The Little Mermaid (05/2023) live-action Disney remake

Nope not seen it but I'll add it to the list of things to watch with her. Though she's only 1 so a while away from understanding it just yet haha.

I've been watching most of the old animated ones with her but I quite enjoy Disney movies so happy to go through them all again. and again.... and again

It's live action with animated bits.

Charity shops have loads of Disney dvds for £1, so fill yer boots!
Kind of agree, however they are pushing ideology in some of their products, and that's an issue for parents in general as they're targeted at children. You could call it a they/them/theirs problem. :)

What ideology is TLM going to push? Mermaids have the right to love too? I think I'm OK with Disney pushing a Mermaid agenda.
What ideology is TLM going to push? Mermaids have the right to love too? I think I'm OK with Disney pushing a Mermaid agenda.

Taking about Disney as you know, leaks from last year showed multiple Disney officials openly pushing LGBT+ and queer content, their aim was for half of all characters to be LGBTQ+ or ethnic minorities.

To be fair most of Hollywood is the same... but it's more insidious when it's targeted at children.
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Taking about Disney as you know, leaks from last year showed multiple Disney officials openly pushing LGBT+ and queer content, their aim was for half of all characters to be LGBTQ+ or ethnic minorities.

To be fair most of Hollywood is the same... but it's more insidious when it's targeted at children.

I don't really care about them pushing LGBTQ+ content. The more it's out there, it's normalised and people can continue on with their lives. I only have an issue when sexualised content is pushed onto children. Kids finding out that same sex relationships are a thing isn't going to damage them. Sexualised stuff though, that should never be forced upon children. In my opinion at least.

And as for the ethnic minority part. Unpopular opinion but as an ethnic minority myself I rather like seeing the push for diversity on TV. It's nice that not every Disney film is now about a blonde European princess and if my daughter watches Moana or Encanto and sees herself in those characters or wants to fancy dress up as them, that's a win in my book.
I don't really care about them pushing LGBTQ+ content. The more it's out there, it's normalised and people can continue on with their lives. I only have an issue when sexualised content is pushed onto children. Kids finding out that same sex relationships are a thing isn't going to damage them. Sexualised stuff though, that should never be forced upon children. In my opinion at least.

And as for the ethnic minority part. Unpopular opinion but as an ethnic minority myself I rather like seeing the push for diversity on TV. It's nice that not every Disney film is now about a blonde European princess and if my daughter watches Moana or Encanto and sees herself in those characters or wants to fancy dress up as them, that's a win in my book.

Why do you want it normalized? Alphabet people represent around 3% of the population, the majority of people will have no contact with this community at all. Considering their increased rate of suicide and mental health issues, parents should be concerned.

Never understood people not being able to relate to characters because of the colour of their skin, it's a ridiculous concept to me, loads of great black actors in leading roles over the years, never once thought, I like this but it would be better if they were white... Seems a bit racist to me.
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Why do you want it normalized? Alphabet people represent around 3% of the population, the majority of people will have no contact with this community at all. Considering their increased rate of suicide and mental health issues, parents should be concerned.

Because I don't care who people decide they want to love or how they identify. The sooner people get over themselves and realise people are free to love whoever they want, the better. Perhaps the majority wont. But one of my best friends is gay and my cousin is a lesbian. As long as overtly sexual stuff isn't being rammed down children's throats I don't see the issue with them seeing a man may love a man and a woman may love a woman.

children seeing two people love each other is normal. Children seeing sexualised content is not normal nor acceptable. There is a huge difference between the two.

Never understood people not being able to relate to characters because of the colour of their skin, it's a ridiculous concept to me, loads of great black actors in leading roles over the years, never once thought, I like this but it would be better if they were white... Seems a bit racist to me.

I never mentioned a word about anything being better. I am just simply taking the angle of representation. I'm stoked for you that you've never once thought about it or that you think it's a ridiculous concept but use a bit of empathy and see it from someone else's eyes.

I'll give you an anecdotal experience I had with my niece. This is back when Frozen was taking the world by storm. Let it go was being played everywhere and every girl and her dog wanted to dress up as Elsa. At the time my niece was 5 or 6 and was going to a fancy dress event at school. Like everyone else, she wanted to go in as Elsa. Now, my niece is a mix of Jamaican and Iranian so as you can imagine, she doesn't look much like Elsa on the screen. She goes to school and one of the children in the school say to her (innocently, of course. I'm not accusing 5/6 year olds of any malice) that why is she dressed up as Elsa as she doesn't really look like her. My niece went home devastated and it was at the point I realised why representation is important because up until that point there were maybe 1 or 2 Disney princesses she could identify as. The one from the frog movie and Pocahontas. She could hardly go as Mulan...

