The Manchester United Club Thread **Sponsored by Comedy Central**

I'd agree if it wasn't for the video, that is damning evidence and there is just no explaining it away. No he hasn't been convicted in a court so he can't be punished by the state but that doesn't mean the public give him a pass and can you imagine any sponsor wanting him near their name and product now? I would imagine ManU will be speaking to their sponsors and monitoring social media closely before making any decisions.

What video? The one of her injuries? There is no evidence he caused them. The audio clip is far worse but there could be context around it we don't know about.

These cases are always very complex, the fact they are apparently back together is proof of that. It could indeed be that she's being manipulated (as many abused people are), but it's impossible to say without knowing more information.
The problem is, you cannot be 100%. You may think you know the facts but you don't, you are speculating. For all we know she is very violent towards him as well. Maybe she threatened him with a knife. Domestic abuse is a horrible thing but one thing it is not in many cases is simple. They clearly have what the kids today would call a toxic relationship. My views on the matter are pretty simple and I don't think I want him playing at United.

In my eyes there is almost never a situation that isn't disgusting that leave someone with the injuries she showed and the audio is horrible. If she is violent too then he should have walked away from that relationship before it got to this point.

The clubs position isn't anything like as simple as we would all like to imagine. They can't cancel his contract and they have a very valuable asset that could go one of two ways. I would be amazed if he doesn't still play football at the top level again very soon. Where that is is another matter.
Look you don’t know the lad on a personal basis to know if he’s a horrible person. It’s just audio even if it does sound like we think it sounds.

I had a mate who was accused of beating his misses, the girl released a audio clip of an incident, it didn’t sound great but it certainly did contain enough of anything to make a conclusive judgement.

Everyone has done something wrong on some level or another, I know we have a forum full of saints but this is an anomaly. The guy deserves a chance to show he’s not what everyone thinks he is. If United sack him then fine whatever but if they don’t then fine but let this be a lesson to you.

How can you listen to that and come to that conclusion? Your mate has nothing to do with this.
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What video? The one of her injuries? There is no evidence he caused them. The audio clip is far worse but there could be context around it we don't know about.

These cases are always very complex, the fact they are apparently back together is proof of that. It could indeed be that she's being manipulated (as many abused people are), but it's impossible to say without knowing more information.

Sorry yeah it was audio, its been a year and I for some reason thought it was video, the video was the injuries.

She won't be the last person to go back to an abusive partner.
How can you listen to that and come to that conclusion? Your mate has nothing to do with this.
I haven’t come to any conclusion if you read the first bit I said it doesn’t sound good. Hearing and seeing are different though.

Another example. My dad wasn’t a very nice person to my mum. He beat her physically and mentally. However I don’t hate or think he’s a terrible person. He was young, he was an absolute **** and he made plenty of mistakes. I certainly don’t hate him neither does my mum.
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How can you listen to that and come to that conclusion? Your mate has nothing to do with this.

His point is that you have no idea what happens behind closed doors and its very easy to have very strong moralistic views on events that you know very little about. People are into all sorts of strange kinks. This is why we have to rely on the parties involved to tell their sides of the story so that a judge and jury can pass judgement with some level of accuracy.

Yes she was probably "talked around" either by money or the promise of the lifestyle he can give her or simply by the fact she does love him. Unless she decides to share more information with the world we simply won't know.
It doesn't matter what goes on behind closed doors. He was threatening rape and she quite clearly stated she didn't want sex. If it was a fake clip or not him do you think this would have gone on this long? He probably has to suffer being with her for a year or so before he can dump her and move on. Then it doesn't matter what she says, on one will believe her.
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It doesn't matter what goes on behind closed doors. He was threatening rape and she quite clearly stated she didn't want sex. If it was a fake clip or not him do you think this would have gone on this long? He probably has to suffer being with her for a year or so before he can dump her and move on. Then it doesn't matter what she says, on one will believe her.

Again, complete speculation and not how the courts and the legal system work. You do not have to be willing to testify, take part or get involved in a case like this if you don't want to. The young woman involved in this could have said from day one that she has no interest in taking this further and wants to retract any statement she made. If the police wish to pursue it, they can. Its just bloody hard to get a conviction.

What do you think would have happened if she would have retracted her accusation a few days after it happened and the police had immediately said "sorry folks, thats it". There would have been a witch hunt. They would have been hauled over the coals. They get enough flak as it is whenever a rape or sexual assault case doesn't result in a conviction.

As many people on twitter don't seem to understand, the CPS won't take a case to court unless they think there is a good chance of winning it. Its costly, traumatic for those involved and there is usually 0 point when there is little chance of conviction. Its not a conspiracy. Rich man hasn't paid off the police or the justice system. This is just a run of the mill case where the people involved were not willing to testify and go to court and the police couldn't find enough evidence to prosecute without them.

