The Little Mermaid (05/2023) live-action Disney remake

How can anyone complain if a child is able to identify with that hero on the screen, in some way or another.

But when women and people of colour start going on about how they are only now breaking barriers, they can **** right off.

To be fair some barriers are only just breaking. Think it's only 5 or 6 years since Focus came out and I believe at the time it was a big deal for a black male lead to be with a white woman in an interracial relationship in movies

But ultimately I agree. I'd rather they just broke the barriers but not spoke about it. If that makes sense. There's something I don't ever like about people patting themselves on the back saying good job
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To be fair some barriers are only just breaking. Think it's only 5 or 6 years since Focus came out and I believe at the time it was a big deal for a black male lead to be with a white woman in an interracial relationship in movies
Not to pick on you per say, but this really ****** me off with modern 'progressives' and movies/tv shows. There have been loads of films featuring a black lead/white woman in an interracial relationship, going back years, both Oscar and bafta winning films.
Such as? I can't really think of any which is what I found shocking at the time of the films release. Though I'm imagining that's more of an American thing than a world wide one

Edit: just to say this isn't an argumentative post. It was a genuinely curious 'such as'
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Such as? I can't really think of any which is what I found shocking at the time of the films release. Though I'm imagining that's more of an American thing than a world wide one

Edit: just to say this isn't an argumentative post. It was a genuinely curious 'such as'
Othello and the constant remakes, numerous Spike Lee movies, Save the last dance, couple of Romeo and Juliet movies have had black lead/white woman (does Blazing Saddles count? :p), as Vincent said Guess who's coming to dinner, and loads more.
i'll give you that it's far more common for the male lead to be white and female love interest to be a minority tho.
So much drama for a film that isn't out yet.

Do we think we can leave it for a couple of weeks? Then we can put our views across based on us actually watching the film :p
Don't be daft. Haven't you been in any of the Marvel/Star Wars/Disney threads this year? I'm surprised we haven't had more videos from angry Scottish men on Youtube telling me what to think about this movie that's not out yet :rolleyes:
Fortunately the originals still exist so if they feel it's too jarring they can just watch those. Storm in a teacup.

It's because the original movie and source material exist that people complain about it.

Clearly you're on board with this nonsense, but lots of people aren't, and that's not going to change because you refer them to the originals.

I don't see why minorities are even happy with this, instead of creating new material and characters that may celebrate their cultures and identity, you basically get white left overs, all for an ideologically-driven tick box exercise. :)
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Don't be daft. Haven't you been in any of the Marvel/Star Wars/Disney threads this year? I'm surprised we haven't had more videos from angry Scottish men on Youtube telling me what to think about this movie that's not out yet :rolleyes:

I've heard from here and also IRL that there are some politics ("woke agenda") going on with Marvel and Star Wars. Disney is tanking on the stock market and this is why Nintendo is doing so well with the Mario Bros film because there are no politics in it.

For the Little Mermaid remake, the issue being discussed on here is casting a black actress as Ariel, which probably won't even be an issue. Let's see the film then we can pick it apart afterwards :-)

My main issue with Disney though, and I have already said it on here on page 2, is that they don't make their fairy tale style animations before. Remember Tangled, Brave and Frozen? They were only from about 10 years ago and Disney was on a roll then. Something has changed and it seems like they're too scared to make fairy tale movies now.
I've heard from here and also IRL that there are some politics ("woke agenda") going on with Marvel and Star Wars. Disney is tanking on the stock market and this is why Nintendo is doing so well with the Mario Bros film because there are no politics in it.
There's been an anti-Disney bandwagon for a while now. Rightwing press in the US are freely attacking them (info), the Republican governor of Florida is suing them and attacking them legally on various fronts because they came out against the Don't Say Gay bill there. Right-wing press is filtering into social media, which is filtering into right-leaning Youtubers and "reviewers" and click-baiters which means as soon as Disney release anything there is a whole group (I won't say army..) of people ready to downvote, dislike, and flame-out on Youtube to whoever will listen. The sad thing is; it's clearly working because comments now pop-up almost immediately on perfectly "normal" forums like this here one. It's very sad, and is probably a good exercise in showing why social media is bad, why it's just an echo-chamber and if you get lost on the wrong side (like some on here) that's all you can see.

But anyway, I got shouted down last time I brought that all up which is why I rarely venture into any thread related to Disney, Marvel or Star Wars :rolleyes:
There's been an anti-Disney bandwagon for a while now.

Alternatively, there's been an "anti-crap film bandwagon" for a while now :D

I know its easy to blame "the other side" for being an evil bogeyman who just hates everything but current Disney is objectively in a "quality of production" free-fall, with multiple films/series across multiple franchises spanning multiple genres failing to be successful, and thats not "a Right Wing Conspiracy" to say so nor is it the "Right Wing Media" causing it to happen globally. Instead its paying customers from around the entire globe (not just the US) saying "Nope, don't like it" and switching off, amongst other varied reasons for doing so.

It's very sad, and is probably a good exercise in showing why social media is bad, why it's just an echo-chamber and if you get lost on the wrong side (like some on here) that's all you can see.

