The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Prime)

Still watching here - I was forming the view that it was just a little dull / unexciting, but I thought it picked up a lot in episodes 5 & 6, quite enjoyed them.

All the ‘long game’ stuff of what happens is just totally boring though because we know what happens… prequels are cursed by this.
Never thought I'd say this but...

I skip all the little foot, hoobbitssssss things and Gandalf rubbish and I'm really enjoying The Lord of the Rings TV :cry:
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Finished watching this.
Was ok, skip the Harfoots/gandalf and dwarfs and focused on elfs orcs and Sauron and this would have been much better.

Yeh, I just said the same thing!

The gandalf parts were down right BORING and didn't even need to have so much air time
Just watched it over four nights. Preferred season one but still found two enjoyable and getting better as it moved towards the end. I now have an excuse to watch all six films again! Oh, and season three will be called the "Sauron Show".
Caught up and got S2 finished last night, it was ok, highlight for me was seeing the trees with modern CGI compared to the original films. Pacing felt padded out similar to HOTD to hit the 8 episode target.
I sort of still like this,but I think one of the weakest parts of it is the casting. The show has too many weak actors/bad performances.

I don't think it's just the writing and direction either (though it may play a part). I just think some of the actors chosen are just really phoning it in.

Galadrial is bad
Elf King is bad
Sauron is..mediocre. I think they could have got someone better here considering how important a role it is.
Many of the smaller parts are also acted poorly.

Some are good. Highlights are Elrond, Durin, Diss (in fact the dwarves in general) and a few more.

Honestly, I think pulling off this style of fantasy stuff without making it sound silly/hammy is one of the hardest acting tasks to pull off. A lot of the cast fail miserably.

It's a shame,because the CGI and visuals are fantastic, and I don't think the story is too bad.

Probably should have put more budget into some more well known/better performers though. It's all too "Hammy" sometimes.
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I said after the first cast reveals that this show would be a utter travesty, (next clue firing Tom Shippey) and here we are. You cannot expect C list actors and nobodies to carry a 1BN Tolkien adaptation, look at the cast for S1 GOT, a much smaller IP particularly at the time, much smaller budget etc etc and it is absolutely stellar.

So what did this early casting tell us about ROP? - It told us that the produces and showrunners hadn't got the first idea what they were doing, they did not care one iota about making a quality faithful Tolkien adaptation, and they did not care about casting either, other than how much they could virtue signal about its "diversity" - oh and boy oh boy did they bang on and on about could anyone who worked in TV and had read or watched LOTR could possibly think Morfyyd Clark was Galadriel? :cry:

They were going to make their own show, a nonsensical, non-canon, bastardisation and "correction" of JRRT, and just hoped with enough money thrown at it, some laughably bad "mystery boxes" and plenty of "shipping" would carry them through. I think once they realised they had no story, they decided to make a Peter Jackson trilogy - it's just scene after scene after scene ripped off PJ, 'memberberry after 'memberberry.

I give them no credit either for spending 1BN and then managing to have some good CGI.

There are no saving graces for this show, it is at every single level absolute dog****.
I ended up giving this a rewatch and I definitely found it more interesting after seeing it from the beginning again.

The conclusion I've come to is it's too light on content. It jumps about a lot and is driving a lot of stories forward. I think we'd all love to see hours more with the elves, dwarves etc even if it's unrelated to the plot. They spent so much money on production, they should've stretched it out to another 10 hours of exploring middle earth
I ended up giving this a rewatch and I definitely found it more interesting after seeing it from the beginning again.

The conclusion I've come to is it's too light on content. It jumps about a lot and is driving a lot of stories forward. I think we'd all love to see hours more with the elves, dwarves etc even if it's unrelated to the plot. They spent so much money on production, they should've stretched it out to another 10 hours of exploring middle earth

They can't fill the time they have now, what the hell would they do with another 10 hours?

They're also NOT INTERESTED in Tolkien's legendarium at all, they have made that clear, even if they had access to material with which to delve deeper into the Lore, that would not interest them.
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