The Manchester United Club Thread **Sponsored by Comedy Central**

Jeez! From Rob speculating something with zero evidence to support it (I'm not saying it hasn't happened but there's no proof that it has either), you have now formed a judgement on the victims father as if it was fact.

edit: and this is why we didn't allow people to comment on the case while it was still live.

I am just going from reporting at the time and that was that her dad wanted her to stay with him. If you had a daughter and her boyfriend had said what he said on video would you release a statement like this?

I've not watched or listened to any recordings and honestly I don't care if he plays or not, it's up to the United management and coaches to decide that.

Regardless of whether he continues to play professional football or not he can hopefully learn from this and become a better person going forward.
I am just going from reporting at the time and that was that her dad wanted her to stay with him. If you had a daughter and her boyfriend had said what he said on video would you release a statement like this?

There's nothing in those quotes that says he wanted her to stay with him and certainly nothing that supports the suggestion that he'd been paid off. As I said, I'm not saying it definitely didn't happen (although I would imagine it's unlikely) but you cannot just leap to conclusions without any evidence and state them as fact as you did.

Although highly likely and a safe assumption, we don't even know that she's the witness that has withdrawn her evidence, let alone the motives as to why. Yes, it's very possible that underhand tactics may have been used to persuade her to withdraw but it's some leap to state as fact that her own father was complicit in it. It's also entirely possible that she's withdrawn her evidence due to public pressure. Whilst it doesn't apply to most sensible people on here, she would have been bombarded with abuse on social media by nameless and faceless idiots. I won't search for them but I can guarantee there are plenty of horrific posts about the girl in question on twitter right now.
I don't think it will be looked at in the same away. Ched had his day in court and was acquitted. With Mason, the CPS simply dropped the charges due to key witnesses withdrawing. Rightly or wrongly, the public aren't going to view it as his name being cleared with the recordings floating about.

Greenwood likely will go on to play professional football after this but I can't see it being at the top level in this country anytime soon.
I've not watched or listened to any recordings and honestly I don't care if he plays or not, it's up to the United management and coaches to decide that.

Regardless of whether he continues to play professional football or not he can hopefully learn from this and become a better person going forward.

If you listened to what he said you might have a different opinion. I'm not saying there is no way back for people who have done heinous things but I'd want to see a lot of contrition from him and years of good work and support of domestic and sexual violence charities.
Oh he will keep playing football no doubt. Hes too good for someone not to take a punt. A huge number of United fans will welcome him back with open arms and a little helping of denial. Plenty of others will be unhappy about it. Nothing we can really do unless all the fans put their foot down on this.

Its very hard because ultimately you cannot decide someones career based on hearsay no matter how compelling or how sure you are of the reality.

Whatever the outcome it will be interesting to see what the club do. As others have said, this might be the worst outcome for the club. No trial. A moral judgement.
If you listened to what he said you might have a different opinion. I'm not saying there is no way back for people who have done heinous things but I'd want to see a lot of contrition from him and years of good work and support of domestic and sexual violence charities.

That would be an admission of guilt so I would be stunned if he does that.
Key witnesses not supporting evidence, is that another term for, stumbled over a pile of cash

Seems odd to say the least - However on the other side - United will just terminate him with a large cash sum.

No way you want anything to do with him, despite not being convicted, the videos themselves are enough to warranty termination.

United will want to swiftly move on from this, currently all appears well in the squad/place, and the last thing ETH will want is bringing someone like that back to training/playing etc.
There's nothing in those quotes that says he wanted her to stay with him and certainly nothing that supports the suggestion that he'd been paid off. As I said, I'm not saying it definitely didn't happen (although I would imagine it's unlikely) but you cannot just leap to conclusions without any evidence and state them as fact as you did.

Although highly likely and a safe assumption, we don't even know that she's the witness that has withdrawn her evidence, let alone the motives as to why. Yes, it's very possible that underhand tactics may have been used to persuade her to withdraw but it's some leap to state as fact that her own father was complicit in it. It's also entirely possible that she's withdrawn her evidence due to public pressure. Whilst it doesn't apply to most sensible people on here, she would have been bombarded with abuse on social media by nameless and faceless idiots. I won't search for them but I can guarantee there are plenty of horrific posts about the girl in question on twitter right now.