I mean for all the talk about the "Right Wing Echo Chamber" (and I agree one exists) you've also got to be aware that the reverse is true, that there is always an equal opposite reaction, so there is a "Left Wing Echo Chamber" that just as pervasive and exclusionary as the Right Wing one you think is "wrong".

But anyway, I got shouted down last time I brought that all up which is why I rarely venture into any thread related to Disney, Marvel or Star Wars :rolleyes:

I would like to think that, rather than having both sides bunker down in "I don't like you because you think differently and that means I can attack you" territory, how about we all just agree to disagree in these situations, "no harm no foul" as the US might say, and then people like yourself won't feel shouted down by the "Right" and then those who you believe are in the "wrong" echo chamber won't feel shouted down by those in the "Left" echo chamber. Oh, and you've been posting/reacting in this thread 3 times since yesterday so not exactly "rarely venturing" are we :D
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There's been an anti-Disney bandwagon for a while now. Rightwing press in the US are freely attacking them (info), the Republican governor of Florida is suing them and attacking them legally on various fronts because they came out against the Don't Say Gay bill there. Right-wing press is filtering into social media, which is filtering into right-leaning Youtubers and "reviewers" and click-baiters which means as soon as Disney release anything there is a whole group (I won't say army..) of people ready to downvote, dislike, and flame-out on Youtube to whoever will listen. The sad thing is; it's clearly working because comments now pop-up almost immediately on perfectly "normal" forums like this here one. It's very sad, and is probably a good exercise in showing why social media is bad, why it's just an echo-chamber and if you get lost on the wrong side (like some on here) that's all you can see.

But anyway, I got shouted down last time I brought that all up which is why I rarely venture into any thread related to Disney, Marvel or Star Wars :rolleyes:

Thanks for explaining and the insight, much appreciated.

I suspected it was some movement going on from the right wing, but I didn't realise it was to this extent. A friend and I have been meeting weekly for coffee or beers since 2004 and so he knows full well that I'm a Disney fan. He acknowledged (or even respected) the fact that I liked Tangled, Frozen, Brave, and the live-action remakes while at the same time not generally being a fan himself. He identifies as "right of centre". In the last 2 years however, something has gotten into him and he says that everything is "woke this" and "woke that". He even thinks that our main political parties are left wing, including the Conservatives.

So what you have written today @Scam has made the penny drop about my friend's thought processes and where he might be getting his (mis)information from. It does seem like to me that he is following conspiracy theory channels on YouTube, even though he said time and time again that he isn't into conspiracy theories. It does imply in our conversations though that he is into them but is in denial perhaps? I do like him as I've known him that long. He's intelligent in pretty much every other respect and a great conversationist but I know for the last few months now to steer away from politics and most times it works :-)

I still uphold what I said about the Mario Bros film and kudos to Nintendo making it a politics-free zone, and I just wish that Disney can go back to making fairy tale classics again like Tangled etc.
Thanks for explaining and the insight, much appreciated.

I suspected it was some movement going on from the right wing, but I didn't realise it was to this extent. A friend and I have been meeting weekly for coffee or beers since 2004 and so he knows full well that I'm a Disney fan. He acknowledged (or even respected) the fact that I liked Tangled, Frozen, Brave, and the live-action remakes while at the same time not generally being a fan himself. He identifies as "right of centre". In the last 2 years however, something has gotten into him and he says that everything is "woke this" and "woke that". He even thinks that our main political parties are left wing, including the Conservatives.

So what you have written today @Scam has made the penny drop about my friend's thought processes and where he might be getting his (mis)information from. It does seem like to me that he is following conspiracy theory channels on YouTube, even though he said time and time again that he isn't into conspiracy theories. It does imply in our conversations though that he is into them but is in denial perhaps? I do like him as I've known him that long. He's intelligent in pretty much every other respect and a great conversationist but I know for the last few months now to steer away from politics and most times it works :)

I still uphold what I said about the Mario Bros film and kudos to Nintendo making it a politics-free zone, and I just wish that Disney can go back to making fairy tale classics again like Tangled etc.
As much as I like and use YouTube the algorithm is the absolute pits and just pushes you down rabbit holes if you are weak enough not to notice.

Then those same people start calling you an NPC. Hilarious lack of awareness.

I avoid anything political on there. If it even starts recommending me MSNBC videos or people making fun of "woke" or whatever I hit the 'Not interested' or 'Don't show this channel' option.
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Alternatively, there's been an "anti-crap film bandwagon" for a while now :D

I know its easy to blame "the other side" for being an evil bogeyman who just hates everything but current Disney is objectively in a "quality of production" free-fall, with multiple films/series across multiple franchises spanning multiple genres failing to be successful, and thats not "a Right Wing Conspiracy" to say so nor is it the "Right Wing Media" causing it to happen globally. Instead its paying customers from around the entire globe (not just the US) saying "Nope, don't like it" and switching off, amongst other varied reasons for doing so.

