I like the person playing Elrond but the high king elf rubs me up the wrong way for some reason.
The issue I have with so many of the characters in RoP is that they aren't anything like what Tolkien intended their race to be. Their actions and behaviour are completely at odds with their supposed intellect/race traits etc. The elves are supposed to be the best example of middle earth. They are supposed to be wise, measured, ethereal, ancient. In RoP they are just like any other race.
The Numenorians are supposed to be the best of the race of men and their civilisation is testament to that and yet pretty much all we see of them is immature brats and a people who are swayed by gutter politics.
Toxic Fandom: How Hollywood Is Battling Fans Who Are ‘Just Out for Blood’ — From Social Media Boot Camps to Superfan Focus Groups
The threat of toxic fandoms — from Star Wars and Lord of the Rings to Bridgerton and Game of Thrones — has become an intractable headache for almost every studio.variety.com
Love to see Hollywoke and their toxic access entertainment media having another tantrum because the fans are winning.
Whats wonderfully ironic is that they still cannot fathom that the issue can reside anywhere else but the fanbase. They happily call out fans who won't change their minds and happily speak out about it and yet see no parallels between that and their own insistence that their own views and output is good and that other people are the issue.