The Manchester United Club Thread **Sponsored by Comedy Central**

That's it's, money and morals, we didn't even drop Joelinton for drink driving which I didn't agree with. He got a fine, which he won't even notice over the term of his contract. Drink driving can have serious consequences........ There are just no morals anymore and it's all because of money.

Doesn't really matter what anyone thinks now, the witness is gone, the case is dropped and you can't prove what's gone on. It's down to the club to deal with it how they see fit. Imo I think he may be loaned out for a season(abroad) and the dust settles, see how he comes back into football. You may yet see him in a United shirt again.
I can't imagine he'll play for Utd again and not because they're going to take a moral stand. We saw Utd resigned Ronaldo despite a large cloud hanging over his head following football leaks exposing the fact that he had paid off a woman that alleged that he raped her and leaked documents where Ronaldo confirmed to his own solicitors that this woman repeatedly told him no and to stop. That story had pretty much run its course by the time Utd came to resigning him and Utd determined that there wasn't going to be sufficient negative publicity to damage them. This situation is far too fresh in people's minds and probably the key difference between this and pretty much every other issue in the past is the whole world heard the evidence and got to see the alleged victim making her allegations. There will be a media and public **** storm if Greenwood were to play for Utd or any PL side in the next couple of years.

Man Utd are in the middle of trying to find new investors and or owners, plus looking to sign a new front of shirt sponsorship deal. I'd be amazed if Utd don't do anything they can to distance themselves from Greenwood because no new investors and sponsors will want to be associated with him due to the public reaction.
This is Uniteds problem, if it was just 1 persons word against another and no evidence in the public domain as has been the case with other players in the past/present then as the case has been dropped the club could claim plausible deniability and get away with bringing him back into the fold eventually.

But here the evidence has been out there in full audio and visual form for all to see (whether this evidence tells the full story or not) and form their own judgement. Even attempting to bring him back will cause an absolute media circus which I doubt the club want to deal with.

That's without the whole issue of him not playing football for over a year and whatever mental/physical state he's in. He might never be the same player again.
Wouldn't be surprised to see him loaned/sold to a team in a country where people aren't generally as bothered by these sorts of things
But here the evidence has been out there in full audio and visual form for all to see (whether this evidence tells the full story or not) and form their own judgement. Even attempting to bring him back will cause an absolute media circus which I doubt the club want to deal with.

This will be the killer. The court of public opinion will be strong on this one and even people who have zero interest in football will weigh in. If he played for United again now the media would create mayhem whereas with the likes of the Mendy case I would imagine that barely anything will be said and the average person won't even know the name.
This will be the killer. The court of public opinion will be strong on this one and even people who have zero interest in football will weigh in. If he played for United again now the media would create mayhem whereas with the likes of the Mendy case I would imagine that barely anything will be said and the average person won't even know the name.

It's not the court of public opinion, it's the fact that audio was put out there and not once did his team even try to deny it. Do you think if there was a shred of evidence or even doubt from him team, that United would have distanced themselves in 3 milliseconds. After all he's not the first player to be accused of attempted rape. But no the apologists like yourself keep telling us we don't have the whole story.

Go on then enlighten me and give a reason or two for justification of anything he said in that audio clip. Give me some context of your world where what he said was justified and if you think that wasn't him in the clip why it was never denied.

There lies the problem and a lot of clubs including United have very little morals these days.

It's not the club, it's the fans. If they fan protested this **** coming back to play he would be gone. Same with Suarez. If the Man U fans make their voices heard this guy won't be allowed anywhere near the club again.
It's not the club, it's the fans. If they fan protested this **** coming back to play he would be gone. Same with Suarez. If the Man U fans make their voices heard this guy won't be allowed anywhere near the club again.
What if the guy did do what he’s accused of doing and because of the aftermath he has realised what he did was wrong. What if this has scared him enough that he will never do anything like this again, ever.
It's not the court of public opinion, it's the fact that audio was put out there and not once did his team even try to deny it. Do you think if there was a shred of evidence or even doubt from him team, that United would have distanced themselves in 3 milliseconds.

I have no idea why they didn't put out a statement. He will have been advised by lawyers from the get go and I assume they know far better than you or I what the best thing to do is in these cases. As to whether this is the court of public opinion, what about this isn't the court of public opinion. It hasn't gone to court and we have heard quite literally nothing since the story broke so what inside information have we all been privy to that I am missing.

After all he's not the first player to be accused of attempted rape. But no the apologists like yourself keep telling us we don't have the whole story.

You seem confused. I haven't at any point suggested I think he isn't a scumbag who beats his partner. You can't seem to fathom the idea that the world isn't a simple place where everything is as it appears. The only thing we know for sure is that charges have been dropped. I'm pretty sure I know why and its not for the right reasons but I can't be 100% because I have as little information as you do. We categorically don't have the whole story, if you think we do then I don't know what to say.

