I've got a few vintage razors, a Slim Adjustable, 40s Style Superspeed, Tech, Long Comb New, Aristocrat Junior and #15 Aristocrat (all Gillette). I find them all great. They offer different shaves. The Superspeed and the Tech are very mild, the Aristocrat Jr. and the #15 Aristocrat are fairly aggressive, the Long Comb New is somewhere in the middle. The Slim Adjustable can range from very mild to very aggressive.
The good thing about the adjustable is that you can dial it to exactly the level you want and change that level depending on your mood or how long it's been since your last shave. I tend to adjust my adjustable during the shave. I start off on a 5 and dial it up to a 7 for the last pass. Some people do it the other way round and dial down, others leave it where it is.
Whilst I'm here, I also have a number of vintage single edge razors. An Ever Ready Streamline, a GEM Open Comb Micromatic and a GEM Clog-Pruf. These are also excellent shavers, plus the advantage with the GEMs is that they're cheap. I got both of mine for £10. (The Streamline was NOT cheap!)
edit: I think I might have too many razors!