All this pointing at Martial (as an indicator for the clubs problems) need to look at Rashford, far less injury prone and yet has similar stats. I keep saying this Rashford is the true indicator of the clubs problems... Held onto for marketability not impact. The club is so scared of calling it quits on their prodigies that they've not only held onto them when they've been woeful, they've given him a pay rise. He's always been crap, he always will be crap (said this 4 years ago). He doesn't have a football brain, it's been clear as day.
£350k a week, locked in... It's Maguire but far worse and has been there this entire time. I don't like Ole but he called it out, unfortunately the club demands that it's stars play because there's no return on investment from putting them on the bench, he told Rojo this.
I'd bet everything that ETH knows Rashford is trash, but there's nothing he can do when he's had to fight Ronaldo (500k a week), Maguire (190k) and now currently Sancho (350k). He can't suddenly just rip everyone out, player value would drop and then united are even more screwed. He has to phase them all out. And he's doing that all whilst trying to get a tune out of them to perform so we can league/CL revenue etc.
Their performances to me look like a mix of knowing they're not good enough, that they'll eventually be replaced, job/wage security is at risk and they're getting booed every week. I feel for them, it's not their fault, they were blissfully pumped up by a ridiculous football decisions. Woodward, Fletch, all of the people who have recruited the wrong player mentality and chucked big contracts at them to then watch them flounder as they don't have the ability or mentality to really perform.
You can do a similar breakdown for every player in this squad before ETH joined, and point at them and realise they're not good enough, paid too much, given too much responsibility etc. But the club invested in them so they've just bee doubling down on it for years and years. Every player that comes in under ETH (may or may not be good enough) but they're witnessing absolute ineptitude from their colleagues, and yet they're still being paid. it's hard to judge them, they've just been dropped into chaos and asked to perform.
It's a ****show situation and ETH is hamstrung until he can phase out the full squad.