The Manchester United Club Thread **Sponsored by Comedy Central**

Can’t see him playing for us again, given the stuff that came to light at the time. Would be a bit of a concerning message. Charges dropped doesn’t mean he’s not guilty.
Well, that's going to be an interesting one. You'd imagine the club will still want rid of him based on the videos that did the rounds....but who knows.

Not going to be playing any football this season whatever happens, he's not been training has he?
Almost the worst outcome for United really, now they've got to deal with the problem rather than the courts doing the job for them.

Clearly there's only 1 key witness who could drop out to torpedo the case and why that person would have made that decision will be much debated!
Pretend he doesn't exist. Don't have to play him. Regardless of everything else.

For team moral and everything it comes with, best to not play him at all and cut ties. Personally....

But we can't terminate him so we just have to pay him for 2 years? It's just shocking, the lack of prosecutions in sexual assault cases is so saddening, makes you wonder why anyone comes forward.
Guys, while you're free to discuss the matter try not to be so explicit in these allegations you're making. Adam suggesting Amazon would execute it's workers if they could was bad enough but at least we could pretend that was a joke. We can all use our imaginations as to what may have happened but try not to put anything on the forum that could be libelous.
Tough for United. They will not want any negative association with the brand and may feel it better to cut ties completely.

Has Greenwood trained with the team since January? A year is a long time without first team football and it may take that again to be back to the level required. A loan abroad might be a good move for all.
I don’t know how he can play for Utd or England again. The atmosphere would be horrific. Charges dropped or not, what was on those recordings was unmistakable. Probably best to try and ship him off abroad where life should be a bit easier for him.
And people wonder why women are scared to come forward after being sexually assaulted/raped. He might be innocent in regards to the law but I can't unsee or hear what came out. He is a scummy little ****, I hope ManU have nothing to do with him.
the club is absolutely in between a rock and a hard place, everyone heard the tapes and know the bloke is as guilty as sin, but because charges have been dropped they cant sack him
I don’t know how he can play for Utd or England again. The atmosphere would be horrific. Charges dropped or not, what was on those recordings was unmistakable. Probably best to try and ship him off abroad where life should be a bit easier for him.
Do we have links to those recordings I pretty much missed the whole thing.
Don’t worry found it. Yikes.
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You can't settle a crminial case by paying someone off in the UK, thats an American thing. I assume people are implying that he underhandedly had his ex gf paid off somehow?
You can't settle a crminial case by paying someone off in the UK, thats an American thing. I assume people are implying that he underhandedly had his ex gf paid off somehow?
Not all money is trackable though is it? Who knows who pays who off half time.

Regardless of guilty or not, how he was in the videos etc was disgusting
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