The Left Handed Build

6 Sep 2010
Sunny Mumbles
Hi All

I have been doing a new build to replace my previous build The 'STY' for some time now.

The original build log has been transferred over to OcUK and can be found

As you may have already seen from my previous build, I am barely literate & prefer to show you picture instead of lots of words.

So to start with a quick look at the hardware that I will be using.

So a large brown box turned up


In the box was my nice new graphic card.



The accessories


And another packet was also delivered.


I like the new EK packaging; it gives a quality feel to the product.
And the symbol reminds me of Transformers



Inside the box was all the fittings etc. (poor picture, sorry)




and a backing plate


One last look before we get naked

I tested the card to make sure there were no problems.

Just hope this will work again


I followed the instructions that were inside the box & removed the backing plate.




GPU retention brackets removed.



A quick look at the naked card.


I then followed the instructions and gave everything a good clean.
The thermal pads were then fitted as per diagram



Rear of card cleaned, thermal pads fitted and rear plate attached.
Now to see if I have not just created a £500 paper weight.
Why "Left Handed"? :D Having looked through your STY build I'm looking forward to this one. :cool:

What did you use to get the TIM off the chips. I can't quite get all the blasted stuff off my GT220.
Why "Left Handed"? :D Having looked through your STY build I'm looking forward to this one. :cool:

If I was paid a penny for every time someone asked me "why have you called this the left handed build" I would have £3.68. ;)
The question is a very good one and will be answered in time. The "Left Handed" part is a quote from a friend.
As for calling my systems strange names, I think people take all this to seriously. I do this for fun and to help me unwind after a day in work.
I am also way to long in the tooth to think of anything cool. :confused:
If other people also enjoy what I am doing then that's all the better.
Over the years I have been inspired by other peoples hard work, so hopefully someone will be inspired by what I am doing. (crosses finger and hopes for the best)

Gepetto, I am very happy that you enjoyed my last build & I hope you enjoy this one.

What did you use to get the TIM off the chips. I can't quite get all the blasted stuff off my GT220.

As for the TIM, I used Arctic Silver Arcticlean Kit

I used the purified and surface cleanser.
I used Mrs Piggins cotton buds for the ram chips and face pads for the GPU chips.
Why I used Mrs Piggins makeup removal products is due to the fact she purchases the expensive brands so they do not leave cotton fibers.

Please don't tell her otherwise I am dead. :mad:
All fitted back on the DFI board in the STY



All piped up and ready to be overclocked.
I overclocked this card with MSI Afterburner
The card now runs without any problems @
Core Clock @ 970 Mhz
Memory Clock @ 1200 Mhz
all at a very reasonable 1.2volts

I have to say that the fitting of the EK block was very easy and keeps everything cool & quiet.
As for calling my systems strange names, I think people take all this to seriously. I do this for fun and to help me unwind after a day in work.

Good on you. And something for me to keep in mind, as I'm about to embark on my first project.

Thanks for the info on the TIM, I'll get one of those kits, and investigate herselfs warpaint cabinet. While she's out! :D
Good on you. And something for me to keep in mind, as I'm about to embark on my first project.

Thanks for the info on the TIM, I'll get one of those kits, and investigate herselfs warpaint cabinet. While she's out! :D

Good luck with your first project. Remember its suppose to be fun ;)

And a quick tip for dealing with Mrs, only do the work when they are not around, try to clean up the best you can (will never be good enough) & always hid the receipts.
So for the new build I decided to purchase a new motherboard

So a nice bag turned up (name removed)


In the bag was the new Rampage 3 (I have had this for some time & was from the first batch into the UK)


So a quick un-boxing


The packaging is very good and shows off the board.



Now for a quick look at all the accessories.


Also had another package (name removed)


And inside, there was a full motherboard water block from EK


The box held a fitting kit & comprehensive instructions.


I decide to pick the Acetal+Nickel version to match my new graphics card


So one last look before I brake something


Motherboard stripped down as per instructions and everything cleaned.


Thermal pads cut to size and fitted.



All fitted with no problems (just followed the instructions) and looking very nice


I decided to do a little recycling and reuse my Swiftech Apogee XT Extreme from my previous build as its a very good block.
(If funds allow later, I will purchase an EK block)

After removing it from my DFI motherboard I found this


This was with only distilled water + a silver coil


So after a good clean, the block was refitted


So to fit my new toy, I had to rip the heart out of the 'STY'

And then finally the motherboard was fitted back into Ths 'STY'


Everything was then piped up with new XSPC 7/16" ID - 5/8" OD White Hose, fat boy fittings & Koolance Hose Clamp from (name removed)


The air was then removed from the system and everything fired up first time with no problems.