If a woman came out of her house screaming that her partner attacked her and she is covered in bruises and blood I assume thats all you would need to see to convict the guy? Slam dunk eh. No possible excuse. No explanation. In most cases you would probably be right. In some cases you wouldn't. Thats why we have courts, judges and jurys.

Go on then enlighten me and give a reason or two for justification of anything he said in that audio clip. Give me some context of your world where what he said was justified and if you think that wasn't him in the clip why it was never denied.

Perhaps that is one or both of their kinks. Who knows. You're so desperate to be on the right side of this and condemn him that you are making the very modern mistake of accusing anyone of not being as extreme as you of being an apologist or a supporter.

The world isn't fair or honest. People get away with horrible things they shouldn't.

Oh and one last time before you decide I am excusing him, I'm not, I think hes guilty.
He will have been advised by lawyers from the get go and I assume they know far better than you or I what the best thing to do is in these cases.

So just about anyone else in the public eye has had crap representation compared to Mason Greenwood. No talk about clearing his name, that he'd been set up or the audio wasn't him. Nothing, the sponsors distanced himself and so did the club. The club didn't even give out the usual statement of being behind the player until the truth came out.
If a woman came out of her house screaming that her partner attacked her and she is covered in bruises and blood I assume thats all you would need to see to convict the guy? Slam dunk eh. No possible excuse. No explanation.

That's a completely different scenario to what we heard and again wasn't denied. If I heard audio of him beating her and telling her she was going to get a beating whether she liked it or not. Yeah you're right I probably would presume guilt.
What if the guy did do what he’s accused of doing and because of the aftermath he has realised what he did was wrong. What if this has scared him enough that he will never do anything like this again, ever.

He'd have to do a lot. I'd want to see that he had spent the last year in therapy for his clear anger and controlling issues. He'd have to donate a huge chuck of money to charities that help victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault, I mean like a chunk of money that means he's driving around in a 5 year old Ford Kia as that is all he can afford. And a pledge to work with those charities going forward publically. Basically proof he knows what he did was heinous, that he's genuinely sorry and has worked to change himself and will support organisations that help victims of people like him going forward. If he did all that I could support him playing football again and I'd respect the man he had become. I won't hold my breath though.
He'd have to do a lot. I'd want to see that he had spent the last year in therapy for his clear anger and controlling issues. He'd have to donate a huge chuck of money to charities that help victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault, I mean like a chunk of money that means he's driving around in a 5 year old Ford Kia as that is all he can afford. And a pledge to work with those charities going forward publically. Basically proof he knows what he did was heinous, that he's genuinely sorry and has worked to change himself and will support organisations that help victims of people like him going forward. If he did all that I could support him playing football again and I'd respect the man he had become. I won't hold my breath though.
I’m not trying to excuse what’s he done if he’s done it but it doesn’t mean he needs to be ostracised from society. I’ve done stupid things, maybe even worse and made plenty of mistakes, so have others. Everyone deserves a second chance and if you don’t learn the lesson you should be learning then so be it.

Either way it won’t be up to me so whatever happens, happens.
I’m not trying to excuse what’s he done if he’s done it but it doesn’t mean he needs to be ostracised from society. I’ve done stupid things, maybe even worse and made plenty of mistakes, so have others. Everyone deserves a second chance and if you don’t learn the lesson you should be learning then so be it.

Either way it won’t be up to me so whatever happens, happens.
Erm yes if he has done it, of which he sounds about as guilty as it can get, it absolutely does mean he has to be ostracised from society...are you serious?
I’m not trying to excuse what’s he done if he’s done it but it doesn’t mean he needs to be ostracised from society. I’ve done stupid things, maybe even worse and made plenty of mistakes, so have others. Everyone deserves a second chance and if you don’t learn the lesson you should be learning then so be it.

Either way it won’t be up to me so whatever happens, happens.

If you were raping your partner you'd fully deserve to be ostracised from society. And you'd rightly need to work damned hard to come back from that.
I’m not trying to excuse what’s he done if he’s done it but it doesn’t mean he needs to be ostracised from society. I’ve done stupid things, maybe even worse and made plenty of mistakes, so have others. Everyone deserves a second chance and if you don’t learn the lesson you should be learning then so be it.
Wow, I presume you don’t have a son/daughter, as no parent alive would think a rapist deserves a second chance.
If someone says NO and the other person carries on regardless, no matter how try to spin it, it’s Rape

Wow, I presume you don’t have a son/daughter, as no parent alive would think a rapist deserves a second chance.
I think you are getting away from the point. Mason Greenwood was charged with attempted rape, not rape. Ergo regardless of your viewpoint he did not rape the alleged victim. The charge was dropped as the CPS decided a conviction was unlikely. Whether or fellow Daily Mail readers think he's guilty or not is irrelevant. He is innocent and as such deserves a chance to atone for anything he may have done .
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