As to the authenticity of the clip, thats irrelevant. If both of them turn around and say "this was consensual sex and extreme roleplay between two adults" what would you like the police to do. They can choose not to believe it but they need some proof. They can try and convince the woman to change her mind but if she won't they are stuck.
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Good sense from @Robbo and @fez.
I just hope the lad gets the help and support he needs to come through this and the case isn't' used as a vehicle to exemplify any shortcomings in the legal system approach to supporting victims of rape, assault or domestic abuse. I also hope the clubs take some responsibility for ensuring these young men aren't just coached on footballing matters.
Again, complete speculation and not how the courts and the legal system work. You do not have to be willing to testify, take part or get involved in a case like this if you don't want to. The young woman involved in this could have said from day one that she has no interest in taking this further and wants to retract any statement she made. If the police wish to pursue it, they can. Its just bloody hard to get a conviction.

What do you think would have happened if she would have retracted her accusation a few days after it happened and the police had immediately said "sorry folks, thats it". There would have been a witch hunt. They would have been hauled over the coals. They get enough flak as it is whenever a rape or sexual assault case doesn't result in a conviction.

As many people on twitter don't seem to understand, the CPS won't take a case to court unless they think there is a good chance of winning it. Its costly, traumatic for those involved and there is usually 0 point when there is little chance of conviction. Its not a conspiracy. Rich man hasn't paid off the police or the justice system. This is just a run of the mill case where the people involved were not willing to testify and go to court and the police couldn't find enough evidence to prosecute without them.

As to the authenticity of the clip, thats irrelevant. If both of them turn around and say "this was consensual sex and extreme roleplay between two adults" what would you like the police to do. They can choose not to believe it but they need some proof. They can try and convince the woman to change her mind but if she won't they are stuck.

Don’t know why you felt the need to type all that or how that changes anything or anything I didn’t already know. If she changes her tune there’s almost nothing the CPS can do granted. But that doesn’t change what happened. If the club and fans welcome him back and celebrate his goals then equally as scummy. But we see this all the time how far supporters will go to justify their scum bag.
But that doesn’t change what happened
We don’t know what happened. We’d need full, honest disclosure of the events leading up to and after the audio.
The audio and pics aren’t enough to know what happened. We can guess though.

My own guess/speculation, he’s a scum bag, complete and utter scum bag and should never set foot in OT again. But that’s just my gut feeling from the audio.
Was he suspended with pay? Presumably not, now they'll have to start paying him.
Can't see him playing again this season. Probably train with the youth squad then farm him out on loan low key somewhere next season once this all blows over until his contract expires would be my guess.

Is he really that good? Is he still going to be after 12 months out with the stress of a very likely jail sentence hanging over him? How are his potential team mates going to react? How's he going to handle the trips to Anfield or Elland rd? Interested to see how the club handles it, they are wise to keep schtum for now.
Was he suspended with pay? Presumably not, now they'll have to start paying him.
Can't see him playing again this season. Probably train with the youth squad then farm him out on loan low key somewhere next season once this all blows over until his contract expires would be my guess.

Is he really that good? Is he still going to be after 12 months out with the stress of a very likely jail sentence hanging over him? How are his potential team mates going to react? How's he going to handle the trips to Anfield or Elland rd? Interested to see how the club handles it, they are wise to keep schtum for now.
Agree the club are doing the right thing in taking time to assess the next step. It is a really awkward situation for them if it had gone to trial they would have had a verdict to back up any decision they make now they can’t sack him as he wins a wrongful dismissal case every time. Do they have a few choices re-integrate him into the team (might not go down well in the media and with sponsors etc) pay him off in full for his contract and part ways or let him sit out his contract at home. Will be interesting to see which way it goes, I was sure he was facing significant jail time and the end of his career but even without a conviction it could end his career.
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Don’t know why you felt the need to type all that or how that changes anything or anything I didn’t already know.

Because you seem adamant that you can be 100% sure of what happened and the context...which you can't. You also seemed happy enough to decide how he would then dump her a year after he has been cleared.
Hearing that audio clip was enough for me, find him some help and support to better himself but I wouldn't want to be associated with an attitude like that.
It’s important people realise he needs a chance to better himself. Let’s hope this was that catalyst.
Suarez still played even though he was a racist and horrible being biting people but outside Messi/Ronaldo he has most likely been the best player of the last 10 years.

Stan Collymore was a wife beater but before social media, Gazza, Maradona etc were all at it. Tony Adams an English legend went to prison for drink driving. They were singing who's gonna drive you home from the stands. The list goes on.

If he was Phil Jones he would have been hooked but he has the potential to be a generational talent. There lies the problem and a lot of clubs including United have very little morals these days.
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