I am very happy with my new motherboard & the EK water block. :cool:
The Rampage 3 is a great motherboard but the on-board sound is not the best.
So another bag turned up


This time with a nice new sound card.


A quick look at the card & the accessories


Then a closer look @ the ASUS Xonar DX in all its glory


Due to the new motherboard having SATA 3, another packet turned up.


The brand new crucial C300 SSD 64GB for my operating system



Also purchased the Akasa 2.5" mounting bracket for the new drive.


A closer look @ the mounting bracket.


Drive all mounted up and ready to have Windows 7 installed.

This update is dedicated to Olly_K who helped me in the selection process.
Thanks Olly over @ (name changed)

I decided that I needed some new RAM to help with my overclocking on my new motherboard.



After a few chats with Olly, I (we) decided on some Corsair Dominator GT, DDR3 - 6GB (3x2GB) , PC3-14900 (1866), CMT6GX3M3A1866C9


Good overclocking RAM & it looks good in the Rampage motherboard.



The Corsair kit also comes with a double fan unit to fit over the sticks.



So now there will be no holding me back on the overclock

So sorted for sounds, RAM and a new SSD (if Mrs Piggin found out what I have spent) :mad:
nice gear and build so far!

let us know how you find that SSD, been eyeing it up...

Thanks 3t3P
The SSD is great. I was using a f3 as my windows disk but now I am using the C300, its the difference between night & day.
The only problem is, as I fill it up it is slowing down a little but you can only see this if you run benchmarks. In the real world you will never know.
I'm on an F3 1tb at the moment, and I really fancy a C300, but I've been thinking of going to 2 in RAID 0 for maximum effect. What do you reckon? Two needed or will I see a big difference with just one? I have SATA3 available. The thing is I want all my programs and software on the SSD too, and my current install is 66gb.
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I'm on an F3 1tb at the moment, and I really fancy a C300, but I've been thinking of going to 2 in RAID 0 for maximum effect. What do you reckon? Two needed or will I see a big difference with just one? I have SATA3 available. The thing is I want all my programs and software on the SSD too, and my current install is 66gb.

This is from memory and not hard facts or links so I could easily be proved wrong. :rolleyes:

The C300 64gb version is very good & scales well when placed into RAID 0 (but I can't remember if TRIM is enabled, think it is)

If you want a bigger drive then go with the C300 128gb version as this has better SandForce drives.
They are also the same price if you are going to purchase two C300 64gb versions.
RAID 0 2x64gb would be faster than the 128gb though?

I reckon actually just get a 64gb for OS and core apps, then install my games onto the current 120gb partition on my F3.
Looking lovely. Don't you just love recieving giant parcels. Reminds me of a sad time as I missed my xbox in the post today :(
RAID 0 2x64gb would be faster than the 128gb though?

I reckon actually just get a 64gb for OS and core apps, then install my games onto the current 120gb partition on my F3.

That's exactly what I am doing (C300 win7 & games on the first 200gb of f3)

When I started my reading up on the C300, everyone said the 128gb is better.
As for the RAID 0, yes but it always concerns me that you are splitting things over two drives, so there is twice the chance of it turning out badly.
With a birthday on the way & christmas, I may twist my own arm and get another.
Looking lovely. Don't you just love recieving giant parcels. Reminds me of a sad time as I missed my xbox in the post today :(

I love a good box, bag or packet through the post. (don't like the paying part thought)
I always have to time purchases just right, so that I am home to receive the goodies & Mrs Piggin is in work.
I also like a nice early delivery so I have time to hide the evidence. :eek:

I am also sorry that you missed your new xbox, hope you get it soon so you can start enjoying it. ;)
I love a good box, bag or packet through the post. (don't like the paying part thought)
I always have to time purchases just right, so that I am home to receive the goodies & Mrs Piggin is in work.
I also like a nice early delivery so I have time to hide the evidence. :eek:

That is the best post ive read ever on OCUK, so you like me are a devious little so and so.
My current build which im trying to log is called project divorce and thats what I will be if she ever finds any of my little hidey holes lol!!
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