I've tried the Geo F Trumper shaving creams and liked them.. but wanting to try something else (mainly the Almond DRHarris shaving soap) and Mankind never having it in stock I picked up this:
WOW! Does it give me a smooth shave! Leaves a kind of film/layer behind after rinsing. The smell is somewhat amazing too.
Any one got any reccomondations for a cheap stand?
had my 4th shave with me EJ DE89L, trying out different blades, i opted for a Feather blade this time
had a hot shower and off i went with 3 pass shave
after 2nd pass i had no cuts, was unreal lol, but on the 3rd pas (against the growth) i shredded my upper lip. not sure if its my technique that im using or that are is just sensitive but will be more careful next time.
so far ive tried, Astra, Derby, Wilkinson and Feather. think Feather is on top at the moment.
love the proraso post shave balm - awesome when the menthol kicks in
thinking of trying a different shaving cream, seen this one: http://www.shaving-shack.com/proraso-shaving-cream-jar-150ml.html
currently use https://www.shaving-shack.com/jermyn-street-collection-shaving-cream-for-sensitive-skin-150g.html
Got to agree, I prefer the feather blades, nice smooth shave. As for your lip, do you go up the face or across it? I watched a good video on YouTube, will try find it.
hi mate,
this is what i do:
1st pass down face
2nd pass across
3rd up face
its the 3rd pass that shreds my skin lol, although it feels super clean after though
and i don't press hard any more
Hi Guys
Well I stumbled on this thread and after shaving with some cheap (expensive blade) Gillette rubbish for years thought I would treat myself with my birthday funds so planning on ordering the below, need some nice blades though? And is a brush that necessary, if so a could someone recommend one with a nice stand, thanks
So far I have chosen:
Razer - http://www.shaving-shack.com/edwin-jagger-double-edge-razor-de89l_plus-5-derby-de-blades.html
Cream/Foam - http://www.shaving-shack.com/proraso-shaving-cream-jar-150ml.html#rating
Styptic Pencil - https://www.shaving-shack.com/styptic_pencil.html#rating
Maybe this brush - https://www.shaving-shack.com/shaving-shack-buccaneer_pure-badger-shaving-brush.html#rating
If someone could point out a good brush stand and blades please
Have fond memories of my dad using these so it's about time I went old school and showed my 5 and 6 year old boys the same tools ....