I never said he or she was paid off. Just that I could never imagine an amount of money that could pay off my brother if this happened to his daughter. I also know he'd never make a statement like that if he saw a video like that and it was his daughter. A father is supposed to be there for his children, not making a statement about how the alleged rapist was "a member of the family".
That would be an admission of guilt so I would be stunned if he does that.

That video is an admission of guilt imo. Sorry but him being young doesn't mean he gets a pass.

Just had a look on Red Cafe and lots of fans saying get him back in the 1st team asap but glad to see lots saying they never want him anywhere near their club again.
I really don't know how I feel about this. Different stances are in conflict with each other.

From what we hear, the witness they have lost is the girlfriend who is back living with him.
So, apparently she herself has forgiven him. There's a few possibilities here, isn't there?

Maybe, picking out the most positive, the storm has made him realise the horror he was perpetrating on someone he loved. He has had counselling, changed himself, and convinced her he will treat her with respect in future.

Maybe, picking out the least positive, the controlling and coercive behaviour which was one of the charges has continued.

Maybe it's something else entirely.

My dilemma:
The idea of someone being treated so inhumanly by someone that is supposed to love them is horrendous. How can it be cast aside?
But the idea of someone not being able to change, not being able to recognise their mistakes and recover from them, is also horrible to me.

Those two views are incompatible.

What would I like to see happen now?
I'm not sure.
But if he made some sort of public statement, apologising for his actions, talking about how terrible what he did was, urging others to recognise the wrongness of it, talking about how he is working towards rehabilitation and what he has done to apologise to his girlfriend and make her feel safe and secure again...
Would that be enough? It works towards my view that genuine change, growth, improvement should be encouraged and recognised.
I'm not sure even as I write it.

I can't believe he has a future at United, or in British football without something huge of this type. I suspect he hasn't no matter what.

Edit: I have not seen the video, and I will not be searching it out. I could easily credit someone telling me that if I did, my tune would change.
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As a United fan I don't want him anywhere near the club. He might be legally innocent due to lack of realistic chance for conviction, but it sounds like the recordings were very damning (I didn't care to review them).
I understand your sentiment but I think you are taking a rather blinkered view. The key here is that legal proceedings have been dropped and this will not have been done lightly. I have a colleague whose son went through 31/2 years of a shadow cast against him by what was considered by a judge to be a malicious and spurious rape charge which the CPS persisted with until the first day in court when the judge threw it out. I agree we should not be placing any obstacles to victims be they male or female, coming forward after being assaulted or abused but not every case is clear cut. Without the shameful release of the recording (evidence) then we may have a different view on Greenwood's culpability in this matter. The key for me is how he handles himself from now on. I would suggest a degree of contrition and rehabilitation would be appropriate after all he is a very young man who may not have had the best upbringing and had to deal with fame. money and adulation at the age of 18/19. In that respect I have a degree of sympathy for him. The club are in an invidious position and it's probably best all round that they allow him to leave in the summer.

Thats not how the law works whether we agree or not. It's why we have a judicial system that is the template for most of the world and not the court of public opinion.
No mate he’s guilty as sin, here’s a reminder. It’s no wonder so many women and men don’t come forward when sexually assaulted/assaulted/Raped
To play devil's advocate - he's an innocent man.

Yes we all heard the awful recording and he appears to be a nasty piece of work, but that recording alone is not conclusive proof of a crime. The same for the video - it shows injuries, but it doesn't prove who inflicted them. We don't really know what's gone on.

Not sure what the club does now, it's a difficult situation. I can't realistically see him playing for us again, though nothing would surprise me... a number of footballers (and club owners) are unpleasant people.
Please tell me you don’t believe that, the charges getting dropped just proves that money talks and problems walk

I'm saying that is the legal situation, I don't know enough about the case to pass judgement.

Based on the evidence I saw that was posted online, it's quite damning and he appears a terrible person, but it's not conclusive...
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