Why are you so wound up about what I think?
It's really weird that people can't handle anyone having an opinion.
Chill, maybe go and watch She-Hulk? that's fun...
I'm not wound up. I've just skimmed this thread and found your contribution ridiculous. I'm trying to work out why you're so invested in this being terrible. You've got a really strong opinion on something that is yet to air. That's the bit I'm struggling to handle, as you put it.
I've not seen She-Hulk yet, it's on the list to watch though. If it's not any good I'll turn it off rather than waste time and energy whining about it incessantly on the internet. I've found a fair amount of Marvel stuff recently hit and miss. I really disliked Doctor Strange 2, but thought Thor: Love and Thunder was great. If everything Marvel produced 100% hit the spot with me then they're probably only appealing to a small proportion of their potential audience. I'd fully expect some of their output simply to not be aimed at me. Switched off Ms. Marvel halfway through as an example. Didn't blow a gasket on the internet mind.