I mean for all the talk about the "Right Wing Echo Chamber" (and I agree one exists) you've also got to be aware that the reverse is true, that there is always an equal opposite reaction, so there is a "Left Wing Echo Chamber" that just as pervasive and exclusionary as the Right Wing one you think is "wrong".

I would like to think that, rather than having both sides bunker down in "I don't like you because you think differently and that means I can attack you" territory, how about we all just agree to disagree in these situations, "no harm no foul" as the US might say, and then people like yourself won't feel shouted down by the "Right" and then those who you believe are in the "wrong" echo chamber won't feel shouted down by those in the "Left" echo chamber. Oh, and you've been posting/reacting in this thread 3 times since yesterday so not exactly "rarely venturing" are we :D

I largely disagree with some of this sentiment, to the extent that you might apply it to this forum.

This is how it seems to be going on this sub-forum at the moment, in many threads:

Person A: “Hey here’s a new show”
Person B: “Looks alright - not sure”

At this point it has actually become a full on rhetoric. It’s really noisy and also boring for everyone that just wants to read about films.

From my immediate memory we’ve had:

- pretty over the top and ugly comments re: Kathleen Kennedy (now deleted for good reason)
- someone making a fuss of a drag queen being invited to a premier (how does this matter - who cares?)
- the spotting of a transgender flag in a spiderverse trailer leading to someone ranting about “pedos and groomers” in Hollywood (wtf?)
- someone repeatedly posting articles relishing the ‘purported downfall’ of Disney
- the Mario movie being heralded as some sort of anti-Disney movie because of its ‘lack of agenda’… rather than it being a well established multi-generational franchise that is clearly going to do well when most parents are growing up playing video games as a hobby.

Whereas your post seems to imply there is a two way ‘tit for tat’, it is not ‘two-sided’ other than there merely being sets people that disagree with each other on these issues. Instead what we have is the same sets of people desperate to perpetually make the same rhetorical points and being really ****ing loud about it, without any restraint.

Just… enough, already? I don’t wish to participate in and perpetuate the whinging - which I acknowledge that I am doing with this post - but it is spoiling the sub-forum at the moment, IMO.
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- the Mario movie being heralded as some sort of anti-Disney movie because of its ‘lack of agenda’… rather than it being a well established multi-generational franchise that is clearly going to do well when most parents are growing up playing video games as a hobby.
When you look at other kids movies based on a computer IP in recent times - Sonic / Detective Pikachu and the like, SMB has smashed the living snot out of them in box office takings, taking 3 -4 times as much as those movies, it was also universally panned by critics - currently sat at 59% on RT. Some folks will say well it was always going to do numbers because it's a Mario movie and yet it's exceeded projections massively. Alternatively, parents just want to take their kids to see a fun movie aimed at kids and for kids with no political or social commentary. Dont forget some people have been saying the reason certain movies don't do as well as previous entries in the list is that people aren't going to the cinema anymore in a post covid world, and yet good, fun, well made movies that concentrate on story 1st seem to buck this tread all the time. Strange eh.
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Instead its paying customers from around the entire globe (not just the US) saying "Nope, don't like it" and switching off, amongst other varied reasons for doing so.
But it's not just that at the moment, is it? It's everybody jumping on a teaser that has been released, shouting down Disney, making personal attacks on employees and really just continuing some sort of (as @Nitefly said) rhetoric that anything Disney does is going to suck because of "woke gender politics and pedo rings"... or something. That is my point. There's little critical review of what they actually release.
there is a "Left Wing Echo Chamber" that just as pervasive and exclusionary as the Right Wing one you think is "wrong".
And please do tell what sort of impact that left wing "echo chamber" is having on forums such as these? Are we all red-pilled (or blue, who the heck knows? :confused: ) and ruining discussions on TV/films like the right-wingers? I think not.
Oh, and you've been posting/reacting in this thread 3 times since yesterday so not exactly "rarely venturing" are we :D
It was a slow Friday and I was avoiding work. Sue me ;)
Thanks for explaining and the insight, much appreciated.
No problem. I think it's important for people to see how this sort of media works. And it does eventually infiltrate "normal" media and that is the scary thing. You start getting articles from other media like this on the Guardian no less;
At this point it has actually become a full on rhetoric. It’s really noisy and also boring for everyone that just wants to read about films.
but it is spoiling the sub-forum at the moment, IMO.
Yes, it is.
Alternatively, parents just want to take their kids to see a fun movie aimed at kids and for kids with no political or social commentary.
I bolded the first part which is correct. a lot of my friends and colleagues have young kids (I'm of that age :rolleyes: ) and I can say without doubt that absolutely none of them would consider whether or not a film has political or social commentary.

Mario did so well through a variety of reasons. One being that it's been 30 years since a SMB movie. 30 years is the absolute perfect time for a reboot, that means it got the old gamers, with their kids, 30 years is also perfect for something to become retro "cool" -- see how teenagers are now dressing like it's the nineties? If you don't believe it's been timed to perfection then you've got your head in the sand about how Hollywood studios work. There's lots of other reasons, of course. Illumination have been absolutely nailing it recently, and probably the Disney nonsense hasn't hindered them either.
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