looks great so far, the black/white cables are not to my personal taste but the overal build looks nice. the hdd's and cables look neat too
Thanks very much.
The cables are more black & silver/white but I can that they would not be to everyone’s taste.
So would anyone else looking at the pictures, I think!
Just look at all those cables (outside the computer!) on the right hand side of the last photo though!
lol, should have done a tighter crop or a little bit of cloning in photo shop as you are not supposed to see them.

Actually they have now been cable tied together and covered in spiral wrap.
This was the first fitting upstairs before any water was added & it became so heavy I would have had to get a city crane in to move it.
Actually I still reckon that you are building something more than just 'a computer' and am convinced that it is really a nuclear power station control box, in disguise!
Shush, don’t tell everyone. This is a top secret build. Before you read this build log you have to sign the official secrets act (I know I have)
... and I also think you have a very understanding wife!
I think she would say yes but I think I have become so accustomed to the ‘nagging’ I can now tune it out & ‘go to my happy place’
Seriously though, what you are building there is definitely a real work of art, and something to be really proud of.... keep up the good, or should I say excellent, work.
Thank you so much.
When this is finally finished, I will sit back with a knowing smile & take a moment to reminisce about the good & bad times I have spent doing this case. lol
So Piggin where can we sign up and place our orders?!
lol, I don’t think so. Some days I wished I had purchased another Mountain Mods case or had something from Little Devil.
This has been a good learning experience & ‘The Left Handed Build’ has become a test bed for many ideas that have worked (some haven’t). I think I could make another in a fraction of the time but I don’t think I could afford the divorce
Excellent build and attention to detail is immense! Can't wait to see the finished package, almost there! (I bet Mrs Piggin is counting the days)!!
Great thread!
Thanks very much. Hoping everyone will like the finished item

As I write this Mrs P has come in twice & given me ‘an ear bashing’
Basically, she thinks I should be getting on with the build & not spending precious time giving everyone updates

Hopefully it will all be finished soon & then Mrs P can be happy
This looks awesome!
I like how the power cables are for the HDDs,Did you do this yourself or is this how the PSU comes?
Thanks very much
As for the cables, they are all my own work.
Started off as cables, plugs etc & finished off as this.
Maybe I should take a few more images & do a little ‘how to’ write up on producing this for SATA drives , as a few people have asked about it.
If you are interested, then PM me as I put together a few e-mails on another forum.
Hi Piggin, been reading through the log over the last few days at work while i'm bored, your attention to detail is amazing! The build looks great, can't wait to see the finished artile. Wish i had your skills to attempt something like that.
Thanks very much.
Just hope everyone likes the finished article.
Just concerned you get caught reading the ramblings of a mad man (namely me but a few people who have commented on this thread are a little strange

) in work.
I have always wanted to fit ‘wing mirrors’ on my desk at work so no one can ‘sneak up’ on me. Maybe something for the future.