The Man-Cave

Who knows, maybe this could be a new way of living with the way house prices are for the remaining decade.
Never usually read these project logs type threads, but I've just read every single post in this one.

Absolute insanity.

The thing that would worry me the most is security. There's a serious amount of equipment in there at the moment.

EDIT: even subscribed lol for thread updates :)
so some fans from 1 box of 2 :)
I can't follow this thread any more, un subbed.

Your making me feel sick, even you bathroom is better than mine, and it's in a shed, even my shed sucks. :D

On a serious note that is bloody impressive mate, and it's in a shed, a bloody shed, I can't get over that fact.
Great build Smogsy. I would be divorced if I built one, not that I would know if the Mrs moved out of course....Except for having to make my own dinner :D
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