Regardless, now when I think of my daughter, she can watch Encanto and see a brown girl with big curly hair and if she wanted to dress up as her, she'd be pretty convincing.

It may not be a huge deal to you but to rubbish it away as if it's not important says more about your ignorance than anything else. I'm not saying films would be better with an actor of X race. You've said it yourself, you don't care about the colour of the skin of the actor. So why car about race swapping if it doesn't bother you?

"Seems a bit racist" Pull the other one.

Well if she got told she doesn't look much like Elsa, what do you think they'd say if she went as Mulan?

I don't know if it's on purpose or just through lack of thinking but I really think some of the people on this forum could do with lessons in empathy and just trying to understand how others feel. You don't have to agree with everything but sometimes just seeing something from a point of view you haven't considered can make you change how you see the world.

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume it's just through lack of opportunity that they rather just stick how things are rather than open their mind but there's a part of me that thinks some of you just want to stay the same and progress be damned.
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Well if she got told she doesn't look much like Elsa, what do you think they'd say if she went as Mulan?
And? Kids quite often dont look disney princesses tho. Too fat, wrong coloured hair etc, there are a million different reasons why kids will often say someone doesn't look like the person dressing up. Where's the 'plus size' princess (I kid but that won't be far off).
I don't know if it's on purpose or just through lack of thinking but I really think some of the people on this forum could do with lessons in empathy and just trying to understand how others feel. You don't have to agree with everything but sometimes just seeing something from a point of view you haven't considered can make you change how you see the world.

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume it's just through lack of opportunity that they rather just stick how things are rather than open their mind but there's a part of me that thinks some of you just want to stay the same and progress be damned.
Why not create based off of myths/stories etc of 'minority' races? All the endless race swaps tell me is that the stories just aren't that interesting or there are none.

You said it yourself, the recent offerings such as Encanto (think there was another one Soul or something similar?) show that the mouse, or whomever, can create when they want, what they are doing now is just lazy.
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And? Kids quite often dont look disney princesses tho. Too fat, wrong coloured hair etc, there are a million different reasons why kids will often say someone doesn't look like the person dressing up. Where's the 'plus size' princess (I kid but that won't be far off).

And she's a kid that just wants to dress up as something she liked. She got told she didn't look like her so she couldn't and that got her upset.

I just gave it as an anecdotal experience as to why representation is a good thing, in my eyes.

Why not create based off of myths/stories etc of 'minority' races? All the endless race swaps tell me is that the stories just aren't that interesting or there are none.

You said it yourself, the recent offerings such as Encanto (think there was another one Soul or something similar?) show that the mouse, or whomever, can create when they want, what they are doing now is just lazy.

Well it seems that's what they're doing now seeing as they did Coco, Moana and Encanto. I've never said I agree with the race swapping - mind you in this instance I don't care about it. I don't see who it harms or why anyone would be genuinely bothered by it. Only times I flat out don't agree with race swapping is when it's a period thing or a true story. I don't necessarily want to see black people in a show like Downton Abbey or an example would by Sky's remaining of the railway children and likewise I don't want to see a white guy playing Fred Hampton. But in something like TLM or things similar. Have at it. I have bigger things to upset me.
I don't necessarily want to see black people in a show like Downton Abbey or an example would by Sky's remaining of the railway children and likewise I don't want to see a white guy playing Fred Hampton. But in something like TLM or things similar. Have at it. I have bigger things to upset me.
Are those 2 stances not at odds with one another?

Oh and you watched Downton Abbey? My condolences dude :p
Are those 2 stances not at odds with one another?

Oh and you watched Downton Abbey? My condolences dude :p

I don't think so. At least, to me, in some instances it would be jarring. If I was watching a documentary on Henry the VIII the last thing I expect to see would be Idris Elba playing him or Benedict Cumberbatch playing Malcom X. In the same vein I wouldn't care if Disney decided to make Ben Afleck play Uncle Remus in Song of the South.

There's probably a disconnect there somewhere but to me it makes sense

I never watched bloody Downton Abbey! I was using it as an example. I ought to block you for such horrible claims :D
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Because I don't care who people decide they want to love or how they identify. The sooner people get over themselves and realise people are free to love whoever they want, the better. Perhaps the majority wont. But one of my best friends is gay and my cousin is a lesbian. As long as overtly sexual stuff isn't being rammed down children's throats I don't see the issue with them seeing a man may love a man and a woman may love a woman.]

children seeing two people love each other is normal. Children seeing sexualised content is not normal nor acceptable. There is a huge difference between the two.

