The Left Handed Build

I went with who had stock
Picture has been edited so people are not easily offended ;)
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Thanks jakspyder

As for the hand man skills. I am handy but I am not good enough to weld aluminium. That's 'Dirty' Den welding in the pictures :D
[10:45:34] Nathan Proudfoot: W O L F K I N G
[10:45:41] Nathan Proudfoot: king of the wolves
[10:45:41] Rich O'Neill: tell lee to ge them in
[10:45:48] Nathan Proudfoot: W O L F
[10:46:00] Nathan Proudfoot: KING
[10:46:06] Nathan Proudfoot: KING WOLF
[10:46:15] Nathan Proudfoot: WOLVES
[10:46:16] Rich O'Neill: MILITARY WOLF
[10:46:18] Nathan Proudfoot: that are
[10:46:21] Nathan Proudfoot: KINGS
[10:46:22] Rich O'Neill: M16 KING
[10:46:24] Nathan Proudfoot: COMBAT WOLF
[10:46:31] Rich O'Neill: LOLKING
[10:46:31] Nathan Proudfoot: TACTICAL WOLF DEPLOYED
[10:46:41] Rich O'Neill: OUR WOLFKING IS ONLINE
[10:46:49] Nathan Proudfoot: WOLF PLANE ABOVE
[10:46:50] Rich O'Neill: MILITARY WOLF STANDING BY
[10:46:57] Nathan Proudfoot: WOLF GUNNER READY
[10:47:13] Nathan Proudfoot: ENEMY WOLF PACKAGE INBOUND
[10:47:13] Rich O'Neill: WOLF IS IN THE AIR
[10:47:32] Rich O'Neill: TEN INCH WOLF KING
[10:47:41] Nathan Proudfoot: wolf king
[10:47:51] Rich O'Neill: when you getting one

Convo says it all tbh.
Opening boxes full of computery bits is lovely. This build is looking good, still intruiged how the case is going to turn out but should be good.
Just come across this and its epic....keep up the good work.

Personally i would be aiming to finish the case before ordering 900 quids worth of GFX cards but where's the fun in that :)
nice work mate..:)

Thank you very much

Opening boxes full of computery bits is lovely. This build is looking good, still intruiged how the case is going to turn out but should be good.

I am still getting panels lazer cut at this time. Everything is very much in the development stage @ this time. So not even I know how it will turn out.
As for boxes :)

Just come across this and its epic....keep up the good work.

Thanks, will try my best

Personally i would be aiming to finish the case before ordering 900 quids worth of GFX cards but where's the fun in that :)

I agree, I should finish the case first but by the time that happens we could be up to 780 GTX's :D
awesome, thread subscribed

Thanks, hope you enjoy the rest of the build.

Looking epic, i love the set up you have at the moment haha, i dont blame the Mrs for not seeing the funny side anymore lol

Mrs Piggin is very understand & lets me play with my toys ;)

The problem is she is very house proud & having this build sitting on a shelf is not making her happy. :mad:

The one thing I wish she would stop doing is trying to dust everything. :confused:

If she continues, she will either blow up a component or herself. :p
Thanks m8

The 580's are excellent and are working very well but I will have to reinstall win7 over the weekend to ensure the drivers are working correctly.
As for the gamepad, they were freebies. When I ordered my cards, I was cheeky & asked for a discount. ;)
As you can imagine, I was told no put I could have a little freebie.
When the box turned up, there were two game pads (one for each hand obviously) lol.

I doubt, I will every use them to be honest.
They will most probably go on the MM.
I will have to sort out my act, as I also have a 5970 to sell now. lol
Have just spent the last half hour reading this, and have found it a fantastic read!

I must say, as someone who aims to embark on his first build soon, I'm quite some way off what you're doing, but it does look immense.

Parts seem to be fairly insane as well, and this really does look like it will be a complete beast.

Shame about the hitch with the steel, but I'm pleased to see you moving on and continuing!

As for the 'old school' approach, it is certainly admirable, but I'd probably take the sketchup route myself, but it's all personal preference.

Must say I do love the idea of lots of parcels, and frankly I can't wait until I get to do my first build! Especially living at Uni for now, I can't wait to see the guys face in the collection room when I turn up to collect my various components :D

Finally, in my short time here, this is perhaps one of the best images I have ever seen...


Made me chuckle!

Best of luck with your build! Looks fairly insane!

The case is still at a stand still at the moment but the self is making progress.


I have removed one rad & a pump, as I am now running my two 580GTX's on air. :D

Hopefully, I will have my water blocks for the GPU's next week ;)
I would love to try this for myself...However I don't know any welders, have experience with metal-working, nor the funds or tools to even make an attempt at the moment :mad:

Would indeed be very cool to manufacture your own Extended U2-UFO style case tehe! Wonder how much would have to be spent on such a creation though..
The costs come down to how deep are your pockets.
The initial costs are not that high (about £150 for the two frames) but the cost for the design & laser cut panels are escalating quickly.

As for a finished price :rolleyes:
When its completed, I will let you know
Is Tom helping you by any chance? :D Could one not make the panels oneself, cutting their own fan holes etc into sheets of aluminum (If one was not aiming high as far as looks are concerned ;))
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