this, but does anyone know whats in the season pass? Or what the expectation is for future DLC - far more interested in SP than MP stuff...

ps3ud0 :cool:

From what I've seen, there is going to be at least 1 piece of singleplayer DLC and a couple of multiplayer map packs.

It also gives you bonuses such as increased crafting and healing speed (it just gives you upgrade points in both) and an upgrade for the 9mm pistol and hunting rifle. You also get the 90min making of video but I haven't been able to find this yet.
From what I've seen, there is going to be at least 1 piece of singleplayer DLC and a couple of multiplayer map packs.

It also gives you bonuses such as increased crafting and healing speed (it just gives you upgrade points in both) and an upgrade for the 9mm pistol and hunting rifle. You also get the 90min making of video but I haven't been able to find this yet.
Cheers dude, I knew about the bonuses, but Im not a fan of those kind of things, though least its SP not MP. Ill wait to see what the SP DLC is, Im not a massive MP person, so sounds like its just best to wait for the SP DLC to turn up...

I hope as its Naughty Dog that they might do a Rockstar and actually make DLC worthwhile.

ps3ud0 :cool:
Just found a PS3 slim sitting in one of the cupboards while searching for supplies. :D

youre joking right? what level?

just finished this game on hard with listening mode off. i only got four trophies throught the whole game(3 of those after i had completed it), most of my kills were stealth, the only time i had to rely on guns and bombs were when i was in those scenes where you are confined to a small area and have to fend them off, i think i used a smoke bomb once in the whole game. i always had loads of ammo and supplies...hoping survivor will be a bit more challenging
youre joking right? what level?

When you're going through the university, before you reach the science laboratory there's an area where you need to cut through to restart a generator. It has spores everywhere, there's a thick green fog and you need to kill 4 clickers and a bloater. It's in the first room with two controllers connected to the USB ports. :D
When you're going through the university, before you reach the science laboratory there's an area where you need to cut through to restart a generator. It has spores everywhere, there's a thick green fog and you need to kill 4 clickers and a bloater. It's in the first room with two controllers connected to the USB ports. :D

i know exactly where you mean and now thinking about it i did remember seeing two game pads with wires going to a console, the wires drew my attention to it, didnt click that it was a ps3 tho lol
Only 28% in but I'm back at work tomorrow so my gaming time will be very limited for the next 6 days but this game is excellent so far. It's enough justification for a ps4 just knowing naughty dog will bring games to it

It's not an easy game but it's satisfying when you succeed, it's good at building tension as I'm searching around hoping to find more supplies but I never seem to :(
Finished the game tonight, and wow, have loved every minute of it. Only minor niggle was
was during graveyard/train station, were your sneaking past the clickers and then Ellie/Bill just run right in front of them with nothing happening
Now time for a bit of multiplayer before trying it all over agin on survivor mode.

Really cannot wait to see what naughty dog come up with on the PS4, Last of Us has really raised the bar, and is going to take some beating.
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