Adults can do as they please, I only take issue when it's targeted at children. If they include this content in movies / tv targeted at children, I'm not showing it to my kids. Whether it's explicitly sexual or not, kids shouldn't be normalised to this.

Leave it to the parents with regards to when to have that conversation, I don't want it prompted by a Disney movie or progressive TV show

So why car about race swapping if it doesn't bother you?

"Seems a bit racist" Pull the other one.

The original character was white, I wouldn't want it the other way around, Blade was a black character, I wouldn't want a white version. It's not just fictional characters either, Hollywood has been doing it to historical characters, basically rewriting history...

Whether it's re-writing history, or re-writing fictional works, I just don't agree with it.

The same situation could have happened between two white children btw, for a variety of reasons, not all children look like a fictional character, and children can be brutally honest at times. It's more interesting how you chose to interpret the series of events there, says a lot more about you than anything else.
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Adults can do as they please, I only take issue when it's targeted at children. If they include this content in movies / tv targeted at children, I'm not showing it to my kids. Whether it's explicitly sexual or not, kids shouldn't be normalised to this.

Leave it to the parents with regards to when to have that conversation, I don't want it prompted by a Disney movie or progressive TV show

The original character was white, I wouldn't want it the other way around, Blade was a black character, I wouldn't want a white version. It's not just fictional characters either, Hollywood has been doing it to historical characters, basically rewriting history...

Whether it's re-writing history, or re-writing fictional works, I just don't agree with it.

The same situation could have happened between two white children btw, for a variety of reasons, not all children look like a fictional character, and children can be brutally honest at times. It's more interesting how you chose to interpret the series of events there, says a lot more about you than anything else.
nick fury was white (hasslehoff), and now black, kingpin was white, then black then white again. seems to work fine as long as the actor fits the role.
I really don't understand peoples fascination with messaging from films. I don't think I learned anything from watching childrens films. I never had any difficulty understanding that they were complete make believe. I never thought that women needed saving by princes. I didn't know any princes. I didn't know any talking monkeys, lions or crabs and I didn't know any witches. I grasped the fact quite early on that it was all just made up for entertainment and to just enjoy it.

I simply don't get the issue. The little mermaid is about a little girl who lives under the sea with talking fish and a hot crustacian band. She dreams of going above water and gets infatuated with a price she saves. If you are learning anything from that film then I worry. Children learn their morals from their parents, their friends and their schooling.

If you want to analyse everything then its all toxic and bad. We live in a weird society where we seem to be constantly searching for these triggers for why people are ****** and the truth is that its almost always because society is all set up around the cult of you. Its not the little mermaid teaching young girls that their only worthwhile trait is their looks, its parents indulging them to the nth degree, its social media and society telling them that celebrities and influences have any value to society. Its telling children that there is a right answer to everything and if someone dares suggest a different way of looking at things they are terrible and attacking you personally.

Let kids enjoy disney films as they always have done. They aren't toxic or bad for kids. Millions of perfectly well adjusted adults of both sexes have grown up on them just fine. People need to get over the idea that children are fragile little sponges that ruminate deeply on the messaging of a film when they are small.

Thanks for the alternative take.

I think allowing kids films to be kids films is generally for the best, it’s just I found myself astonished with how terrible the (OG Disney) Little Mermaid was when rewatching as an adult. In fact, it’s the only film that comes to mind that has ever had that reaction on me. I just sort of thought, “blergh, not for my kids”. But I don’t hear of others thinking otherwise, hence my question.
Let kids enjoy disney films as they always have done. They aren't toxic or bad for kids. Millions of perfectly well adjusted adults of both sexes have grown up on them just fine. People need to get over the idea that children are fragile little sponges that ruminate deeply on the messaging of a film when they are small.

Yeap, people of all ages/sexes/races have grown up to be well adjusted adults despite watching Disney films that are now being reclassified as toxic, misogynistic and/or racist etc today by an tiny minority of people and everyone just has to accept that without question "or else".

Personally I wonder why the various writers/studios are so under confident in their own abilities that they can't ever write a new story based in the same universe as an existing one if they wanted to show a character to be a certain demographic i.e You want a Black Mermaid - No problem, she can be written as Ariel's sister who has her own different adventures to tell etc - everyone wins and no-one gets angry, why is that so difficult to do?
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