Have just spent the last half hour reading this, and have found it a fantastic read!
I must say, as someone who aims to embark on his first build soon, I'm quite some way off what you're doing, but it does look immense.
Parts seem to be fairly insane as well, and this really does look like it will be a complete beast.
Shame about the hitch with the steel, but I'm pleased to see you moving on and continuing!
As for the 'old school' approach, it is certainly admirable, but I'd probably take the sketchup route myself, but it's all personal preference.
Must say I do love the idea of lots of parcels, and frankly I can't wait until I get to do my first build! Especially living at Uni for now, I can't wait to see the guys face in the collection room when I turn up to collect my various components
Finally, in my short time here, this is perhaps one of the best images I have ever seen...
Made me chuckle!
Best of luck with your build! Looks fairly insane!