The Left Handed Build

As promised, here is an explanation why it is called ‘The Left Handed Build’

So the case build begins.

So I purchased a few lengths of angle iron.


These were then cut to the required length


The chop saw was then set to 45deg


And the ends cut to 45deg to build a good corner.


All the pieces were cut to the correct size & with 45deg ends


These pieces were then cleaned up with a grinder


The frame was then setup on a flat surface with magnetic corners.


Then the 'tools' were broken out :confused:


One side completed, now only four to do (or should it be 5, I think this is going to be a funny shape!!!) :(


The center pieces were then 'notched out'


Then set into places and welded


All of the frame was then 'tacked' together and all joints fully welded.

As for calling this the ‘left handed build’, this came from a conversation with Tom @ Chilled when we were discussing how the side panels should look. During the conversation we decided that we had a blank canvas to work with and we could build a design that flowed through each section of the case.

We both agreed that this was an excellent idea but were unsure of what type of design to use. I then explained to Tom that he had to be artistic to do his line of work and that he must have a good design in his head somewhere. He then laughed and said ‘you have to be left handed to do this sort of thing, don’t you’ and you would be better off looking for someone who has a degree in art rather than computers.

This now means that I do not have a finalised design for the cut outs for the fans and the window for my scratch build, yet!!!!.
Hopefully someone will read this and come up with an outstanding design !!!
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why are you trying to ruin this posters build log?
if you feel the need to put a downer on someones work then please do so elsewhere
i first put this down as you maybe personally knowing the OP, but he is just as confused as I am about your pointless post.
this is boarderline 'personal attack' in my opinion

next time it will be a holiday

A few more pictures before I go to bed as I worked nights again last night. :eek:

The frame is now completed and fully welded.


Could just be in jest? Although if it was I'd expect the addition of a tongueface just after the pic.

This build is gonna get interesting. :)
Could just be in jest? Although if it was I'd expect the addition of a tongueface just after the pic.

This build is gonna get interesting. :)

Looks like I have completely missed the point with Eames post & the picture of the dog.
Can someone please be kind enough to explain it to me. Thanks
^ anyone care to explain why this isnt totally uncalled for?

the frame looks good piggin, would be interesting to see your concept sketches :)

Thanks rjkoneill.

As for drawings, I am not left handed. :D
The design was more like a drawing on a back of a fag packet.
There has not really been a design process more of take a few measurements and design a case that everything will fit into.
I know this all sounds very kayotic but its hard to put into words whats in your head.
I have always been a man of action & the design evolves as the build progresses.
When I started this build I showed Tom @ Chilled the drawings but he did not fully understand where I was coming from as there was no real explanation.
Now he understands as he has a fully functioning 3D model for us to work with.
Looks like I have completely missed the point with Eames post & the picture of the dog.
Can someone please be kind enough to explain it to me. Thanks

with this in mind, his post has been edited by myself and a warning given.

The design was more like a drawing on a back of a fag packet.
There has not really been a design process more of take a few measurements and design a case that everything will fit into.

sounds good, thats the way i do things to be fair :p

piggin, I know you are a new poster to OcUK, please dont be put off by this individual. your last project was very interesting and got a great response.
Thanks rjkoneill
I still do not understand the significance of the picture of the dog. Can you please explain it to me. Thanks
More pics the better :)

The dog thing was just a guy trolling. IE being a bit of a jackass. "Cool story bro" is just a satirical thing to say when you've not been entertained by what someone has said. Ignore the troll.
Thanks FabienO for explaining.

Looks like the OcUk faithful are a tough crowed to keep happy.

Any way, I explained a long time ago that I was doing this for my enjoyment and that has not changed. The build will continue & I will still post.
So for those who are enjoying the build, then please read on & those who find it tedious then good luck to you.
Nah, he's just one guy trolling. You're doing a smashing job. Haters gon' hate :P I don't know much about building (aside from plug it where it fits) or watercooling, especially from scratch. Always enjoy a good project log though :D
Looking good, is this going to be a mountain mods ufo style case then ?

I wish i had the ability (and tools) to fabricate my own case ! Looking forward to seeing more (i like pics :D).
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