The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Prime)

2 Jan 2005
the trailer looks 'fine', but i have little faith they know what they are doing.
It really just looks like they are trying to copy off various other shows rather than having an actual vision - which for the amount of money on the line is frankly staggering
12 Feb 2006
which for the amount of money on the line is frankly staggering
I have a strong opinion that this is a huge part of the reason we have had so many shows/films fail lately. Far too much money is put into them as a solution to issues.

LOTR to hobbit is a brilliant example. The studios weren't certain of the success, so Peter Jackson had to get creative and come up with creative ways to solve an issue they have. Be it make up, how to create a set, dialogue, etc, money was tight and each shot needed to make every penny count

Then the hobbit, and blank cheque. Any issues, just reshoot later. Any sets you want, just CG them. Nothing needed to meet budgets like LOTR did.

Putting creative people in a box forces them to create with the limited stuff they have. Giving essentially unlimited funds means they get lazy or don't come up with new ideas because they don't have to.

ROP feels some what the same. Too much money. Leads to lots of flashy scenes that mean nothing.
5 Aug 2023
I have a strong opinion that this is a huge part of the reason we have had so many shows/films fail lately. Far too much money is put into them as a solution to issues.

LOTR to hobbit is a brilliant example. The studios weren't certain of the success, so Peter Jackson had to get creative and come up with creative ways to solve an issue they have. Be it make up, how to create a set, dialogue, etc, money was tight and each shot needed to make every penny count

Then the hobbit, and blank cheque. Any issues, just reshoot later. Any sets you want, just CG them. Nothing needed to meet budgets like LOTR did.

Putting creative people in a box forces them to create with the limited stuff they have. Giving essentially unlimited funds means they get lazy or don't come up with new ideas because they don't have to.

ROP feels some what the same. Too much money. Leads to lots of flashy scenes that mean nothing.

Many reasons why The Hobbit was a massive let down, mostly down to the suits IMO.

But I don't believe Amazon hired the right people, they don't have the talent or the vision for something like Tolkien, firing Tom Shippey told me this was going to be a disaster (they also ignored Brandon Sanderson on WOT, and look how that turned out) - the more fans got to see about ROP, the less they liked it, and then the more the talked about diversity, and then they lost the fans. BUT I AM NOT GETTING INTO DEI HERE, but continually banging on about it and deliberately ******* off the fans contributed to it's failure.

However, DEI wasn't really ROP was so poorly recieved it was because the writing was just so terrible, fan-fic level. How could they get the casting so wrong? how could Midget Clark be cast as the ethereally glamourous and beautiful 6 foot plus Galadriel?

They just got everything so wrong, that's lack of talent, lack of creativity, and lack of coherent vision - no amount of money or lack of it would have made a blind bit of difference. And furthermore even in the area for which it gets most praise, (the aesthetics) I don't think are very good either, it's just off for me, plasticky, - HOD looked much much more authentic.
Last edited:
25 Nov 2005
It got heavily downvoted, people clearly weren't that impressed.


"But they were all of them decieved, for another wig was made".

Should really be about the wigs of power

Such a shame to see so much money wasted on such a wonderful IP due to restrictions and worse writers than the final season of GoT
15 Sep 2009
Tom B coming to ROP S2

I saw this reported today, I really don’t understand the logic behind it. But I hope they make use of him as completely pointless, as in he randomly comes along, does some dancing and singing and then disappears for the memes. I bet they call him Tom too, despite that fact back then he was known by all of the other names.
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