It's not the court of public opinion, it's the fact that audio was put out there and not once did his team even try to deny it. Do you think if there was a shred of evidence or even doubt from him team, that United would have distanced themselves in 3 milliseconds.
I have no idea why they didn't put out a statement. He will have been advised by lawyers from the get go and I assume they know far better than you or I what the best thing to do is in these cases. As to whether this is the court of public opinion, what about this
isn't the court of public opinion. It hasn't gone to court and we have heard quite literally nothing since the story broke so what inside information have we all been privy to that I am missing.
After all he's not the first player to be accused of attempted rape. But no the apologists like yourself keep telling us we don't have the whole story.
You seem confused. I haven't at any point suggested I think he isn't a scumbag who beats his partner. You can't seem to fathom the idea that the world isn't a simple place where everything is as it appears. The only thing we know for sure is that charges have been dropped. I'm pretty sure I know why and its not for the right reasons but I can't be 100% because I have as little information as you do. We categorically don't have the whole story, if you think we do then I don't know what to say.
If a woman came out of her house screaming that her partner attacked her and she is covered in bruises and blood I assume thats all you would need to see to convict the guy? Slam dunk eh. No possible excuse. No explanation. In most cases you would probably be right. In some cases you wouldn't. Thats why we have courts, judges and jurys.
Go on then enlighten me and give a reason or two for justification of anything he said in that audio clip. Give me some context of your world where what he said was justified and if you think that wasn't him in the clip why it was never denied.
Perhaps that is one or both of their kinks. Who knows. You're so desperate to be on the right side of this and condemn him that you are making the very modern mistake of accusing anyone of not being as extreme as you of being an apologist or a supporter.
The world isn't fair or honest. People get away with horrible things they shouldn't.
Oh and one last time before you decide I am excusing him, I'm not, I think hes guilty.