Finally decided to buy a Merkur 34c yesterday and some kit except everywhere is sold out, I blame this thread !
Got a few of them to e-mail me when back in stock.
nkdman has the gold one in stock. Personally though I think it looks ugly.
Finally decided to buy a Merkur 34c yesterday and some kit except everywhere is sold out, I blame this thread !
Got a few of them to e-mail me when back in stock.
Just received some of the wool fat shaving soap and I really like it. Lovely soft lather and works really well.
Same here. This is much better than the other soaps creams that I have tried. It was quite easy to lather too.
well so far my manly shaving is a disaster.
my skin just cant take it, DE89 with a couple of different blades, some decent foam which i got very foamy and some good moisturizer. got a fair few cuts, then a rash and then half of my face flaked away.
Method? warm face with hot water. Apply lathery foam, down stroke, across stroke the first time. Shave was ok, probably about as close as my electric razor
Did this shave a few more times still had plenty of nicks etc.
I then did a gentle upward stroke after the down and across stroke, and boy did it just make a mess. I need to look clean and sharp for work and this was anything but, I then suffered again with a malting face.
Both times i finished with a Alum Block or as i like to call it, the stingy block
not for me?
Cream is Taylors of old street for sensitive skin
Moisturizer is the same
Brush is a Edwin Jagger
Blades used are Asta SP's and SS's.
to be brutally honest guys this method unless you dont mind spending 20 minutes in a morning raping your face with a razor and loads of water and mess and different creams and alum blocks and accessories. the mach 3 works fine for a busy man with a hectic lifestyle.
i cant see all the fuss to be honest, the bloody brush made from badger hair WTF? ya dont need cream or a brush or a bowl and a fancy expensive german piece of metal that takes 5 attempts across your full face to do a good job. when ya can use a cheap tin of gel and a mach 3 in 2 minutes.
its an over rated farce that belongs in the past.