The Manly Shaving Thread

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Decided to hop on the proper shaving bandwagon for xmas.

Palmolive stick and styptic pencil are dirt cheap so I'll put more money into the razor and brush. Thinking of a Muhle R89 Grande as I like the handle better than Edwin Jagger, no idea which brush though... a lot of the links for recommendations are down grr.

Will get one of those blade sample packs too.
A couple of weeks ago I bought three shaving soaps from Mike's Natural Soaps. The Barbershop and the Coconut are absolutely amazing, I can't recommend them highly enough - My bathroom smelt of coconut for hours after I'd shaved and it even persisted after my daughter had a bath!

I didn't like the Bay Rum though and I'm giving that away via the B&B forum.

Come the new year, I'll be buying some more of these, they perform as well as they smell.

A dedicated shaving forum, now that's just too much! :p
Right I've got £60 to spend for christmas from the wife.

Need :

New DE Razor - probably EJ
Cheapest badger brush
Shaving cream
Moisturiser/balm for afterwards
I'll be buying a sample pack of blades

What would you recommend all recommend? I have pretty sensitive skin so anything aimed at sensitive skin would be good :)
This is what I'd go for:

Muhle R89 (
Nice razor, not too aggressive, not too mild. Looks great and the build quality is better than Merkur in my opinion.

Vulfix 660 brush (
Great little brush, what I started with and even though I have others now I still use it

Blade sample pack (
Some great blades in this pack. I like the Astra SP and Gillette 7 o'clock. This is probably the biggest variable and it's important to find a blade that suits you. Sample packs are a great way of doing this.

Soap/cream, there's loads to choose from. Proraso is great, and often highly recommended (

I'd get an aftershave balm too, I use Nivea Replenishing balm, you can get this everywhere.

Watch some tutorial videos too.

This kind of set-up has improved my shave immensely. Hope this helps.

Quoting myself, but this is what I'd go for. Although the Vulfix 660s might be a better brush to go for rather than the 660.
Nanny's is another artisan soap marker worth trying.
Curse you! :D

Scotch pine with a new label? Nice, wonder how it performs?

Nanny's pots are a bit too narrow/small for me, it takes too long to load the brush :p Mine went straight into a nice wide bowl. :)


The 'Italian soft soap' lathering technique works really well for thick and effective lather.
I've also got the 'whipped' Tea Tree and Aloe Vera but for some reason it doesn't seem to perform as well. Artisan soaps can be hit and miss depending on batch.
Ahh yes, Marco's method. I've used that to great effect with Mike's soaps.

I'll try Nanny's Scotch Pine this weekend and report back - I think you're right about the size of the pot though, I have one Ikea tin left so might move it over into that. I assume that because it's a soft soap, I can just scrape it out and move it?
i ordered a few more bits yesterday

- Merkur 37c HD Slant (not tried a slant yet)
- Fatip Piccolo (not tried an open comb yet)
- Proraso Menthol Aftershave lotion (Awesome aftershave my current one is running low)
- Speick Aftershave Lotion (not tried yet, but meant to be very good)
- Proraso Blue Cream (not tried, i normally use soaps)
- Sal alum stick (for deodorant, better shape than a normal block)
Scotch pine with a new label? Nice, wonder how it performs?

Nanny's pots are a bit too narrow/small for me, it takes too long to load the brush :p Mine went straight into a nice wide bowl. :)

The 'Italian soft soap' lathering technique works really well for thick and effective lather.
I've also got the 'whipped' Tea Tree and Aloe Vera but for some reason it doesn't seem to perform as well. Artisan soaps can be hit and miss depending on batch.

I just tried this method for making lather and it was amazing. Previously I have been shaking off the excess water and my lathers have been rubbish! This was prob my 5th shave with a DE razor and it went a lot better ! (Could have been the derby blades tho) more experimentation needed! Grow faster beard !!
If you want to practise making lather then I'm told that a good way to do it without feeling as though you're wasting it is to shave with no blade in the razor! That way you get the lather making practise and you can also work on getting your angle right but with no risk of any cuts or nicks.
I've given a (fairly big) hint I would like a merkur razor for christmas as I've been using a boots razor and their own brand of blades with some decent results and I much prefer this type of shaving to mach 3's etc - just as good if not better and costs less as well. Which blades would people reccomend using?
Are there any high street stores that sell the decent shaving stuff? Or is it all online?

Thinking about a brush, stand & soap/cream at the moment.
M&S sell I Coloniali, TK Maxx if your lucky and err Waitrose maybe?

I've given a (fairly big) hint I would like a merkur razor for christmas as I've been using a boots razor and their own brand of blades with some decent results and I much prefer this type of shaving to mach 3's etc - just as good if not better and costs less as well. Which blades would people reccomend using?

It depends on the Razor, your face and technique. Get a sample pack and try a a few out!
I think Taylors in Bond street sell blades (no, not that one... a tobacconist in North Laine :p) They might have a few to choose from if you want them for Christmas.

Oh and the 'boots own' blades are re-branded Personna super stainless, they're made in Israel and are very good :) You can get them at ASDA for £1.89 btw >>
most supermarkets sell palmolive soap sticks and cream, very cheap and good stuff along with personna blades.

Boots sell Tabac soap and sticks, very nice stuff performance wise, smells a bit weird though. Overpriced compared with online

Boots own brand soaps as well.

I think i've read house of fraser sell TOBS creams and Kent brushes?

My favourite blades are :-

Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (Indian Blacks)
Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp edge (Russian Yellows)
Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Stainless (Russian Greens)
Gillette Super Thin (new improved stainless)
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