The Manchester United Club Thread **Sponsored by Comedy Central**

I hope they can let him rot but listening to David Stockdale the Birmingham keeper they tried to force out and train with the U18's he called in the PFA and they put a stop to it. I've heard similar from many different championship level players, so I doubt premiership players would be less protected. I think a lot would depend on how happy Ronaldo is to train alone or with the kids. I can't see his ego letting that slide without a fight. I mean he's shown the lengths he will go when he feels 'insulted'.
How would you possibly prove he hadn't been given the chance to perform? Surely any player not being picked could use this to get out of their contract at any time, it would be chaos.
I'm not a lawyer so I can't answer that however I was just trying to demonstrate that clubs cannot just do as they please. As the article states further up, there are even FIFA rules regarding playing time for players, I'm sure a club cannot just isolate a player. It would be like somebody working in an office being told he/she cannot work with the rest of the group and has to sit in a cupboard and do their work.

I can't remember the exact details but there was some talk a good 10 or so years back that if a player completed at least 1(?) year of their contract, they could pay x amount of weeks wages to their club and terminate their contract however other than in a few very minor Leagues no player ever put this to the test. IIRC a group of top European clubs were paying the legal fees of this small club who were trying to challenge this. I have no idea whatever came to this but I remember at the time that there was an agreement by the major Leagues/clubs not to sign a player that had done this.
This maybe the wrong place to put this comment but Ronaldo is just speaking out and speaking the truth about man u.

He will get ripped to pieces by the British press that will be heavily against him but I encourage anyone who has an opinion to watch the interview. If you don't then you don't have the right to make informed comments about it, simple as that.

No one should underestimate the power this guy has to turn opinions and make things happen for or against the entire club of Man u. He has half a billion followers and therefore half a billion potential voices singing his support.

This has the potential to be much messier for Man u than Ronaldo
Err, what? Have you seen the entire interview?

He’s out for himself and always has been. He doesn’t care about the club or the fans.
Of course he is, Right now he's in ultra defence mode and if what he says is true I can see why.

He may not seem "normal" to us but can you imagine what it must be like to be him? The money, fame, people doing literally anything to please you. All this has been done for so long and you cannot expect him to act as we would see fit in this situation.

Ive been also trying to look at how the media is portraying the Portuguese training sessions and how people are around him and I've seen some worrying responses from a team mate that suggests he isn't happy with him or finds him annoying, most likely for the reason that the guy wonders around like he's some kind of god, even Fernandes response to him in the training room wasn't that bad.

It's easy to blow these things out of proportion but again, this guy is not thinking like you or me.

If they do well in the cup then humans are extremely fickle and 99% of people will forget straight away.

On the other hand this could be really really bad for him and the club. I don't think anyone wins this battle if there is to be one.
This maybe the wrong place to put this comment but Ronaldo is just speaking out and speaking the truth about man u.

He will get ripped to pieces by the British press that will be heavily against him but I encourage anyone who has an opinion to watch the interview. If you don't then you don't have the right to make informed comments about it, simple as that.

No one should underestimate the power this guy has to turn opinions and make things happen for or against the entire club of Man u. He has half a billion followers and therefore half a billion potential voices singing his support.

This has the potential to be much messier for Man u than Ronaldo


Ronaldo fan boys will attach themselves to the next big thing and when Ronny boy is nothing but a spec of dust in the ground Manchester United will still be rolling on.

He's not only done at United, he's done as a footballer... No club with any sense touches him.

Ronaldo fan boys will attach themselves to the next big thing and when Ronny boy is nothing but a spec of dust in the ground Manchester United will still be rolling on.

He's not only done at United, he's done as a footballer... No club with any sense touches him.
If only life was that simple
This maybe the wrong place to put this comment but Ronaldo is just speaking out and speaking the truth about man u.

Hes being a petulant ass and trying to hide it behind the guise of caring about the club. He doesn't give a **** about the club, its fans or the other players in the team. Numerous times throughout his career he has shown that he has no love for anyone but himself. Hes a textbook fragile narcissist.

He will get ripped to pieces by the British press that will be heavily against him but I encourage anyone who has an opinion to watch the interview. If you don't then you don't have the right to make informed comments about it, simple as that.

He will get ripped by the British press because they love nothing more than taking an arrogant tit down a few pegs. I take that back. They like a controversial story more.

No one should underestimate the power this guy has to turn opinions and make things happen for or against the entire club of Man u. He has half a billion followers and therefore half a billion potential voices singing his support.

This has the potential to be much messier for Man u than Ronaldo

You might be surprised to find out that most sane people think hes a complete idiot and this is just proof of that. United will be here well after Ronaldo has retired and in years to come Ronaldo will be that guy that people talk about who was a great footballer but few people love. Messi on the other hand will be considered the greatest footballer ever and people will always love him.

Ronaldo has got so big that he doesn't realise that people don't like self centred dicks and when you show that you are one in such an obvious fashion you will lose a lot of supporters.
He has 1 goal in the last 9 for Portugal, the man's *****.. he's a sorry excuse for a footballer now

That's what I mean the pressure is on him double now because he has to perform for Portugal just to prove his point that he still has it.

I doesn't help that both Dalot and Bruno are in the team it will be awkward as hell effecting their performance no doubt. He has really shot himself in the foot as it is his last chance at world cup glory.

I think he got conned by Piers and he will eventually figure that out when he is rotting in the MLS. It is quite sad because he lost everything that he had believing his own hype. It doesn't matter how determined you are you cannot fight age.
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You'd have to be a total footballing idiot to hire Ronaldo now.

Fortunately for him, there seems to be quite a few involved in the running of clubs these days.
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You'd have to be a total footballing idiot to hire Ronaldo now.

Fortunately for him, there seems to be quite a few involved in the running of clubs these days.

Never underestimate the arrogance of people or how willing they are to ignore everyone else in the pursuit of being able to say "I did the impossible".

Someone will take him thinking that it was United fault and that Ronaldo is still elite level.
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