The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Prime)

Wasn't that fussed with a prequel or prequels In general but I have just watched it and it's actually quite good so far imo. :)

Watching via Prime app on lg oled.
LG CX 65" via Prime App. Looks fantastic in Dolby Vision. I'm really enjoying it; characters / behaviours are all in the vain of the LotR movies and comes across as Tolkiensque!
Seems to be the same as everyone else. LG CX 65" on the Prime App. Also have it coming out Sonos Arc and Sub. Looks and sounds brilliant. Can only imagine how it looks and sounds on bigger and better systems!
Not familiar with Tolkien lore but what was

The being that came out of the meteor. Gandalf?

I thought so when I was watching it, but reflecting on it, I think they're some kind of evil character. There was that leaf that fell when the meteor went overhead, dying and corrupted with black veins; and then there was the "fire" around where he fell - it wasn't hot. "It is so evil here, even our torches do not give out heat" we were told earlier. Finally there was the bit where all the fireflies died.

It all points to this being an evil rather than good character.
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Beings like Gandalf, Sauruman etc aren't of middle earth, they are spirits sent to middle earth with bodies.

When Gandalfs body died fighting the Balrog, he was sent back as Gandalf the white with a new body, to do Saurumans original job, fight Sauron.

Anyway, could be one of the Wizards or something else like that who isn't human, elven, dwarven etc.
Actually something that sprang to mind is Tom Bombadil who due to location could be "arriving"
His history is a little vague on when he arrived, although its claimed to be very early or even pre dating basically everyone on ME its possible hes going to have a part to play
Beings like Gandalf, Sauruman etc aren't of middle earth, they are spirits sent to middle earth with bodies.

When Gandalfs body died fighting the Balrog, he was sent back as Gandalf the white with a new body, to do Saurumans original job, fight Sauron.

Anyway, could be one of the Wizards or something else like that who isn't human, elven, dwarven etc.
Gandalf/Saruman and Radagast all came by boat and were met by the elves at Lindon ( from memory)
Actually something that sprang to mind is Tom Bombadil who due to location could be "arriving"
His history is a little vague on when he arrived, although its claimed to be very early or even pre dating basically everyone on ME its possible hes going to have a part to play

That was my thought but some one more geeky than I suggested...

'Nah. The implication was that he was something special, who had always existed, not a creation of the in-universe god. I think they are trying to fake us out with this guy. I think they are trying to make us think it’s Gandalf or Saruman, though the bit with the fireflies is very Radagast. But the wizards were sent much later in order to be Sauron’s adversaries, so if that’s one of them, then my worries over the mangling of the canon get turned up a notch.
I reckon he’ll turn out to be Sauron, who still had physical form in the 2nd age. Or some newly created original character.'

So I think the jury is still out really...
Gandalf/Saruman and Radagast all came by boat and were met by the elves at Lindon ( from memory)
yeah they all came together at the beginning of the 3rd age by boat - the Valar wanted a more 'hands off' approach shall we say. gandalf was even recognised by the elves (not sure about the other 2).
That Hobbit video above, led to another video from the battle of the five armies, that reminded me Galadriel easily carries a weakened Gandalf at Dol Guldur, showing how strong she is.
That Hobbit video above, led to another video from the battle of the five armies, that reminded me Galadriel easily carries a weakened Gandalf at Dol Guldur, showing how strong she is.

I don't remember people back then freaking out over that with Galadriel carrying Gandalf and a woman being very powerful. Compared to the noises of todays critics.

I did love that darker look of the films back then. That feeling to the story it was do or die and whatever fate was left.

Tom didn't 'arrive' - he was always there.

Yes which is why I put arrived as I did.
Eg "

First & Second Ages​

Tom would eventually "leave" where he came from and arrived in Middle-earth, where he began his journey through the region to explore it while wandering, having witnessed the emergence of the forests and the rain. While his role and nature in the First and Second ages is unknown, but he must have witnessed most of the major events and battles. He also witnessed the reducing of the great forests that covered all Middle-earth, and perhaps of his powers."

Its strongly inferred he was wandering, but exactly what and how was never really described. He was very vaguely talked about by Tolkien. Plenty certainly left to the imagination.

We know here was there all along, but we also know he ended up roughly where we are kind of led to believe this stranger is around now.

We know lore has been messed with a bit so I wouldn't be trying to apply strict lore to rule out any character.
Tom has been pretty much excluded from all ME based stuff and as such hes potentially a less restricted character for them to include. :)

Who knows, hopefully we at least find out in season 1 !
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